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WELCOME TO STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES Providing The Tools For Students - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WELCOME TO STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES Providing The Tools For Students To Build Their Own Success STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES Purpose: ose: Help students Graduate and Transfer Increase the number of students obtaining Bachelors

  1. WELCOME TO STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES “Providing The Tools For Students To Build Their Own Success”

  2. STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES Purpose: ose: • Help students Graduate and Transfer • Increase the number of students obtaining Bachelor’s Degree Process: cess: • Complete This PowerPoint & Questionnaire • Submit The application and provide documentation if needed • Interviews with staff to learn what each person can do for you • Two (2) Activities • Finish Process with Director Joinin ing g Student ent Suppor ort t Services ices is the Right ht Choice ice to Success cess.

  3. WHO TO SEE: Career er Info, o, Transf sfer er, Counseli nseling, g, Digit ital al Portfol olio o = Caree eer Counselo nselor Techn hnica ical Difficul culti ties, es, D2L, Comput puter er Lab, Gold Key, E-Mai ail = Tech/Da h/Data ta Manage ager Math, h, Tutoring, ring, Study y Groups ps , Soluti tion on Guide e = Le Learn rning ing Special ecialist ist Infor orma mati tion: n: Fina nanci ncial al Aid, Commun munity ty Service, ice, Program m = Direct ector or Stud uden ent t Suppor port t Servic ice e Staf aff

  4. BENEFITS OF STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES • Ea Early En Enrol ollme lment nt . . . Select lect the e class sses es you want before ore they y fill up up. SSS has an enrollment hold. SSS Staff must sign a paper to allow you to enroll each semester • Career eer Inf nformat ormation ion • Tut utori ring ng • Com omputer er Lab, b, Copier ier and d Scann nning ing • 5 Day Math Class • Buy uy Book oks s Ea Early • Financial ancial Ai Aid Of Office ce Keeps eps SSS S inform ormed ed about t $$$ Delays ys • Trips s to Un Univer ersities sities & Cul ultural ural Ev Events ts ($10 Deposit to Reserve Your Spot) August ust Workshop shop . . . Learn about ut key office ice at NEO & & Financi ncial al Aid News Atten end Modules es for TIPS to Imp mproved ed Your Perfor orma mance nce in College. ege.

  5. GOLD RETENTION AWARD – 3 CREDIT HOURS FREE Requ equir iremen ements ts for r Gold d Ret eten enti tion on Awar ard: d: • Re Re-en enroll oll for Fall sem emes ester er • Acti tive e in in Stude dent t Supp pport t Ser ervic ices es • 2.5 5 or ab above e GPA • Full Tim ime S e Stude dent Enr nroll oll in n April il for the Fall l Semest mester er to Qua ualify lify

  6. SSS BOOK SCHOLARSHIP Each Semest mester er a $250 Book k Scholar larship hip is awarded. ed.  Enrolled in 12 hours or more for the semester.  2.0 or Above GPA  Essay must accompany application  Based on Participant Points  Committee select recipient based on essay and number of SSS activities completed  Books are returned at the end of the semester, to be sold back at the bookstore to help replenish the SSS Scholarship Fund Com omple lete e Ap Applicati tion on Mid-Sem Semest ester

  7. SUCCESS IN MATH Everyone ne is capable ble of learning rning Math. . Slo lowing wing the pace down can help you succee eed. d. • Fall - Intermediate & Spring - College Algebra • Math Class meets 5 times per week • Only SSS Participants are enrolled in this class • Smaller class and extra time help make learning easier • Taught by NEO Math Instructor Get et 5 5 Hours a Week k of Extra a Algeb ebra Instr struct ction on for the Price of 3 Class ss Credit its! s!

  8. Tut utori oring ng All of us are good in some subjects ects but wea weak k in oth others. . Why y not ot get et tutoring ing to help you learn n faster? ? It makes sense to get et what t makes s learning rning easier. • Tutoring helps you learn faster and study more efficiently • SSS Manuals are available to check you answers to make sure you are doing the problem correctly • Tutoring Study Groups are available to help you prepare for test Sign Up Up For Tutor oring ng at the Start t of The Semest ester er

