The Cold Weather Plan – The Cold Weather Plan update for this winter p Preventing Illness by Tackling Cold Homes Preventing Illness by Tackling Cold Homes 23 rd Sept 2015 Dr Angie Bone – Extreme Events and Health Protection
Cold Weather and Cold Weather and Mortality • More people die during the winter than at other times of the year • C Complex causes l • Average number of ‘excess’ winter deaths in England around 25,000 g
Excess Winter Mortality Excess Winter Mortality
Cold Weather and Health Cold Weather and Health
The health effects of cold weather The health effects of cold weather
The cold weather alert system The cold weather alert system The Cold Weather Plan – an Overview
Cascade Weather Weather Alerts C ld Cold of
Fuel Poverty • 2.5 million households in England in 2010, • • total fuel poverty gap of £1 billion or £405 per total fuel poverty gap of £1 billion or £405 per The low income high costs definition DECC - Fuel Poverty: A Framework for Future Action household in fuel poverty ‘policies that improve the • driven by: thermal efficiency of dwellings • household income tend to be more cost effective • energy prices energy prices for addressing fuel poverty f dd i f l • thermal efficiency of dwellings compared to policies that are focused on subsidising • • increased likelihood where: increased likelihood where: energy costs or increasing t i i incomes’ • low income • older (pre-1945) and larger dwellings DECC - Fuel Poverty: A Framework for Future Action Action • private rented sector • inefficient boilers/ no heating/ non-gas heating Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer
Cost of cold homes to the NHS Cost of cold homes to the NHS
Situational/Attitudinal factors - KWILLT Tod et al, Keeping Warm in Later Life project, Sheffield Hallam University Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer
NICE guideline NG 6: NICE guideline NG 6: Excess winter deaths and morbidity and the health risks associated with cold homes health risks associated with cold homes
Conclusions Conclusions 1. Cold temperatures are a significant cause of illness and death in winter 1. Cold temperatures are a significant cause of illness and death in winter 2. The risk increases with falling temperatures, but the risk starts to increase at relatively moderate cold outdoor temperatures, before emergency responses responses 3. Cold homes play a significant part of the problem; fuel poverty is important but also situational/attitudinal factors 4. NICE EWD recommendations offer a system-wide approach Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer
Question for the audience Question for the audience How do you think PHE could get more attention and How do you think PHE could get more attention and focus at local level around tackling the health impacts of cold homes? Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer
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