Welcome to Penkridge Middle School Year 4/5 Transition Evening 2016
Our School Day Pupils to arrive no earlier than 8.30am. They then go onto the school yard. Registration 8.45 – 9.15 a.m. Break 11.15 -11.30 am Lunch 12.30 – 1.30 p.m. End of the day 3.30 p.m. If you are dropping off or picking up your child by car at the start or end of the day, then please park at the bottom of the driveway in the Parent Car Park.
The First Week Pupils to walk up the drive to the KS2 playground. Arrive no earlier than 8.30am. They will then be greeted by their teachers. Early lunch at 12.15pm with the buddies. Pupils will be helped to find their way around school. At 3.30pm pupils will walk down the drive. Any parents with cars should park in the bottom car park.
Class Organisation There will be four Year 5 classes. The class teachers are: Mrs Walker 5CWK Miss Cochrane 5SC Mrs Baker 5JB Mr Meredith 5LM Other support for your children: SENCo Mrs Swift Pupil Support Officers Mrs Hodson & Mrs Wheeler On entry in September, our children will be in mixed ability classes for all subjects, except for Maths and Literacy, where they will be set according to ability.
Houses Each child will be allocated to a different house. Ash Blue 5SC Elm Green 5JB Oak Yellow 5CWK Yew Red 5LM The school tie will have the house colour in it – please check so that you purchase the correct tie! Ties for sale in school.
Uniform All details of the uniform are in the school organiser and in our information leaflet.
Uniform We encourage our pupils to take pride in themselves and to look smart at all times. Pupils are allowed to have only natural- coloured highlights or lowlights in their hair. Extreme colours are not allowed. Extreme hairstyles, such as tramlines, mohicans and shaved heads, are not allowed. No jewellery is allowed apart from a watch and one small set of sleeper studs in ears. No nail varnish or make up, please. No “jeans - style” trousers – traditional tailored trousers are our uniform trousers.
PE Kit All details of the PE kit are in the school organiser and in our information leaflet.
Extra - curricular Activities Breakfast club from 8.15 am every day Lunchtime clubs (Sweet Harmony, Boyz, Football, Netball, Play-It Shed, Library, ICT Drop In). After school clubs (Hockey, Football, Tennis, Dance,) We also offer additional instrumental tuition. Please see Mr Mason after the presentation if your child is interested in playing an instrument.
What we do….. Our pupils study all National Curriculum subjects, whilst following a broad and balanced curriculum. Our timetable consists of: Literacy ICT D&T RE Numeracy French PE Art Science Humanities Music PSHE
Reading All children are expected to have a suitable but challenging reading book with them at all times. We have a Y5 and a whole school library where they can loan a book if need be. We encourage our children to read to an adult at home at least 5 times a week and for at least 10 minutes. Parents are encouraged to sign in a reading record/ planner once they have listened to their child read or have held a discussion with the child about their reading book- more information to follow in Sept. DEAR – Drop Everything And Read
Times Tables All pupils need to be fluent with their times tables. Also, they need to know the corresponding division facts. We would like you to encourage you child to practise at home at least 3 times a week. We will be introducing a diary which should be signed by the adult.
Equipment Pupils are required to bring their own equipment to school in a named pencil case. This will include: Handwriting pen Green/purple pen All essential stationery is available Pencil to buy from the Ruler school shop Eraser Pencil Sharpener Colouring Pencils (optional)
Study Visits and Visitors In Year 5, we support our learning by inviting visitors into school and by making study visits to relevant places. Visitors include: Theatre Professor McGinty Bikeability Conkers
Mobile phones Penkridge Middle School is a mobile-free zone. We discourage pupils from bringing mobiles to school, in order to protect valuable property and respect the privacy of others. Exceptions are made if you feel it is absolutely necessary for safety reasons i.e. walking to and from school alone. If this is the case, you will need to complete the necessary paperwork and permissions before any mobile is allowed on premises (found in your welcome pack). Any mobile agreed with the school must be labelled and handed in to the office on arrival each day and collected at the end of the day .
How to Contact Us? If your child is unwell, please contact the school office, by phone, on the first morning of illness. If you need to contact school for other reasons, you can: Use the Pupil Organiser Phone school Speak to the Class Teacher Arrange an appointment/meeting to see the Class Teacher and/or Key Stage Leader
How do we contact you? Every Friday we e-mail home a weekly newsletter called L’Hebdo . This can also be found on our school website. Note in the Pupil Organiser Text message Phone call
Thank you for listening . Please feel free to visit the Year 5 classrooms and talk to our team of teachers.
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