What's New in the Lou: A Look at the Latest Accessions at the National Archives at St. Louis David Hardin David Hardin will provide an overview and insight into Navy General Courts-Martial Records, Naval Aviation Training Jackets, Army Research and Experimental Case Files, and Vietnam War era Mortuary Files from Tan Son Nhut and Da Nang Mortuary. This session will provide a general review of these genealogically rich records, including the types of materials found and how to go about accessing the records. www.archives.gov/calendar/genealogy-fair
David Hardin is a Reference Archivist for the National Archives at St. Louis where he has worked since 2012. He earned a bachelor's degree from Murray State University in history, and David Hardin Reference Archivist his master's degree in library and National Archives St. Louis, MO information science from the University of Missouri. www.archives.gov/calendar/genealogy-fair
WHAT'S NEW IN THE LOU: A Look at the Latest Accessions at the National Archives at St. Louis David Hardin National Archives at St. Louis
WHAT’S NEW? Army Research and Experimental Case Files Vietnam War era Mortuary Files Tan Son Nhut Da Nang Navy General Courts-Martial Files Naval Aviation Training Jackets 4
th~n la~h.inc;. u.,-•er ~ rt,fJd -~;.;._ e " ~ o ARMY RESEARCH AND EXPERIMENTAL CASE FILES 082h • ~\ · cat :f'ii ht;l.ng it - until one (l) tnin . r: t loose end he lr (kJ d t, /: :tns ie be lo . noted ae teifl+1 the roost jmt ati :c ri c u.a l i~ ln • c : 1 :~ ed TEST IDENTIFICATION fdm11 __ _ I 'Mf VOLUNTEER , //p (p 'I TASK PLAN ///; {, l'f · /J1"1tft!H If~' • 5
ARMY RESEARCH AND EXPERIMENTAL CASE FILES Record Group 175: Records of the Chemical Warfare Service National Archives Identifier: 35302499 Content: These files may contain: Biographical Information Years Covered: 1955-1975 Individual pretest/ screening questionnaire Creator: Department of the Army Chemical Agent administered Arranged: Alphabetically by surname Physical examination records Test records of performance: measured Scope: Records of testing of potential before, during, and after exposure to chemical agents and/ or antidotes. Test chemical agents subjects consisted of military service members and federal civilian employees at Edgewood Arsenal (Maryland), Dugway Proving Ground (Utah), Fort Benning (Georgia), Fort Bragg (NC), Fort McClennan (Alabama), and state prisoners at Holmesburg Prison (Pennsylvania) 6
TEST SUBJECT Private Dallas L. Taylor Biographical/Personal/ Physical Information: -Name, race, date of birth, height - Weight, service number, place of birth - Marital states, next of kin - Pictures are rare 7
b\A~\1N 1.,-rata~ ~ ~ .0~5IT ~)ORT a.r~•t ~J.ICL ~titl• C\ EXPERIMENT SCHEDULE/ NOTES Adiait to J1H 2000 hr• <ral temp BP,P,P9x2,IM Maxi- 1cor• tlll, P~ z 5 Retire bf 2230 \ 03 Sub j ect It n Otx Awaken, vt, urine, t~ - 0600RT La st liame, Irdtial s rat-tr" breaktut (hi o615RT .. u4 tou•) ~ 508 . N, foje c ti on Time lf1 xJ, 1!11, h2, PS o64'5RT 0745RT fo p~doloa ,...-, C> t. --s\ PB 0800ttT llUf, JP', · OBSERVA TI ONS Into chuber -t.t.ach l..S. --IPO vldl• 1D cbuber OSHRT 8P&P(1uph• and l1ttln1},!ICL 0825RT Rei-t 0855RT CA25R? Po.peat Acct-lle(in 24 hr. urlne ooll .. \1•· lilacrd •• before &ddiDf t.o colleo\loa bottle. BPlcP(1upia• all4 11tt f 002SIT Repeat ,a Out or chuber--111. ...._..1 .. 't'.i'l (l('IXT A.turn to vard 012C'XT BP&P(eupilla and ,PS,11,Df!l,PB,!ICL 01Jt:XT a.peat 020CIT Bai-t CJOOlt To ?b711oloeq OJ)OXT 17,PB,tlllf -th• 1Jlto ...,_. af'\er attMhha 1-48 031. ~IT OJ55XT BP&P(11t1pln• and .tttilai!),JICL 042cn S.peat B.peat CJS5IT Repeet 0525IT a.pMt Oat ot obubw-11,•,PI Ret\1?1l to vard. BP,P,PS,RP,PB,1!!1,BCL (411eont111u1 li"lllf BP) (17()('lT f,RC < IT 09001 1 Repeat ' Rep.at 100CIIT Rapee.t 11CiCIT a.peat 1200IT IWpMt 1400IT ---- - -- T ime ___ D11te _ _ 2L 10 Nek{a1 ivt: Ph; y sici a ns Si gnature
POST EXPOSURE ANALYSIS/ TESTING Anthony (Alphonso F.) Zabala- Holmesburg Prison Post Exposure Analysis: -Tests given (accompanying test material) - Remarks of behavior - Psychological Evaluation 12
