why cold homes and energy use are issues for health and

Why cold homes and energy use are issues for health and care systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Why cold homes and energy use are issues for health and care systems and society systemsand society. Dr David Pencheon. NHS England / Public Health England: NHS E l d / P bli H lth E l d Sustainable Development Unit PHE / CSE Bristol 23 rd

  1. Why cold homes and energy use are issues for health and care systems and society systems…and society. Dr David Pencheon. NHS England / Public Health England: NHS E l d / P bli H lth E l d Sustainable Development Unit PHE / CSE Bristol 23 rd Sept 2015 PHE / CSE Bristol 23 Sept 2015 www.sduhealth.org.uk Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system

  2. S Sustainable development i bl d l How do we meet the needs and develop the assets of people/communities now… / …without compromising the ability of ith t i i th bilit f others, in the future (or elsewhere now) , ( ) to meet their own needs, and to live a life of comparable quality and value? of comparable quality and value? www.sduhealth.org.uk Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system

  3. Health Map 2006 Health Map. 2006 Barton and Grant Based on Dahlgren and Dahlgren and Whitehead 1991

  4. www sduhealth org uk/sds www.sduhealth.org.uk/sds www.sduhealth.org.uk Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system

  5. “Sustainable, resilient, healthy, ili h l h Reduce the places and people” negatives negatives NHS England and PHE, Jan 2015 , Enable the positives

  6. Action that have win ‐ wins “co ‐ benefits”: ‐ for immediate health benefit ‐ for longer term health benefit for longer term health benefit • Direct benefits for human health, wellbeing, resilience, and equity – Better homes, better transport systems, more physical activity, better diet, less road trauma, improved air quality, less obesity/heart disease/cancer, less preventable ill health/more prevention less inequality, improved mental health (see notes) , stronger more inequality improved mental health (see notes) stronger more cohesive, resilient, local communities... • Direct benefits for the health and care system: – More prevention, care closer to home, more empowered / self care, More prevention care closer to home more empowered / self care better use of drugs, better use of information and IT, fewer unnecessary admissions, less travel, better models of care… www.sduhealth.org.uk Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system

  7. Wh t What causes health and fairness? h lth d f i ? 4 Areas 12 Themes A H A. Housing and place. i d l 1. Housing / energy / fuel poverty 1 H i / / f l t 2. Planning places with people 3. Natural environment, green spaces, air quality 4. Transport, access, and active travel 5. Food and water B. Jobs and Skills. 6. Jobs, local economy / prosperity 7. Education, training, skills C. Family, friends and C. Family, friends and 8. Asset based community development, Faith 8. Asset based community development, Faith community Groups; Social capital / cohesion / isolation; 9. Inequalities, resilience, adaptation, extreme weather events weather events D. Services 10. Social/health care – prevention / outcomes 11. Commissioning 12. Procurement and waste reduction www.sduhealth.org.uk Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system

  8. The role of eliminating fuel poverty in ensuring good health and wellbeing g g g Less energy wasted, fewer emissions, less air pollution Environmental sustainability: Living within planetary limits More local jobs; more More resilient to More resilient to S Sustainable t i bl disposable disposable cold weather, income kept in Health and fewer deaths, the local Social Economic wellbeing wellbeing fewer economy; economy; sustainability: i bili sustainability: admissions, improved Healthy and Fair and more social infrastructure resilient people sustainable capital, less and and and housing and housing economic economic money wasted communities stock system on fuel by those who can least afford it. www.sduhealth.org.uk Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system

  9. Healthy Returns infographic Healthy Returns infographic An early example of putting fi figures on: ‐ money saved ‐ environmental harm reduced environmental harm reduced, ‐ health improved…. www.sduhealth.org.uk/ infographic infographic www.sduhealth.org.uk Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system

  10. Fuel Poverty & Health Toolkit: Search: UK Health Forum Fuel Poverty Search: UK Health Forum Fuel Poverty Fuel Poverty: Improving health and wellbeing through action on affordable warmth affordable warmth A guide for public health professionals, health and wellbeing boards and local authorities in England. ‐ a tool for directors of public health and their teams, health and wellbeing boards, and colleagues across local authorities who want to start, extend , or improve their work on fuel poverty. Download the full guide Download the full guide Download the executive summary Download the guide for primary care

  11. Benefits of good housing to health and the health service • NHS Alliance: “Housing for Health” • PHE/IHE: Fuel poverty and cold home ‐ related health problems • Liverpool : Healthy Homes Programme • Bristol : Preventing Illness by Tackling Cold Homes in Bristol www.sduhealth.org.uk Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system

  12. Marmot: Fair Society, Healthy Lives 1. “Tackling health inequalities means tackling climate change – locally and globally” g y g y 2. Understanding that economic growth is not the most important measure of our country’s success. 3. Prioritising policies and interventions that reduce both health inequalities and mitigate climate change: i. sustainable and resilient local communities ii. active transport iii iii. sustainable food production sustainable food production iv. good quality green spaces across the social gradient v. zero ‐ carbon housing will have health benefits for all” g f f www.sduhealth.org.uk Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system

  13. Public Health Outcomes Framework • http://www.phoutcomes.info/ • 6 examples of sustainable development indicators p p – 1.17 Fuel Poverty – 1.18 – Social isolation – 2.13 ‐ Proportion of physically active and inactive adults – 3.01 ‐ Fraction of mortality attributable to particulate air pollution (see notes) – 3.06 ‐ NHS organisations with a board approved sustainable development management plan sustainable development management plan – 4.15 ‐ Excess Winter Deaths www.sduhealth.org.uk Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system

  14. www.sduhealth.org.uk Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system

  15. Q Question for the audience i f h di What is the single best indicator to show collective action is working on this issue at a g city level ‐ that would engage charities, local council health and housing teams energy council health and housing teams, energy companies, the Department for Energy and Cli Climate Change, local NHS trusts, PHE and the t Ch l l NHS t t PHE d th academics sector? www.sduhealth.org.uk Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system

  16. More information: More information: D David Pencheon id P h Sustainable Development Unit (SDU) for NHS / PHE T: 0113 825 3220 M: 07900 715184 E: david.pencheon@nhs.net W: www.sduhealth.org.uk B: BMJ Blogs / carbon t: @pencheon1, @sduhealth p Victoria House, Capital Park, Fulbourn, Cambridge, CB21 5XB www.sduhealth.org.uk Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system


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