Welcome to the 2017 TREE Fund Webinar Series Municipal Forestry Baseline, Trends, and Dashboard featuring Dr. Richard Hauer, U. of Wisconsin – Stevens Point J. Eric Smith TREE Fund President and CEO Many Partners and Supports Universities, Non-profits, Government, Industry Dr. Kielbaso, Ken Ottman, and Colleagues Municipal Tree Care & Management in the U.S. ( http://bit.ly/MuniTree) 109 Questions 1974 >>>> 1980 >>>> 1986 >>>> 1993 >>>> Started Collecting Data Since 1974 A 2014 U&CF Forestry Census of Tree Activities 1
United States and Scale (Regional Level) What’s Your Urban Forest Like? United States Census Bureau Definitions Many Challenges to Growing the Urban Forest Value of Money Value of Money Nominal Dollars Real Dollars Nominal Dollars 1,800 1,800 1,697 1,697 1,697 1,648 Mean Street Tree Value Mean Street Tree Value 1,600 1,600 1,400 1,400 1,200 1,200 1,134 N=41 N=86 1,000 1,000 800 800 600 600 525 525 400 343 400 343 200 200 0 0 1974 1980 2014 1974 1980 2014 CPI Adjustment CPI Adjustment 1974 to 2014 = 4.80 Year 1974 to 2014 = 4.80 Year 1986 to 2014 = 2.16 1986 to 2014 = 2.16 Nominal (historic) and Real (adjusted) Values Nominal (historic) and Real (adjusted) Values Conduct Tree Activities What’s in your Wallet? 2,500 - 4,999 Population 5,000 - 9,999 10,000 - 24,999 25,000 - 49,999 50,000 - 99,999 100,000 - 249,999 250,000 - 500,000 500,000 - 1,000,000 Over 1,000,000 Total, all cities 86.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percent Percentage of Who Said Yes Training and Credentials 2
Baseline Indicator: What’s in your Wallet? Community Tree Management Statements Training and Credentials Strength with Agree and Disagree with Statement How Many Decision Making Levels Municipal Department Responsible Public Trees 4 3.7 Number of Departments 2,500 - 4,999 Population 3.2 3.0 2.9 5,000 - 9,999 2.8 3 2.7 2.7 2.6 10,000 - 24,999 2.3 2.0 25,000 - 49,999 2 50,000 - 99,999 100,000 - 249,999 1 250,000 - 500,000 500,000 - 1,000,000 0 Over 1,000,000 Total, all cities 4.1 0 2 4 6 8 Number of Decision Making Steps Population Group From the Field to the Highest Level # of Departments Associated With Tree Management Municipal Department Responsible Public Trees Systematic Management 5 SA 100 Northeast Midwest South West Total, all cities Departments Operate Common Goals & Objectives 90 A 4 80 Agreement 70 N 3 60 56 55 Percent 50 D 50 2 39 40 SD 1 30 20 10 0 1974 1980 1986 1993 2014 Population n=627 % of Communities Rated as Systematic # of Departments Associated With Tree Management 3
Baseline Indicators: Pruning Cycle Just What are You Worth? Current, Desired, & Time Off Cycle Compensation is Part of This Answer Positions and Pay (Annual Earnings $’s) Positions and Starting Pay (Annual Base $’s) Working Forman Arborist 30 25 National All Occupations (BLS) 47,230 26.17 20.47 20.10 23.82 19.42 19.44 25 22.71 22.36 20 Seasonal Worker 23,160 Average Pay ($) Average Pay ($) 15.91 20 16.53 15 Position Laborer 36,558 15 10 10 Clerical Support Office 39,236 5 5 Truck Driver 40,567 0 0 Midwest Northeast South West Total Midwest Northeast South West Total Equipment Operator 44,874 Region Region Arborist (pruning/trimming) 47,837 Forestry Manager / City Forester Urban Forestry Specilalist/Inspector Working Foreman (Crew Chief) 52,483 35 30 30.58 30.69 Urban Forestry Specialist/Inspect. 56,058 25.05 25.06 28.38 28.24 30 25 22.28 22.59 24.25 Average Pay ($) Average Pay ($) 25 Other 64,809 18.38 20 20 15 Forestry Manager/City Forester 71,219 15 10 10 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 5 5 0 0 Annual Earnings ($'s) Midwest Northeast South West Total Midwest Northeast South West Total Region Region What is the National Mean for All Occupations? Some Region Examples? Just How Many Municipal Forestry Jobs Municipal Budgets 32,588 ( 5,864) Full-Time Equivalents How much money is needed ? 49,362 ( 9,675) Total Employees What’s the best comparison method? What’s the context ? First time this has been estimated? How Much is Needed? 4
