Welcome to the Year 7 Induction Evening!
Communication School’s expectations Useful information
Communication – Form Tutors It is very easy to contact the school. Your first point of contact is always your daughter’s Form Tutor, and he or she will aim to reply within 24 hours: Head of Year: Mrs Rebecca Powling 7A: Miss L Hopwood 7O: Miss S Raza 7E: Ms J Harrison 7P: Mr G Sheehan Please keep contact information up to 7G: Miss J Shave 7S: Miss K Fenner date! For Modern Foreign 7J: Miss C Martinez 7T: Mr R Ali Languages, students in A, E, G and J will The majority of our communication is done via email and text study French messaging using a system called “In Touch”. while student in O, P, S and T In addition to the Form Tutor, other staff may contact you including the will study Head of Year, subject teachers and the Attendance Officer. Spanish
Communication - EPraise We use “ EPraise ”, an online tool to help you keep track of your daughter’s homework. Epraise will allow you to see the details of the tasks your daughter has been set, including when they are due in. You will be provided with login details for your personal account, ready-linked to your daughter’s homework calendar. When you have this you will be able to log in via a link on our school website. We also log our praise points for students through Epraise to help you keep on top of where they are achieving and earning rewards. All of our enrichment activities are also available for sign-up through Epraise.
Communication - School Website www.tolworthgirlsschool.co.uk
Communication - Newsletter Our school Newsletter is published each Half Term and can be accessed electronically on the school website. The Newsletter has information about term dates as well as reports from each year group. Please do plan to read this when it comes out.
Communication – Microsoft Teams During lockdown we have moved to a virtual timetable for all of our students. We have used Microsoft Teams to provide live lessons to students with audio interaction, allowing us to replicate the classroom as closely as possible. Each student receives a school email which automatically registers with Teams and allows them to access assignments, teacher messaging, resources and live lessons.
Communications – Meetings (Provisional) Parents’ Information Evening – 6 th October • Meet the Tutor Evening – 24 th November • • Academic reports – December and June Parents’ Consultation Evening – 2 nd March •
Expectations - Attendance and Punctuality • 100% attendance is praised and rewarded with termly tea parties and postcards home. • Please report any absences on the morning of absence everyday. • If attendance falls below 95% a letter will be sent home to notify you of this and a supportive meeting will be arranged to find out any concerns. • We will work as a partnership with you to manage your daughter’s attendance levels.
Attendance and Exam Success Students with 100% attendance: 90% of students with 100% attendance achieved at least 5 good GCSE grades Students with at least 95% attendance: 83.25% achieved at least 5 good GCSE grades Students with 90-94% attendance: 55.5% achieved at least 5 good GCSE grades Students with attendance below 90% : 43.75 % achieved at least 5 good GCSE grades
Expectations – Uniform, jewellery and make-up Compulsory uniform • Students are Short sleeved white blouse with revere collar • School jumper with logo – from school outfitters allowed to wear • School badged blazer – from school outfitters one small pair of • School navy tartan skirt – from school outfitters stud earrings and or navy tailored trousers with yellow piping - a watch. only from school outfitters • House pin badge – from school outfitters No other jewellery • Socks:ankle or knee high plain white, black or or piercings are navy socks, or navy, black or neutral tights allowed. • Flat heeled black leather type shoes – no trainers or canvas shoes, no high heels, sling-backed or Students must not backless shoes wear make-up, • Plain navy or black coat or jacket nail varnish or • Food Technology apron • Strong school bag, preferably a rucksack false nails. Students MUST wear a white blouse – not a shirt
Shoes Black leather trainer shoes (e.g. Vans or Converse) are not permitted.
Expectations – mobile phones and social media Mobile phones • Must not be seen, heard or used during school time on the school premises. • Any phone used, seen or heard will be confiscated for up to a week, and in some cases the whole term. • We would prefer that any phone brought in for the purposes of making contact after school is not a smartphone, but rather a basic phone to be used just for making simple phones calls or texting. Social media • Increase in friendship problems arising from communication via social media (e.g. Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp and DubStar) • The majority of these sites require children to be at least 13 (WhatsApp is 16). These restrictions were put in place because it was considered that children do not have the maturity to deal with this type of social interaction. • Children do not realise that anything they write online can be saved and possibly used against them. The police take any threat towards another person online very seriously.
Tolworth ABC At Tolworth we operate under a philosophy of expectations for all our students; that they: • Aim High • Be Brave • Create Positivity
Expectations - The Tolworth Way 3 simple classroom rules which allow teachers to teach and students to learn “Ready to learn” Bring the correct equipment to all lessons, arrive to lessons on time, wear the correct uniform. “On task” Keep focused on the activities set, avoid distractions or distracting others. “One voice” Always put your hand up to ask a question, wait for the teacher to ask you to speak, actively listen to the teacher and other class members when they are speaking.
Rewards and Sanctions Rewards Sanctions Epraise Detentions Housepoints Level 1: 30 mins subject detentions (and same day Praise postcards detentions for uniform and Emails, phone calls home lateness) Tea parties Level 2: 45 mins Level 3: 1 hour Level 4 : Saturday morning
How can I be a successful Year 7 student? Organisation Being organised in Year 7 is VERY important. You must ensure that you have the correct equipment and books each day for the lessons you are timetabled. If you do not, then you are not ‘ready to learn’. You will need to be organised and manage your time effectively to ensure that you are completing homework to the best of your ability, revising regularly, and importantly, also making time for your own personal commitments such as hobbies and socialising with family and friends. Don’t worry though, we will do a lot of work in the first term to support you in staying organised.
Homework The expectations for completing homework in secondary school might be slightly different to primary school. You will be expected to spend approximately an hour to an hour and a half on homework each day. This includes independent study or revision to consolidate what you have learned that day. You will be encouraged to manage your time effectively by prioritising homework according to when it needs to be submitted. You will be given a minimum of 3 days to complete weekly homework tasks. If you do not complete your HW you may be given a detention, and if you repeatedly fail to submit HW your teacher will raise their concerns with the Head of Subject & your parents/carers.
Useful information
Useful information – Admissions Pack Under normal circumstances we would distribute a pack of information at your daughter’s school interview. This year, that has not been possible, and we have been mindful that much of what is in the pack may not be the reality next year. The only ‘Admissions Pack’ you should have received is: - Admissions Form - Home-School Agreement - IT form - Medical Form - Y7 Information Sheet
Useful information - ParentPay • We have a card-less and cashless system at school. • This means everything, from food at the ‘Windmill Cafe’ to school visits, is paid for through ParentPay. • Information on ParentPay was included in your admission packs. Please let us know if you have had any issues with this. AT the start of September, your daughter will have her fingerprint taken to allow her to use the Windmill Café. This links directly to her parentpay account. In terms of setting up your account, you will receive a letter from Finance at the start of September with your personal log-in details. Students should therefore bring a packed lunch on 7 th September
Useful information - Lockers These are available to rent for a one-off payment of £25 for 5 years. This is non-refundable! Please purchase a good padlock to secure the locker. Once your parentpay account has been activated, you will be able to pay for lockers.
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