VIETNAM WAR ERA MORTUARY FILES Da Nang and Tan Son Nhut Mortuary Records Record Group 218: Records of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Content: These files may contain: National Archives Identifier: Service information cards Da Nang Mortuary Records: 29033011 Death Certificates Tan Son Nhut Mortuary Records: 29842556 Reports of death Years Covered: 1966-1972 Identification Records Creator: Department of Defense Records of preparation Statements from witnesses Arranged: Chronologically by date of Transportation of remains recovery of remains and thereunder by surname Scope: Documents the processing of remains of military personnel and civilians at the two mortuaries. 13
SERVICE INFORMATION CARDS Specialist Robert E. Cole- United States Army -US 64106304 -Company A, 2 nd Battalion, 35 th Infantry, 4 th Infantry Division - Date of Death- 3/30/1968 Private First Class Joaquin De Jesus- United States Marine Corps - 2182560 - G Company, 2 nd Battalion, 9 th Marines, 3 rd Marine Division - Date of Death- 5/6/1966 14
DEATH CERTIFICATE Private First Class Joaquin De Jesus- United States Marine Corps Death Certificate lists: -Name, sex , race, service status, length of service - Service number, rank, branch of service, place of birth - Date of Birth, age, religion, descriptive information - Next of Kin, place and time of death, cause of death - Summary of facts leading to death 15
IDENTIFICATION RECORDS Specialist Norman L Hinkle- United States Army Identification Records Include: - Name, Grade, service number, age, height - Description of body, condition of remains - Remarks - Dental Records (Ante-mortem and post-mortem) - Means of Identification - Remarks to the identification process 16
RECORD OF PREPARATION OF REMAINS Specialist Robert E. Cole- United States Army - Name, grade, service number, branch of service, cause of death - Place of death, date of death, identification method, mortuary data - Shipping data - Care of body checklist 17
NAVY GENERAL COURTS-MARTIAL FILES Record Group 125: Records of the Office of the Judge Advocate General (Navy) National Archives Identifier: 38982845 Content: These files may contain: Investigation Reports Years Covered: 1951- 1976 Documentation of the organization and personnel of the courts Creator: Department of Defense Charges and Specifications Arranged: Chronologically by dates of court Pleas and arraignment of the defendant martial, thereunder alphabetically or by courts-martial case number Papers and exhibits submitted Proceedings Scope: Documents general and special Findings and sentences of the court courts-martial cases resulting in bad conduct discharges for United States Reports Personnel Correspondence 18
Investigation Reports Investigation Reports: - Investigating Officer - Accused, service number, organization - Description of evidence found - Recommendation for a trial 19
Organization/ Personnel of the Court Organization/ Personnel of the Court: - Date/time/ location of the General Court Martial - Law Officer (Judge) - Members - Trial Counsel and Defense 20
Charges and Specifications Charges and Specifications: - What code was violated? - Who violated the code? - How was the code violated? 21
PLEAS AND COURT PROCEEDINGS Pleas and Court Proceedings: -How did the defendant plead -What was said during the trial 22
EXHIBITS Exhibits: -Witness Statements -Drawings -Photographs - Special Instructions given by the judge (Trial on appeal) 23
Findings and Sentences of the Court Was the defendant guilty or not guilty of the specified charges? How was the defendant sentenced? 24
NAVAL AVIATION TRAINING JACKETS Record Group 38: Records of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations National Archives Identifier: 38983110 Content: These files may contain - Personal Information/ Biographical Sheets Years Covered: 1914-1946 - Flight Instruction records Creator: Department of the Navy - Crash Reports - Fitness Reports Arranged: Alphabetically by surname - Casualty Report (If the student died while in training) Scope: Documents training for Navy - Clearance Paperwork to fly and Navy Reserve pilots. Members of - Temporary Grounding Slips other military branches and foreign -Official Endorsements and Appointments of aviation cadets are also included. Naval Aviators - PHOTOGRAPHS!!! - Possibly more 26
NAVAL AVIATION JACKETS AT A GLANCE Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr. Training Jacket Cover 27
PERSONAL INFORMATION SHEET Elvin Lester Lindsay Personal Information Sheet: -Name, date of birth, age - Place of birth, schooling -Prior flight experience -Military Training - Next of Kin, address - Religion, report date 28
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