Municipal Budgets Municipal Budgets Percent Tree Budget of Municipal Budget Per Capita Tree Budget Effect of EAB on Municipal Budgets EAB‐Induced Ash Mortality SE Michigan Solid line: direct measurements Dotted line: inferred from dendrochronology data confirming EAB‐induced ash mortality from 1994 ‐ 2004 EAB Management Works, Like it or not EAB will costs $ The outcome of doing nothing (Image by Dan Herms) Municipal Budgets Net Benefit of EAB Management 0.7 No EAB in State EAB in State All Places 0.57 0.6 0.52 Tree Budget as % of Total Budget 0.46 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 No EAB in State EAB in State All Places Effect of EAB on Budget EAB Management Works, If you like it or not EAB will costs $ 5
Municipal Budgets 12 No EAB in State EAB in State All Places 9.40 Per Capita Tree Budget ($) 8.76 10 7.88 8 6 4 2 0 No EAB in State EAB in State All Places Effect of EAB Where Does the Money Go? Where Does the Money Go? 100 Planting 90 Pruning 80 Removal 70 60 Percent 50 36 40 34 28 30 24 24 23 21 18 16 16 20 15 15 14 14 12 10 0 Midwest Northeast South West Total Figure 5. Percent allocation of tree care budget by activity area. (n=268) Region The Big Three (Planting, Pruning, Removal) & More The Big Three (Planting, Pruning, Removal) by Region Who Does the Work? Who Does the Work? 100 Volunteer 95 100 92 93 91 Percent Using Contractors 90 88 88 5% 80 73 68 60 40 Contractor City Staff 20 41% 54% 0 Population Allocation percentage total work How Common are Contractors Hired? 6
Who Does the Work? Cost to Remove Urban Trees and Stumps 45 700 Percent of Budget Results from 2014 Municipal Tree 39.1 City Staff 40 Spent on Contracting Care and Management (n=48 to 121) 600 556 35 Contractor 30 500 Percent 23.0 25 22.5 Cost Per Tree ($) 21.2 21.1 368 400 20 15 300 10 174 200 5 108 0 100 1974 1980 1986 1993 2014 Year 0 Tree Removal Stump Removal A Short Form Story Cost for Activity Per Tree Should I Contract or Should I In-house Who Does the Work? 4,069 91 100 100 4,000 Number of Volunteers 900 82 1980 Costs (In 2014 Real $'s ) Percent Using Volunteers In-house 75 80 71 800 65 3,000 60 61 Contract 57 700 60 52 2,000 Cost ($) 600 40 488 500 1,000 526 20 211 252 324 119 205 34 31 38 400 900 2014 Costs 0 791 293 0 In-house 800 300 247 700 Contract 175 200 556 129 600 100 109 109 Cost ($) 100 49 500 32 423 368 400 0 265 300 Triming Planting Tree Stump Spraying 175 174 195 168 Removal Removal Population 200 139 Population 108 120 62 100 36 Tree Activity 0 900 1986 Costs (In 2014 Real $'s ) 26.2 In-house 12,538 Time Per Person 25 800 Mean Volunteers Hours 12,000 Contract 20 700 10,000 Cost ($) 15 600 8,000 9.5 9.1 9.8 473 8.4 500 6,000 10 7.4 8.0 Tree Activity 7.0 3,087 2,607 4.8 4,000 3.7 400 5 631 1,090 287 289 2,000 852 270 159 158 368 300 0 194 0 200 136 121 97 102 100 37 28 0 Triming Planting Tree Stump Spraying Removal Removal Population Tree Activity Population Yup, Depends, What’s Your Question A Volunteer Story Who Does the Work? Likely Reason Volunteers Included 345,466 (195,754 SEM) people volunteered Odds Variable Estimate P value Ratio 0.6492 0.045 1.91 1,484,204 (665,460) hours with tree activities Tree Board Outreach 0.7689 0.008 2.16 Strategic Plan 0.5761 0.046 1.78 714 (320 SEM) FTE’s (2080 hour base year) Total Employment 0.044 0.018 1.04 Adequate Budget -0.6736 0.016 0.51 $35 million volunteer impact ($23.56 per hour) Percapita Spending -1.2482 <0.0001 0.29 A Volunteer Story A Volunteer Story 7
Likely Reason Volunteers Included Table 3. The comparison of community sustainability index scores in locations without volunteer and those with volunteers. Without With Volunteers Volunteers Index Score Mean (SEM) Mean (SEM) F-statistic P-value Resource 20.99 (0.44) 21.91 (0.28) 3.364 0.067 Management Community 14.60 (0.37) 16.35 (0.23) 17.652 0.000 Framework Vegetation 7.13 (0.16) 7.81 (0.13) 6.376 0.012 Resource Composite 42.72 (0.50) 46.07 (0.43) 13.952 0.000 Score A Volunteer Story Why Do We Write Standards? Standards of Work and Practice ANSI A300 100 ANSI Z133.1 80 Have Not Heard of These Standards Percent 60 40 20 0 Population The Concept of Tree Pruning is Complex Commonality of Incorporation into Tree Management Procedures 8
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