welcome to the park

Welcome to the Park! Open House with Lemonade on the Lawn August - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to the Park! Open House with Lemonade on the Lawn August 22, 2019 Parent Information Session with the Administration 4:00 pm or 5:00 pm Open House @ the Park 1. After the Admin Information Session, visit your childs homeroom for

  1. Welcome to the Park! Open House with Lemonade on the Lawn August 22, 2019 Parent Information Session with the Administration 4:00 pm or 5:00 pm

  2. Open House @ the Park 1. After the Admin Information Session, visit your child’s homeroom for his or her schedule and fee list. 2. Sign in tonight in any classroom you visit 3. Sign in one time for each child attending NWPMS 4. Back to School paperwork that will be sent home next week and updated in PowerSchool. 5. Be sure we can reach you…it is very important for us to have current contact information, as well as an emergency contact. The contact information in PowerSchool is used to send out our Sunday evening messages, text messages throughout the year, as well as the messages the district sends out for school delays or closings.

  3. Open House @ the Park To Do List 1. Visit Homeroom first for your child’s schedule and other information. Then, visit all your child’s teachers for a quick meet and greet. 2. See the PTO for information on ways you can get involved a little or a lot. Order grade level shirts tonight for $10. Students wear grade level spirit shirts for field trips, POD celebrations, Spirit Week. 3. Pick up a flyer for our new Spirit Store to order band, orchestra, and chorus polos and other Dolphin spirit wear for the year. 4. Find Bus/Transportation information in Building 1 on the back hallway in front of the quote wall 5. Get information about Child Nutrition, including Free or Reduced lunch in Building 1 in front of the Media Center 6. Pay school fees tonight in the Media Center. Visit Homeroom first for the fee list for your child. 7. Check your Parent Portal account with Ms. Keeler by Student Services.

  4. Some things Dolphins need to know… Cell phones—not during the instructional day Technology Tuesday in the cafeteria! Parent Conferences are scheduled for Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays during the school day or after school Student Handbooks will go home next week with more information.

  5. Sometimes a Dolphin needs a little extra help… Mastery Monday is our after-school tutoring program that will begin on Monday, September 23. Mastery Monday ends at 3:55 pm Bus transportation is available for students who live at an address eligible for bus transportation. Mastery Monday is a Title I program and funded through Title I funds.

  6. Northwoods Park Middle School is a Title I School Title I schools receive extra funding (Title I dollars) from the federal government. Eligibility is based upon the percentage of students receiving free or reduced lunch. At the end of school last year, 57% of our students received free or reduced lunch. At NWPMS, Title I funds are used to: 1. identify students experiencing academic difficulties and provide assistance to help these students (Mastery Monday); 2. hire additional staff (one teacher); 3. programs, materials, and/or supplies (Edmentum, Ready Reading and Math Curriculum training) 4. conduct parent and family engagement events throughout the year. Our Schoolwide Program addresses the items above.

  7. Northwoods Park Middle School is a Title I School Our Schoolwide Program goals are: 1.Reduce Class Size in 8th grade (hire one additional teacher) 2.Improve Reading Grades 6-8 (Implement Ready Reading Curriculum in 2019-20) 3.Provide Mastery Monday after school tutoring with transportation 4.Continue Ready Math Curriculum for Grades 6-8 in 2019-20

  8. The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP): preparing students to be successful in school and to be active, lifelong learners Intent of the MYP It provides a framework of learning that encourages students to become creative, critical and reflective thinkers. Emphasis within the MYP The MYP emphasizes intellectual challenge, encouraging students to make connections between their studies in traditional subjects and the real world. Action and Service in the MYP Students take action (learning by doing and experiencing) when they apply what they are learning in the classroom and beyond. IB learners strive to be caring members of the community who demonstrate a commitment to service— making a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment. Service as action is an integral part of the programme, especially in the MYP community project. The community project encourages 8th grade students to explore their right and responsibility to implement service as action in the community. Students may complete the community project individually or in small groups.

  9. AVID equips teachers and schools with what they need to help students succeed on a path to college and career success. The power of AVID is the ability to impact students in the AVID Elective class and all students throughout the campus. AVID effects the entire school by providing classroom activities, teaching practices, and academic behaviors that can be incorporated into any classroom to improve engagement and success for all students. Teachers can take what they've learned at AVID training back to any classroom to help all students, not just those in AVID, to become more college- and career-ready. AVID provides the organizational and instructional strategies to reach all students in all classes.

  10. PBIS 3 Schoolwide Expectations Be respectful. Be responsible. Be safe. Positive Behavior The Dolphin staff promotes strong interpersonal relationships with students through teaching, modeling, and encouragement. AVIDtude Cards Staff recognizes positive behavior with signatures on student AVIDtude Cards. PBIS Rewards and Celebrations Students use their AVIDtude signatures for rewards and incentives each Wednesday during lunch, for POD celebrations, and our End of Year Raffle. 4 POD Celebrations—one at the end of each grading period

  11. Just some Dolphin basics… 1. Students may begin arriving on campus at 7:15 am. 2. Car riders are dropped off and picked up in the circle by the football field on Decatur Drive. Follow the directions of our SRO and staff to ensure everyone’s safety. 3. Buses drop off and pick up on Sioux Drive. No drop off, pick up or parking along Sioux Drive from 7:00 am to 3:15 pm. 4. Breakfast begins at 7:15 am. 5. Our instructional day begins at 7:35 am. 6. Dismissal begins at 2:50 pm for our car riders and bus riders; then 2:55 pm for our walkers, bike riders and any student staying after school for sports that are in season, clubs or Mastery Monday.

  12. Schedule Concerns 1. Fill out a form in the front lobby by Student Services and drop it in the box. 2. Administration and our counselor, Ms. Keeler, will review each request. 3. Please keep in mind, classes are full, and options are very limited. 4. We have scheduled each child based on his or her academic history and EOG scores, as well as other individual needs to include those identified in an IEP or 504. 5. Band and Orchestra students must have their instruments by September 16.


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