what s at stake

Whats at Stake for the KC Region? Sponsored by the KC Census - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Census 2020: Whats at Stake for the KC Region? Sponsored by the KC Census Funders Partnership: Greater Kansas City Community Foundation Menorah Heritage Foundation H&R Block Foundation Mid-America Regional Council Hall Family

  1. Census 2020: What’s at Stake for the KC Region? Sponsored by the KC Census Funders Partnership: Greater Kansas City Community Foundation Menorah Heritage Foundation H&R Block Foundation Mid-America Regional Council Hall Family Foundation REACH Healthcare Foundation Hallmark Corporate Foundation Women's Foundation Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City Wyandotte Health Foundation Marion and Henry Bloch Family Foundation

  2. Marilyn Sanders Regional Director, United States Census Bureau

  3. U.S. Census Bureau Chic icago Region Marilyn A. Sanders, Regional Director 3

  4. Census Overview The Chicago Region The Chicago Regional Office is responsible for all data collection, data dissemination, and geographic operations under the current service area boundaries. The Detroit and Kansas City Regional Offices closed in late 2012 and transferred responsibility for specific states to the Chicago Region. States within the Chicago Region's service area include: Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin.

  5. Census Overview The Decennial Census Purpose To conduct a census of population and housing and disseminate the results to the President, the states, and the public Primary Uses of Decennial Census Data • Apportion representation among states as mandated by Article 1, Section 2 of the United States Constitution: Representativ ives and dire rect Taxes shall be apport ortio ioned amo mong the the several l St States whic which ma may y be included wi within in thi this Union on, accord ordin ing to o their their re respectiv ive Num Numbers … The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and wi within in every ry subsequent Term of of ten Years rs, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. 5

  6. Census Overview The Decennial Census Primary Uses of Decennial Census Data • Draw congressional and state legislative districts, school districts, and voting precincts • Distribute more than $675 billion in federal funding to states • Inform federal, tribal, state, and local government planning decisions • Inform business and nonprofit organization decisions (e.g., where to locate, size of the market) 6

  7. 2020 Census Environment The 2020 Census is being conducted in a rapidly changing environment, requiring a flexible design that takes advantages of new technologies and data sources while minimizing risk to ensure a high quality population count. 7

  8. 2020 Census Redesign COUNT THE POPULATION Collect data from all households including group and unique living arrangements 8

  9. 2020 Census Establish Where to Count Reengineering Address Canvassing Reduce the nationwide In-Field Address Canvassing by developing innovative methodologies for updating and maintaining the Census Bureau’s address list and spatial database throughout the decade. In-Office Address Canvassing Where Should We Start? Continual Research and Updating Ongoing Process for In-Office Canvassing In-Field Address Canvassing Address List and Spatial Database 9

  10. 2020 Census Making It It Easier to Respond Optimizing Self-Response Generate the largest possible self-response, reducing the number of households requiring follow-up. 10

  11. 2020 Census Re Re-Engineering Fie ield Operations Use Technology To Efficiently and Effectively Manage 2020 Census Field Work Str Streamli lined Of Offic fice and and Inc ncreased Ma Management Inc ncreased use use of of Tech echnol olog ogy St Staffing Str Structure and and St Staff Prod oductivity • Automated and optimized work assignments • Increased visibility into case • Automated recruiting, training, Area Manager status for improved payroll and expense reporting of Operations workforce management • Reduced paper and manual • Redesigned quality assurance processing operations • Improved communications Census Field Managers Census Field Supervisors Listers & Enumerators

  12. 2020 Census Operational Tim imeline The Road to 2020 January: February: March: May: December 31: March: April: October: Begin Group Update Non-Response Deliver Census Open 6 Full Follow-up enumeration Quarters Leave apportionment Bureau Regional implementation begins in remote Operations begins counts to the delivers Census of the Alaska begins President questions to Centers communications Congress program 2018 2019 2020 2021 October: Key Census activities January- June- August: March: April 1: March 31: Partner March: September: Conduct start in 2018 and Internet Census Day Complete continue through 2021 Specialists Open Open in-field Self-Response delivering begin initial remaining address begins Redistricting working for area area Census canvassing Summary Files the Census Census Offices to all states Bureau Offices (P.L. 94-171) 12

