when should the next cbcrp priority setting retreat be

+ When Should the Next CBCRP Priority-Setting Retreat be Held? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

+ When Should the Next CBCRP Priority-Setting Retreat be Held? December 2015 + Should CBCRP hold the next Priority-Setting Retreat in: 5 years / 2020 7 years / 2022 or 10 years / 2025? + Background 2004 Set-aside 30% of research

  1. + When Should the Next CBCRP Priority-Setting Retreat be Held? December 2015

  2. + Should CBCRP hold the next Priority-Setting Retreat in:  5 years / 2020  7 years / 2022 or  10 years / 2025?

  3. + Background 2004  Set-aside 30% of research funds for program-directed research into the environmental links to breast cancer and the unequal burden of the disease.  Eliminated the following award types: New Investigator, Career Enrichment, Training Program, RFA, Scientific Perspectives Research Collaboration (SPRC)-pilot and full, Translation Research Collaboration (TRC)- pilot and full. 2010  Set-aside 50% of research funds for program-directed research. Continued to focus on environmental links and disparities, and added a focus on prevention (strategies for high-risk individuals and population-level strategies).  Eliminated the following award types: Postdoctoral Fellowships, Dissertation.  Instituted LOI requirement for IDEAs.

  4. + Background: (Continued) 2015  The 2015 process took 2 years to implement.  Continued 50% set-aside. Continued focus on environment, disparities, and population-level prevention strategies. Eliminated strategies focusing on high-risk individuals.  Continued existing award types: Pilot and Full CRCs, Translational Awards, IDEAs, and Conference Awards. Implemented Policy Award.

  5. + Overview of the Process Five major steps: ① Review the CBCRP mission statement. Make revisions to the mission as deemed necessary. ② Review and revise the program goals, as well as review and revise as necessary the data collection questions corresponding to each program goal. ③ Gather and analyze pertinent data as indicated by the program goals and data collection questions. ④ Identify and make decisions on long-term (5 years) priorities through a data-driven, group decision-making process. ⑤ Incorporate priority decisions into CBCRP operational plans and award cycles.

  6. + Questions (and Resulting Data) That Committee Considered*  1. When will we need to start?  2. What data will be available? Is it enough?  3. What evaluations are already planned?  4. What data will be captured automatically by the new electronic grants management system?  5. Are there any other significant events planned in the next five years that may provide challenges to implementing priority- setting?  6. Does the field change rapidly enough to warrant a significant review every 5 years? *Please see the attached word document for an in-depth summary of data

  7. + Potential Timing of Process Retreat Year Process Will Initiate 2020 Early 2018 2022 Early 2020 2025 Early 2023

  8. + Pro’s 5 Years (2020)  Will have evaluation data for Translational awards in 2017.  Keeps schedule as it has been.  Other BC funders change priorities annually. 7 Years (2022)  Will have good amount of funding data for: CRC Full, CRC Pilot, IDEA, Translational, Conference, Policy, SRI, and some data for CBCPI.  Will have evaluation data for Translational Awards, and time to conduct evaluations of all other mechanisms.  Outcomes data from internal data base will likely be online and helpful.  Tech advances likely to facilitate outcome data mining.  Parallels the timeframe for Program Initiatives set-aside PI 3.

  9. + Pros (Continued) 10 Years (2025)  Lots of data for evaluating mechanisms, including current PI 3.  Internal database to track outcomes online.  Time to implement tech advances to cull outcomes from research.

  10. + Cons 5 Years (2020)  Limited data for Program Initiatives  Limited data for changes to the field  Program is in a stable place. Is it worth it so soon? 7 Years (2022)  Large lag time between when evaluation of Translational Awards is complete (2017) and decision making (2022).  There will be some Council members who will not have the opportunity to participate in Priority-setting at all. 10 Years (2025)  Significant lag time between when evaluation of Translational Awards is complete (2017) and decision making (2025).  Several years between priority-setting processes without an opportunity for Council members to significantly shape the strategic direction of the Program.

  11. + Points to Keep In Mind Council has the ability to course-correct between now and the next Priority Setting Retreat, whenever it is held. Because of CBCRP & CBCRC structure and yearly workload there are many ways for Council members to impact the Program, even if they are not a part of the Priority-Setting data collection.

  12. + Recommendation from the Evaluation & Priority-Setting Committee  After considering the data and the resulting pro’s and cons of the 5/7/10 year target, the Evaluation & Priority-Setting Committee recommends that CBCRP hold its next Priority- Setting Retreat in 7 years (2022).

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