what we do in 3 sentences

What we do in 3 Sentences We find world-class technology and talent - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

What we do in 3 Sentences We find world-class technology and talent and connect them to military users. We fund and accelerate their pilots. For successful pilots, we leverage the JFC Innovation Board to make strategic procurement and delivery

  1. What we do in 3 Sentences We find world-class technology and talent and connect them to military users. We fund and accelerate their pilots. For successful pilots, we leverage the JFC Innovation Board to make strategic procurement and delivery decisions.

  2. Gene nera ral l Patric ick k Sanders rs Major r Gene nera ral l Jim im Morris ris Army, , Navy, Re-purp Re urpose sed; Mature ure Tech ch RAF Techno chnology y Users & Talent nt JFC Produc ucts ts & Service rvices Probl oblem ems Ideas eas Opportun rtunity ity Assess ssment nt JHub ub Panel £2M delegate ted spend nd FY18/19 Pilot ot £20M Strate tegic c procu cure rement nt JFC FC Inno nova vati tion n Board and deliv livery ry decisi cisions ns ‘Capability into the hands of the user’

  3. Funnel : Kill Rate >1 out of 5 Reach Quad 1 out of 3 Reach OA 2 out of 3 Reach Pilot 14 4 out of 5 Reach Board 10 15

  4. Portfolio Increased impact of innovation 1. Strategic Alignment of innovation priorities Portfolio approach across JFC network 2. Expansion of the JFC innovation community 3. Greater coherence across the innovation network (internally and externally) Transformational & Disruptive innovation

  5. Some projects…

  6. Q1. I would recommend this leader to others

  7. Small ll team dynamics and the pursuit of in innovation excelle llence Miss iss Natasha Gedge jH jHub COO

  8. Questions

  9. Opportunities for in innovation in in the Defence Medicine space. Dr r James Kuht

  10. Enhancing innovation through the application of prototype warfare. Mr Crossley McEwen jH jHub

  11. Ben Parish Hd of Innovation – jHub Digital & JFC Information Systems and Services

  12. Horizons for transformation Horizon 2 Horizon 1 Horizon 3 Transform Tomorrow Improve Today Disrupt The Future Transform the status quo & Current customer problems Explore emerging trends and shape future capability to Operational issues or technologies to identify realise a significant benefit capability gaps possible disrupters Innovate At Architecture & Innovation In Hands Of Users New Game Changing Security Level Now Technologies Now Blueprint On What To Buy Buy Now To Implement Now New Architecture / Policy

  13. Principles Customer Pace Collaboration Agility Risk

  14. Process automation to improve efficiency  Project: Declutter  Review internal business processes, using automation to increase efficiency, effectiveness and staff user experience  Using Development teams provided by the Defence Application Software House (DASH) and Business Analysts  Automated processes built using a Microsoft Dynamics platform, including the Digital Approvals Process  New processes to be rolled out across Defence

  15. Questions

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