WHAT IS ELECTRICITY? Before re we c can understan tand d what electri rici city ty is, we n need to know a l littl tle about atoms. Atoms s are made up of three differe erent nt types s of parti ticle: : prot otons ns, neutr trons, ns, and electr trons ns. Prot oton ons s have a positive charge, neutron ons s are neutra ral, l, and electron ons s are negative charged. ed. An atom can become positi tive e or negati tively y charged by losing ng or gaining ng electrons. ons. If an atom losses es an electron n it becomes positi tivel ely y charged. If an atom gains s an electron n it becomes negatively charged. d.
WHAT IS ELECTRICITY? Electricit tricity is a f force due to charged particl cles. s. This can be s stati tic c electri rici city ty, in which h charged d particl cles es gather. Curre rrent, nt, or the flow of charged particl cles, s, is also a f form of electri rici city ty. Curre rrent nt is the ordered ed flow of charged d parti ticles. es. Often n current nt flows throug ough h a w wire. This is how we g get et the electricity ricity we u use everyda day! y!
WHAT ARE CIRCUITS? A circui uit t is a p path that electri ric current ent flows around. nd. Current flows from a power source to a load. The load converts the electric energy into anther type of energy A light bulb is a load that converts electrical energy into light and heat energy. What are some other types of loads? What type of energy do they convert the electric energy into?
WIRES Why are circui uits ts connected d with h wires? es? Wire res s are made out of met etal which h is a c conducti ctive materi rial. A conducti ctive materi rial is one that electri rici city ty can travel through ugh easily. Which h of these e materi rial are conducti ctive? Water r (dirty ty) ) Wood Aluminum um Foil Glass Stri ring Graphi hite Styr yrofoa oam m C Concrete Cot otton n (fa fabric) c) Air
OPEN VS. CLOSED CIRCUIT CLOSED! OPEN! Why didn’t the light bulb turn on in the open circuit? In the open circuit the current can not flow from one end of the power source to the other. Because of this there is no current flow, and therefore the light does not turn on.
SHORT CIRCUIT Current follows the path of ‘least resistance’ Resistance is provided by the light bulb. In this case the light bulb will not turn on because all the current will flow though the path with just a wire and none through the path with the light bulb.
CIRCUIT ELEMENTS Circui cuits s are not ot only made up of power sources es and loads. What are some ot other circui cuit elements? ts? Switc tches hes Resi sist stor ors Capaci citor ors Induct uctor ors Transis nsistor ors
SWITCHES A switch tch has two states es Open or closed When a s switc tch h is open no curre rent nt can flow through ugh it. When a s switc tch h is closed curre rent nt flows through ugh it.
RESISTOR You can tell the resistance value by color of the strips on the resistor
The resistivity value of a resistor can be determined by the colored stripes on the resistor.
FLASHLIGHT ACTIVITY Constr struct t a f flashl hlight ght with h your partne ner r using ng wire batteries ries LEDs and resistor ors. s. Your r flashl hlight ht should d have a s switc tch h (it should d be ab able to be t turne ned d on and off) If you fini nish sh early: Add more LED’s to your flashlight. Can you make two switc tches hes that do two differe rent nt things. ngs.
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