welcome to riverbank landing


WELCOME TO RIVERBANK LANDING! PRE-APPLICATION PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting WHY ARE YOU HERE? The proposed application includes: A Plan

  1. WELCOME TO RIVERBANK LANDING! PRE-APPLICATION PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING  September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  2. WHY ARE YOU HERE? The proposed application includes: A Plan Amendment and Redistricting application will be submitted by Arc Studio on behalf of Boudreau Communities Ltd. this Fall. Amend the Oakmont Area Structure Plan (ASP) from Commercial and Residential Uses to a Mixed-Use District City Planning will review the application according to city  plans, policies, guidelines and technical feasibility with Redistrict the property (230 and 250 Bellerose Drive and regards to municipal utilities, transportation and impact to 300 Orchard Court) from: the community. Direct Control (DC) Today, we are requesting your feedback on this proposal. to Direct Control Mixed Use (DCMU)  The proposed DCMU District would allow for the development of a comprehensively planned mixed use community, including high density residential and commercial retail and office uses and a village square.  Two amendments to DCMU are required September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  3. WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT TONIGHT?  Details on the proposed redistricting Applicant Team  Information on the District and Process Boudreau Communities Ltd. Dave Haut, President  The applicant team, including the site owners and Iris Haut, VP of Design consulting team are available to answer your questions Rob Brosseau , VP of Project Development  Opportunities to provide us your feedback on the Consulting Team proposal: Nola Kilmartin, Senior Planner, Arc Studio 1. In person by talking to the applicant Stephen Boyd, Principal Architect, Arc Studio 2. In writing by filling out a comment form Janelle Willis, Transportation Engineer, Bunt 3. E-mail the applicant 4. Call the applicant September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  4. WHERE ARE WE IN THE PROCESS? WHAT IS YOUR FEEDBACK USED FOR?  Your feedback is used to help inform conversations between the applicant and the City about the proposal.  Your feedback also informs Council about the nature of the feedback received so they have a better understanding of the opinions of nearby residents throughout the process. September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  5. CONSULTING TEAM September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  6. SITE TOUR September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  7. AERIAL PHOTO ERIN RIDGE OAKMONT September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  8. September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  9. September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  10. September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  11. Development Concept  You likely know us. We are the same group that brought you Botanica.  Our vision for Riverbank Landing is a mixed-use area and will be designed in keeping with the quality and architectural interest of the current successful communities, Shops at Boudreau and Botanica.  As we go forward we are looking for your input and feedback.  Creating live, work, play communities, is increasingly becoming more desirable for many people as it creates a rich, attractive lifestyle.  The development of mixed-use areas appear to be a new concept but in reality it is not new at all.   September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  12. The Community Evolution  European villages have always been mixed-use areas, with homes clustered around a central square.  People have always wanted to live near the hub, to be part of the action.   September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  13. Designated Areas  In the 1920’s North Americans move away from mixed use and started to create individual zones for living, working, recreation and other activities.  But this segregated design approach is changing.   September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  14. Mixed-use Areas  According to the Realtors Association; “ Now, cites are developing a mixed-use environment. They’re developing neighborhoods with the hub idea where you have commercial use, recreation, restaurants, stores-places where people gather as a community at the center and residences are included in the mix.”   September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  15. The Desirability of Mixed-use Areas People like it:  They don’t have to rely on a car.  They get to know their neighborhood.  They get to work from home, play from home and access a healthy lifestyle from home.   September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  16. Mixed-use Areas Benefits  People can support their neighborhood economically and in turn, increase their housing property prices.  Quality mixed use areas create an environment where boutique shops can thrive, providing unique customer experiences.  Strengthen the environmental fabric  of the whole community.  September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  17.  Our Vision    September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  18. DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLES               September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  19. September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  20. September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  21. AERIAL PERSPECTIVE  September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  22. BUILDING PLANS September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  23.  September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  24. BUILDING 1 Two-storey building with restaurant and conference space  Architecturally inspired by the old Red Barn with modern functions and amenities  Large cantilevered patio and views over the outfall to the river  Space for special events, conference meetings, community events KEY PLAN September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  25. BUILDING 2 28 Storey Residential Building  Stepped podium  Large rooftop amenity area  Commercial retail on the street level  Riverfront and valley views  Slim tower profile intended to minimize shadows and maximize unobstructed views  Underground parkade KEY PLAN September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  26. SITE SECTION – BUILDING 2 KEY PLAN -SECTION CUT LINE BLDG 2 28 STOREYS BLDG 4 25 STOREYS BLDG 3 12 STOREYS STEPPED September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  27. BUILDING 3 12 Storey Active Senior Lifestyle Residence  Patios designed to not overlook single-family homes to the northwest  Dense trees and slope allow for generous setbacks  Stepped design profile minimizes building mass and shadow  Underground parkade KEY PLAN September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  28. SITE SECTION – BUILDING 3 KEY PLAN -SECTION CUT LINE September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  29. BUILDING 4 25 Storey Residential Tower  Main floor commercial, framing the Village Square  Three storey podium will be visually screened to neighbours by existing four storey trees  Setbacks from property line:  Podium 10 m / 30 ft  Tower 25 m / 60 ft  Underground Parkade KEY PLAN September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  30. SITE SECTION – BUILDING 4 KEY PLAN -SECTION CUT LINE September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting

  31. BUILDING 5 3 Storey Commercial and Loft Building  Main floor commercial / office  2 Storey residential lofts above  Grade drop from Bellerose and height of trees will enclose the building from the street  Underground parking KEY PLAN September 10, 2019 Pre-Application Consultation Meeting


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