westlake cycle track project

Westlake Cycle Track Project Design Advisory Committee Meeting #3 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Google Earth Image Westlake Cycle Track Project Design Advisory Committee Meeting #3 April 21, 2014 SDOTs mission and vision Mission: Deliver a first-rate transportation system for Seattle . Vision: A vibrant Seattle with connected people,

  1. Google Earth Image Westlake Cycle Track Project Design Advisory Committee Meeting #3 April 21, 2014

  2. SDOT’s mission and vision Mission: Deliver a first-rate transportation system for Seattle . Vision: A vibrant Seattle with connected people, places, and products. 2

  3. SDOT’s values Keep it safe Provide great Focus on the service basics Support a Build healthy thriving communities economy 3

  4. Project goals: safety for all users People biking • Support bicycle riders of all ages and abilities People walking: • Separate bicycles from pedestrians People driving: • Provide predictability within parking lot 4

  5. Project goals: North end connect to Ship Canal Trail connectivity Connect with surrounding bike/walking trails and facilities South end connects to Lake Union Park 5

  6. Project goals: accessibility Provide a flat, low-stress bike path, making this scenic corridor more accessible to residents and visitors 6

  7. Meeting #2 recap • Presented methods and results of three project studies: • Existing Conditions and Design Criteria Memo • Traffic Circulation Study • Parking Utilization Study • Discussed how results inform design 7

  8. Tonight’s overview of alignment concepts • Describe purpose of alignment concepts • Review design guidelines • Describe corridor-specific considerations • Present concepts • Questions and answers 8

  9. Purpose of alignment concepts • Establish general location in corridor • Compare concepts based on: – SDOT vision and values – Project goals – Additional design considerations • Develop detailed design after preferred concept selected 9

  10. Design guidelines Protected bike lane: • 10 feet minimum plus 2- foot separation • Two-way operation • Design speed of 10 mph • Special crossing treatments • Maximize parking 10

  11. Additional design considerations • Minimize impacts to traffic on Westlake Avenue North • Minimize utility impacts • Identify opportunities to provide or replace landscaping and screening 11

  12. Additional design considerations • Create connections to existing bicycle facilities • Provide 8-foot minimum sidewalk on water side • Honor unique Westlake corridor 12

  13. Parking design approach • Use combination of angled and parallel parking • Because space is constrained, one-way circulation • Provide adequate sight distance • Provide access to private property and parking 13

  14. Parking design considerations Final parking layout will address: • ADA spaces/universal accessibility • Fire zones, emergency access • Loading zones for trucks, tour buses • Pedestrian access to transit • Garbage container storage/pick up • Utility conflicts • Sight distance • Turning calculations for large vehicles 14

  15. Concepts overview Fall 2013 open house: 4 options 15

  16. Westlake Avenue North alignment • No longer considered because: • Requires removal of a travel lane or additional right of way • Requires significant construction • Outside project scope and budget 16

  17. Concepts overview Spring 2014 : 2 options 17

  18. Concept A 18

  19. Concept A: design elements Aligned along west curb of • parking lot Service lane remains • Parking layout revised • One-way circulation • Some landscape and trees • removed Multiple street/driveway • crossings –or consolidation 19

  20. Concept B 20

  21. Concept B: design elements Close proximity to east • sidewalk Service lane used for cycle • track Parking layout revised • One-way circulation • Landscaping and east • sidewalk reduced (8 ft min retained) in some sections Fewer driveway crossings • 21

  22. Concept comparison Con Concept Concept Con CATEG EGORY RY ELEM EMEN ENT A B SAF AFETY Provi vide de a a facility c y comfortabl ble fo for   bicyclis lists o of all ll ages es a and abilit ilities Prov ovides s s separat ation on from m mo motor v vehi hicles SAF AFETY   and nd p pedest strians ns SAF AFETY Provides es p predictabilit ility w within in parkin ing l lot   CONNECTIV IVIT ITY Provides es c connec ectio ion to ex exis istin ing b bik ikin ing   and w walkin ing f facili lities ies ACCESSIB IBIL ILIT ITY Flat, t, low ow-st stress ss f facility   22

  23. Concept comparison Con Concept Con Concept CATEG EGORY RY ELEM EMEN ENT A B Number er o of intersec ectio ion/driv ivew eway SAF AFETY More Fewer cro rossings Numb umber o of mi mixing ng z zone nes s with h SAF AFETY Fewer More pedest strian ans PAR ARKING NG Cha hang nges t to pa parking s suppl pply More Fewer PAR ARKING NG Changes es t to lo loadin ing z zone, e, fir ire e la lanes es None More Cha hang nges t to east st si sidewalk a and nd OTHER OT Fewer More landsc scap aping 23

  24. Next steps • DAC members question and answers/input • Present concepts at May 21 open house • DAC members attend open house 24

  25. Questions? WCT@seattle.gov | (206) 909-8578 http ttp://w //www ww.se seattle. le.gov ov/t /transp nspor ortation ion/wc /wct.htm http://www.seattle.gov/transportation 25


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