March 21, 2018 ALCA Meeting March 21, 2018
Agenda 1. Process and Timeline 2. Original Submission 3. Revised Submission 4. Next Steps
The City of Calgary Role: • The City is responsible for capturing and using public feedback, along with a comprehensive technical review, to assess the application and make a recommendation to Calgary Planning Commission (CPC) and City Council. Process: • Aug. 2017: Open house and online engagement. • Sept. 2017: City provides technical review comments to applicant. • Jan. 2018: Applicant submits amended application. Revised application shared with the public. • Feb. 2018: City provides additional technical comments on revised application. • (Current) Mar. 2018: Applicant working on final application. • Spring 2018: Tentative date for final land use application submission. • Summer 2018: Tentative date for presentation to CPC. • Summer 2018: Tentative date for City Council Public Hearing. March 21, 2018 ALCA Town Hall Meeting 3
Plan Considerations • Generally slopes from the north and east to the south and west • Predominantly undeveloped – except for one existing homestead • Existing views from the existing community to the north and east • High pressure gas line (to be converted to a low pressure gas line in 2020) along the northern boundary • Crowfoot LRT located approximately 600 metre from southern boundary • Regional pathway on east boundary • Close proximity to the Crowfoot Commercial Centre • Existing loam pile requiring removal March 21, 2018 ALCA Town Hall Meeting 5
Environmental Studies • Preliminary Biophysical Impact Assessment (BIA) conducted by Stantec Consulting • Field assessments completed in the Spring and Summer of 2015 & 2017 • Stantec Determined: • Six wetland areas ranging in class • Most of the habitat provide limited wildlife potential • Treed areas may provide some opportunities for songbirds, raptors and bats • Wetlands provide low to moderate habitats for wildlife • Disconnected and fragmented habitat • Overall, due to existing level of disturbance and previous impacts to vegetation, leading to a low quality wildlife habitat, the development is considered to have an “overall low environmental consequence.” March 21, 2018 ALCA Town Hall Meeting 6
Wetlands • Still under consideration is the retention of Wetland 4 • City policy interpretation is the driving force behind keeping Wetland 4 • Due to elevation of wetland, building heights would be higher and park space would likely not be as central and large • Impact to the plan is still under review, to be considered by the City, Hopewell and affected stakeholders. March 21, 2018 ALCA Town Hall Meeting 7
Staged Master Drainage Plan Conclusions: • The stormwater management facility proposed in this report will control the discharge from the proposed development, at the discharge rate stipulated by the City of Calgary, Water Resources. • The Best Management Practices suggested in this report will reduce the runoff volume discharge to the Bow River to an average annual of 50 mm/year. • Water quality enhancement will be achieved by the proposed oil/grit separator. • This stormwater will be cleaner than the stormwater coming from the existing community March 21, 2018 ALCA Town Hall Meeting 8
Developing the Block Pattern • Access, combined with grading constraints, determined the block layout and access points. • Access points are relatively fixed based on: 1. the existing access point to Watergrove Mobile Home park 2. City requirements of a 150 m technical offset from the northern plan boundary 3. City requiring minimum intersection distances of 60 metres. • The project team proposed the northern access slightly south of the fixed point to provide additional distance from Arbour Meadows Close NW, while allowing a 90 degree connection to Arbour Lake Road, and to allow space to work with challenging grades to the north. March 21, 2018 ALCA Town Hall Meeting 9
Concept Plan Original Submission • A variety of housing options including single-detached and multi-residential • Townhomes: 2-3 storeys • Apartments: 4-6 storeys • Higher densities located along Arbour Lake Road and in close proximity to similar uses to the north and southeast; and in closer proximity to the LRT • Large central open space • Maintain connections to the existing community • Approximately 890 units • No commercial uses March 21, 2018 ALCA Town Hall Meeting 10
Transportation • Transportation Impact Assessment (TIA) conducted by Bunt and Associates • Weekday peak hour intersection capacity analysis was completed at four (4) study area intersections for the Existing and Opening Day Post Development horizons. • The Existing analysis indicates that all study area intersections are currently operating within acceptable capacity parameters therefore no intersection improvements are required to accommodate the existing traffic. March 21, 2018 11
Transportation The Post Development intersection capacity analysis indicated: • All study area intersections will continue operating within acceptable capacity parameters therefore no intersection improvements are required to accommodate the proposed development. • A sensitivity analysis was completed to determine the effect of a higher percentage of vehicles utilizing the main site access, specifically 70% to the main access and 30% to the secondary access . The intersection of the Main Site Access/Arbour Lake Road NW will continue operating within acceptable capacity parameters as a stop controlled intersection • Signalization is not required at the site access intersections with Arbour Lake Road NW. March 21, 2018 12
Sanitary Servicing • Sanitary Servicing Study completed by Pasquini and Associates • Sanitary sewer pipe capacity is reviewed under existing and post development scenarios. • Any infrastructure replacements will be addressed in due course as required by the City of Calgary • Therefore, service won’t be interrupted. March 21, 2018 ALCA Town Hall Meeting 13
Fulfillment of Municipal Development Plan Goals (including the Developed Areas Guidebook) 1. The plan proposes to sensitively intensify the existing community of Arbour Lake in order to leverage the City’s existing capital investments and location of major employment centres. 2. Shaping a more compact urban form is an overarching city-wide strategic goal of the City. Aligns with the MDP’s intent to integrate land use planning and transit investments by providing 3. residential densities in areas served by existing transit service. The plan proposes a diverse housing mix and varying built forms. This aligns with the MDP’s intent 4. to encourage a broad range of housing options through intensification and redevelopment of the Developed Area. 5. The plan will maintain existing connections to the community of Arbour Lake by providing direct road and pathway connections to existing amenities, exceeding the connectivity expectations outlined in the MDP. March 21, 2018 ALCA Town Hall Meeting 14
Community Engagement What we heard? • Citizens expressed concern about the proposed locations of apartment buildings and the potential for them to block existing views from their homes. • Citizens mentioned that they would like to see additional access points throughout the area, to improve walkability. • Concerns relating to the density of the Plan Area March 21, 2018 ALCA Town Hall Meeting 16
Major Changes – Location/Configuration of Apartment Buildings March 21, 2018 ALCA Town Hall Meeting 17
Major Changes – New Pedestrian Connections March 21, 2018 ALCA Town Hall Meeting 18
Concept Plan Revised Submission • Similar to the original submission in terms of uses and units • Density is appropriate given close proximity to Crowfoot LRT station and Crowfoot Commercial Centre • Southeast multi-residential now provides an opportunity for commercial uses (i.e. a small day care facility or a coffee shop near the park) • Improved connections through the multi-residential sites to Arbour Lake Road NW • Relocated apartment buildings to maintain existing views from nearby residents March 21, 2018 ALCA Town Hall Meeting 19
NEXT STEPS Spring/Summer 2018
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