What Is A Title I? Title I is a federally funded program under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) which provides financial assistance to qualifying schools to help students meet our state's academic content and performance standards It is the largest federal education funding program for schools. Schools qualify for Title I funds based on the school’s percentage of students who meet the criteria to receive free or reduced price lunch.
How Is Title I Parent Involvement money Spent? How does our school spend Title I money How Does Sandtown MS Spend Title I Money? This year’s proposed allotment is $234,000.00. It will be used for: Purchase of three full time classroom teachers . One full time Math Coach salary plus benefits to support teachers Supplemental instructional materials and supplies for classroom Supplemental student supplies for Math and ELA Supplemental technology supplies (headphones, adaptors, replacement bulbs, etc. Supplemental computer software e.g Edmodo How Is Title I Parent Involvement Money Spent? Providing Academic Workshops based on our Schoolwide Plan goal areas for improvement such as Math and ELA Provide equipment, materials and supplies, and publications for Parent Resource Room (PRC).
What Is Sandtown’s Title I Requirements? i.e Schoolwide We are schoolwide-This means that 54% or more of our students participate in the free and reduce lunch program. Currently our percentage is 64.73%.
What Is Sandtown’s Designated Status? What Does This Status Mean? College Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) Sandtown’s Score is 63.2 We earned a 63.2 out of 100 points CCRPI provides a score between 0-100 for each school, and that score measures how well the school is doing in preparing its students to be successful in college and/or a career.
Sandtown Middle School Schoolwide Program What are our schoolwide goals? The measurable goals/benchmarks we have established to address the needs are: By the end of the 2015-2016 school year, 95% of the Sandtown student body will have a STAR Reading and Math Student Growth percentile. We will have increased the gains of all students in the “meets or exceeds” categories in the areas of Math, Science and Social Studies. By the end of the 2015-2016 school year, we will have increased the gains of the number of students scoring in the “exceeds” categories for Math by 3 %.
What Are Your Schoolwide Goals? SMS School Goals Increase the percentage of students meeting or exceeding the Georgia Standards of Excellence in Mathematics by 2.5 percent with a concentration in functions as outlined by the Georgia Department of Education. Increase the percentage of students meeting or exceeding the Georgia Standards of Excellence in ELA by 2.5 percent with a concentration in functions as outlined by the Georgia Department of Education.
What programs/supports are in place to help my child? Redbird Math will be used to electronically involve students in bridging math deficits and mastering math skills. FLP program (After School, Saturday School, and Summer Enrichment) will be offered. It is our desire for every student to meet or exceed state average. These programs will be offered to students who do not meet Georgia state average to help support them in the areas they have deficits. Tutoring before and after school will be offered for the 2 subject areas (Science, Social Studies, Math, and Science) at least one day a week to support student learning. Summer Bridge for incoming 6 th graders Schoolwide tutorials offered once a week in the morning and afternoon.
What Test Will My Child Be Taking? What proficiency levels is my child to meet? What Test will my child be taking? Georgia Milestone Assessment ITBS (8 th Grade Only) STAR Test Right Score How do these tests measure my child’s progress? Nationally named reference tests that measures students academic ability against other students in the same grade.
What Is Required By Law for Parent Involvement? What is the district’s Parent Involvement Plan? What is the school’s Parent Involvement Plan? What is School-Parent Compact?
What Is The District’s Parent Involvement Plan The Fulton County Board of Education has developed a comprehensive parent involvement plan that fosters an opportunity for parents and teachers to participate in the design and implementation of activities for Title I students.
What is the School’s Parent Involvement Plan Sandtown Middle School’s parent involvement program is designed to foster learning as a family unit. Innovative programs are designed for our students by our teachers. We also like to capitalize on programs designed by parent and community establishments. These parent/community oriented programs work jointly with faculty members to enhance the educational experience of the students at our school. Parents were given an opportunity to give input on the Parent Involvement Plan on August 26, 2015. All parents were invited to this meeting.
What Is the School-Parent Compact? A School-Parent Compact is a written agreement indicating how all members(school, students and parents)agree to share responsibility for improved student achievement. The compact is designed to build and develop a shared partnerships to help children achieve the State’s high standards. Compacts are uniquely developed for each school. Sandtown distributes compacts at every school event for parents. The GDOE is requiring at total revision of the parent compact and parent involvement plan as of August, 2015-16. The compact and plan has to be more academically aligned with the school improvement plan. The revised information will be sent home by your student and we will need a quick response. It is our goal to have a 100% return rate from all parents . Parents were given an opportunity to give input on the School-Parent Compact on August 26, 2015. All parents were invited to this meeting.
Is My Child’s Teacher Highly Qualified? Should a teacher at Sandtown Middle School not have the status of “Highly Qualified,” a remediation plan will be developed at the time of hire, and signed by both teacher and principal. Additionally, the school will notify the parents of identified students in writing via a mailed dated letter regarding a non- HiQ teacher. Copies of the non-HiQ teacher letters will be housed at the school and at the Title I and Title II Departments. Parents are also informed of their right to know about a teacher’s qualifications at any time. A Parent Right - to-Know Letter will be sent home by students at the beginning of the year via Fulton County Schools’ Code of Conduct and Discipline Handbook , or by U. S. mail.
What Is A Parent’s Right To Know? See progress reports and report cards for your child and the school. Help to decide if the school is meeting your child’s needs and offer suggestions for improvement. Request information about the qualifications of your child’s teacher. Be informed if your child is being taught for more than four consecutive weeks by a teacher not licensed in the area of instruction.
What Opportunities does Sandtown provide for parent involvement? Ways you can be involved: • Attend all parent teacher conferences • Communicate productively with faculty and staff • Visit Home Access Center frequently • Attend School Meetings • Attend Title I Parent Academic Workshops • Join the PTSA • Attend School Governance Council Meetings • Attend Community Meetings • Volunteer at Sandtown List Parent Engagement opportunities offered for school or home? Academic Parent Workshops Home Access Parent/Teacher Conferences
List engagement opportunities offered for school and home? Parent Academic Workshops are conducted monthly. These workshops are conducted by Sandtown teachers. The content used for these workshops are mock class assignments, websites or other pertinent academic information. Teachers will work with parents on assignments and give them tools on how to assist their students. Some of the upcoming Academic Workshops offered: Parent Math Night, Science Night, Grade Level Parent Nights, Home Access Workshops.
List Volunteer Opportunities PTSA Fundraising Picture Day PTSA Events Field Day Activities Class Field Trips 8 th Grade Activities Science Fair Social Studies Fair Media Center Fine Arts Department (Band, Chorus, Orchestra, Art) School Special Events
List Parent Decision making opportunities/meetings/councils School Governance Council PTSA Title I Committee School Board Community Meetings (Linda Bryant) FCBOE Board Meetings
How Does Sandtown Participate In the Title I Program Additional staff such as math instructors and parent liaison Remediation program RTI (Response to Intervention) Instructional focus – continual academic assistance Instructional supplies Parent support Highly qualified teachers Additional district support in ELA, Science, and Math Extended instruction to help students meet the state standards for academic achievement Opportunities for professional development for staff Parent Resource Center and its services and materials
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