Wenda Chen
Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore NTU project: Computer Assisted Language Learning System in Singapore English I 2 R project: Statistical analysis of the Corpus based pronunciation variation rule for pronunciation error detection and feedback in Singapore English
Between training and testing data set
Buckeye corpus
Dialect and mispronunciation detection E{C=>F|b=K,d=M} estimation F=g(C), estimate E{R|Test} based on E{R|Sg} and E{R|Am} Statistical test, p value, binomial test, t test (degree of freedom: no. of testing phones), multinomial distribution of phone errors in SgE data, AmE data and test data MAP framework for phoneme error event detection and finding the optimum threshold combination Vector subspace decomposition and representation of original AmE into SgE phone set
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