  9. BUSINESS TRIPS & MENTORS Stud uden ent t Suppor port t Servic ices es will ll make e a busin iness ess connection ction for you. u. Open n Program gram (Oppor portun tunit ity y for r Profess essional ional Em Employm ymen ent t Netw etwor orking) ng) • SSS will provide a card with contact information of a professional in your area of interest • Contact can be through e-mail, text, phone, or in person • Develop a professional relationship with a mentor who can be a reverence Bus usine ness s Trips s to local l bus usines iness help lp your ur explor lore e career eer oppor ortu tuni niti ties es

  10. NETWORKING Net etwor orki king g is essen enti tial al for you to have connections ctions to find jobs bs in n your ur career er when n you u fini nish sh school ol.  Develop lop connections: ctions: • Instructors and NEO Staff Across Campus. • Business Mentors • Community Leaders • Through Community Service Opportunities

  11. POWER LUNCHES Topics cs are presen ented ed to help you devel elop op Profess ssion ional Skills Power r Lunches es meet et Twice ce a Month th on Wednesda esday and Thursd sday y at Noon with h lunch h provided ed. Some of the subjects ects covered ered in power er lunch ches es are: Cultural Diversity • • Academic Skills & Test Anxiety • Relationship Building • Financial Aid & Financial Literacy • Research Paper Development Choose ose a Topic c of of Interes erest t and Plan to Atten end SSS Ac Acti tiviti ties es Increa ease se Profess ession on Skills s & The Probab abilit ity of Gett etting ng The Job You Want! t!

  12. WORKSHOPS Worksh rkshops ops are schedu duled led twice ce a month nth. . Subjects jects might ght includ ude: e: • Digital Portfolio - Replacing the Paper R ѐ sum ѐ • Careers/Dressing for Success • Scholarship Search • Business Etiquette • Interview Skills

  13. COMMUNITY SERVICES Community mmunity servic vice e is a way to give e back to others while e making ing conn nnections ctions in n the commun munity ity. • Set for one hour since college students don’t have much time me • Commun mmunity ity Servic vice e can n be be writt itten en on n you u Di Digital ital Portfolio olio and discuss ussed ed during ing job inter ervie views ws with h future ure emplo loyer ers • Community mmunity Servic vice e Inform rmat ation ion is part t of Schola olarship hip Applications ications Now w is the e time me to start t comm mmuni nity ty servi vice ce to make e connecti nnection ons

  14. CULTURAL EVENTS Cul ultural ural Ev Events nts and d Transf sfer er Trips s requi uire re maki king ng plans s ahead ead of time, e, so we mus ust t kno now w who o plans s to attend. end. The he process cess requi uire re signing ing up up and placing ng a $10.00 0.00 depos posit it.  A deposit is required to plan to buy tickets and arrange for meals, etc. SSS provides transportation, tickets and meals.  If you are unable to attend because of a test or you feel you need to attend class that day, notify SSS before event and your deposit will be refunded.  The Vice-President will send a notice to you instructor to be excused from attending class. Please talk to your instructor and let them know you plan to attend. Events have included Art galleries, ballets, George Washington Carver Museum and Dinner Theaters. In connection with cultural trips we have visited universities near event . Experi erien ence ce is a good d teacher cher. Experie ienci ncing ng it for yoursel elf f is a good d way to learn. n.

  15. TRANSFER TRIPS Help lp You:  Di Disco cover er the un univer ersitie ities s that t have stron ong g programs grams in n your major jor.  Connect nect with th transf ansfer er counselor elors, , TR TRiO personnel, sonnel, Finan nancial cial Aid Counselors unselors and nd Advisor sors at other er univer ersities. sities.  Become ome familia iliar with h campus us at OSU, , OU OU, , MSSU, , NSU, , PSU PSU, , and nd/or /or MSU. Studen ent t Support t Service ices s helps ps you tra ransf sfer r smoothl thly and become come part of the Trio Programs ams at Un Univer ersiti sities es. (Not all Colleges and Universities have a program like SSS.)

  16. LINKS  SSS S websit ebsite: e: www.neo.edu/sss/ Program Information  SSS SSS Facebo ebook ok: : Events and Photos  Pintere erest st: : http://pinterest.com/neoss osss/ s/ Career, Study Skills & Videos  E-mail ail & Text t Al Alerts ts o Messages about What is Happening at SSS. o Sign Up to receive Text or e-mail alerts. OR SSS provides des informat rmatio ion n in many ways. s. • Monthly thly Calen enda dar/Ne /News wslett tter er & Schedu dule e of of Event nts. SSS SSS Links for all are on the SSS D2L •


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