west orange high school

West Orange High School COURSE REGISTRATION FOR RISING SOPHOMORES - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

West Orange High School COURSE REGISTRATION FOR RISING SOPHOMORES YOUR COUNSELORS Ms. Rabieh Le-Mum Mr. Orras A-Bup Mrs. Rounds Bur-Do Ms. Sumpter Mun-Re Mrs. Morel Dr-Ham Mrs. Rountree Rh-Sta Mrs. Mazur


  2. YOUR COUNSELORS • Ms. Rabieh Le-Mum • Mr. Orras A-Bup • Mrs. Rounds Bur-Do • Ms. Sumpter Mun-Re • Mrs. Morel Dr-Ham • Mrs. Rountree Rh-Sta • Mrs. Mazur Han-La • Mrs. Bateman Ste-Z

  3. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS • 24 credits • 2.0 unweighted GPA • Pass Algebra 1 EOC • or make concordant score of 97+ on the PERT Math • Pass Reading FSA as a 10 th grader • Take Biology, Geometry, and US History EOC for 30% of final grade • Complete 1 High School online course

  4. CREDITS 4 Credits in English 4 Credits in Math -Algebra 1, Geometry 3 Credits in Science -Biology 3 Credits in Social Studies -World History, US History, US Government (0.5) /Economics (0.5) 1 Credit in Fine/Practical Arts 1 Credit in HOPE 16 Core Curriculum Credits +8 Credits in Elective Courses 24 Total Credits

  5. SOPHOMORE STATUS? Freshman 0-4.5 Sophomore 5-10.5 Junior 11-16.5 Senior 17-24 • Your status is determined by how many credits you earn, not by how many years you attend. • If you are not passing all classes this year, please speak with your counselor about Summer School, OCVS, or any other means to get yourself on track before next year.

  6. GRADE FORGIVENESS POLICY • You can retake any high school class or its equivalent that you made a D or F grade in for grade forgiveness. Original grade will show on your transcript, but only the new higher grade will be calculated into your GPA.

  7. DUAL ENROLLMENT • 3.0 unweighted GPA • Make qualifying score on the PERT, SAT, or ACT for college level DE classes • Will accept passing scores on Reading FSA and Algebra 1 EOC for entry into program • Application opens on February 26 th Junior and Senior year options from the Valencia DE website. Summer Term 2018 Deadlines: Application Deadline= 4/6 Test Score Deadline= 4/6 Fall Term 2018 Deadlines: Application deadline= 4/6 Test Score Deadline= 4/20 Under the age of 16 when school begins? • You will need to have an adult present on campus • You will need to have your own transportation • If you will be applying for a program for the first time…you • will need to pick classes as if you will be attending WOHS next year. Counselors will adjust schedules as necessary once you have registered for courses.


  9. ENGLISH PROGRESSION PLAN • Choose English 2 Regular or Honors

  10. MATH PROGRESSION PLAN • Speak with your teacher about proper placement • When counselors meet with you to enter your requests, we will take a look at all prior math course grades and test scores • For those in Algebra 1 this year… • If you pass Algebra 1 and the EOC, you will move onto Geometry • If you pass Algebra 1, but fail the EOC you will be placed in Liberal Arts Math • If you fail Algebra 1 and the EOC, you need to attend summer school or retake the course on OCVS over summer for credit recovery

  11. SOCIAL STUDIES PROGRESSION PLAN • Must take World History Regular, Honors, or AP • Additional Academic Electives offered in Social Studies area

  12. SCIENCE PROGRESSION PLAN • Please speak with your teacher about proper placement for next year

  13. CLASS OF 2021

  14. CURRICULUM GUIDE CAN BE FOUND AT WWW.WESTORANGEHS.OCPS.NET UNDER THE GUIDANCE TAB • List preferred electives in the order you want them considered • Some courses have prerequisites: • i.e. Painting 1, ALL Business classes, Yearbook, etc. • Some have fees/after school commitments • You cannot sign up for a course you have already taken (PE classes included) • Recently added elective courses: -AP Computer Science Principles, AP Computer Science A, Building Construction, Project Lead the Way-Engineering, Women Studies/African-American Studies, Beginners Band

  15. Acceleration Elective If you score a 3, 4, or 5 on the reading FSA, you will need to take an AP or industry certification course next year. Industry Certification Courses are: TV Productions- any level 1. Theory and Foundation of Design 1- (or any course in the new digital design sequence) 2. Creative Photography- any level 3. Digital Information Technology 4. Agriscience Foundations Honors 5.

  16. Beginner’s Band New class for students who do not have any experience playing an instrument, but would like to learn….. How many of you would be interested?

  17. REGISTRATION DAY • February 26th-29th In Student Services with your counselor

  18. Community Service Plans Forms and essay need to be submitted to your counselor for approval prior to beginning any community ■ service hours To have your hours added to your transcript, you need to turn the completed packet (signed form, initial ■ essay, hours tracking sheet, and final reflection essay) to your counselor by the end of the school year each year. You can find the community service plan on the WOHS website under the student service and community ■ service tabs.

  19. T EXT R EMIND Text to: 81010 Message: @wo2021

  20. Q UESTIONS ?

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