  13. 2020 Census Integrated Partnership & Communications In The Integrated Partnership and Communications Operation communicates the importance of participating in the 2020 Census to the entire population of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Island Areas to: • Engage and motivate people to self- respond, preferably via the internet • Raise and keep awareness high throughout the entire 2020 Census to encourage response 13

  14. 2020 Census Integrated Partnership & Communications In National Partners Local Partners • • Nationwide partnerships On-the-ground partnerships in local communities • Industry and civil sector national • organizations as trusted voices Community-based Organizations (CBOs) and local community • Census Solutions Workshops leaders as trusted voices and Toolkit • Focuses on low-response areas • Mapping Tools for Hard-to-Count 14

  15. 2020 Census Goal of f the Part rtnership Program Work with local partners to Engage, Educate and Encourage participation in the 2020 Census by those who are less likely to self respond and who are known to be hard to count. The Census Bureau does this through partnerships with: • Tribal Governments • State Governments • County and Municipal Governments • Community Organizations • Faith-based Institutions • Schools/Colleges • Businesses • Local Media 15

  16. 2020 Census The Purpose of f a CCC Part artnerships s at t the Hig Highest Le Level • Assist Census Bureau to meet the goal of a timely, accurate and cost-effective census Complete Counts groups may be count. codified and grounded in law or • Act as 2020 Census Champions established by • Provide “trusted voices” as Census ordinance or Ambassadors. created by • Assist Census Bureau to meet the goal of a executive timely, accurate and cost-effective census order or count. proclamation. • Act as 2020 Census Champions • Provide “trusted voices” as Census Ambassadors. 16

  17. 2020 Census In Integrated Partnership & Communications Kansas City Census Funders Partnership Michigan Nonprofit Association 17

  18. 2020 Census Get to Know Your Community Response Outreach Area Mapper (ROAM) Mapping Tools Interactive data tools to better understand the demographic composition and characteristics of the communities you work with and represent. Census.gov/roam 18

  19. 2020 Census Recruiting and Hir iring Tim imeline Summer 2018 2018 Fall 2018 Spring 2019 2019 Hiring starts in Hiring Regional Recruiting and Hiring Recruiting and Hiring Continuous Recruiting 2018 for Area Census Support for Area Census for ACO Field and and Hiring to Support Census Office (ACO) Staff Office Positions Office Operations Field and Office Management Operations • Clerks • Partnership • Administrative • Clerks • IT Managers Specialists Managers • Enumerators/Listers • Office Operations • Recruiting • Regional • Area Census Office Supervisors • Recruiting Assistants Managers Technicians Managers • Census Field • Lead Census Field Managers Managers • Census Field • Recruiting Supervisors Assistants • Enumerators/Listers

  20. 2020 Census Get In Involved What you can do now?  Sign-up and join our email list  Host a Census Solutions Workshop  Establish or join a Complete Count Committee  Share content about Census online — blogs, news stories, social media, websites  Help recruit for 2020 Census jobs  Use our mapping tools to identify your hard- to-count areas census.gov/partners  Participate in training opportunities – Data Dissemination Workshops or talk to a data expert 1-844-ASK-DATA  Tune-in to our quarterly Program Management Reviews (PMRs) 20

  21. 2020 Census Connect Wit ith Us 20 2020 20 Censu sus Hom omepage census.gov/2020Census Census s Ale Alerts s public.govdelivery.com/accounts/USCENSUS/subscriber/new 20 2020 20 Censu sus Mem emorandum Seri Series census.gov/programs-surveys/decennial-census/2020- census/planning-management/memo-series.html Am American Com Community Sur Survey census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/ Census s Job obs 2020census.gov/jobs census.gov/about/regions/chicago/jobs/all.html Twitter @uscensusbureau Fac acebook, , YouTube, Ins nstag agram, Pin interest /uscensusbureau 21 21

  22. Julie Brewer Executive Director, United Community Services of Johnson County, United Way of Greater Kansas City Planning Partner



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