welcome to hendre infants school nurture believe achieve

Welcome to Hendre Infants School Nurture Believe Achieve New - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to Hendre Infants School Nurture Believe Achieve New Reception Parents Evening 2020 In this Meeting Staff Introductions The School Day Attendance School Uniform Uniform Grant Snack and Lunch Curriculum

  1. Welcome to Hendre Infants School Nurture Believe Achieve New Reception Parents Evening 2020

  2. In this Meeting • Staff Introductions • The School Day • Attendance • School Uniform • Uniform Grant • Snack and Lunch • Curriculum • Helping at home • Communication • Forms Nurture Believe Achieve

  3. Reception Staff Dosbarth Hedgehogs Miss Stow Miss Pugh Miss Thomas Dosbarth Rabbits Mrs Kelly Miss Jenkins Miss Pole

  4. The School Day ay 3 rd rd Children ren will star art t on Thurs rsday September ptember For the e first t 2 days ys children ren will finish h at 1.30pm pm m 7 th th September Full time e from ptember

  5. Attendance Punctuality Matters Being frequently late for school adds up to lost learning ,  Arriving 5 minutes late every day adds up to over 3 days lost each year  Arriving 15 minutes late every day adds up to 2 weeks absence a year  Arriving 30 minutes late every adds up to 19 days absence a year 100% Above 95% Between 87% and 95% Below 87% Attendance of 95% for the year equals 10 days that your child has been absent, that is 2 full school weeks of your child’s le arning missed for that year. Attendance of 90% for the year equals 19 days that your child has been absent, that is almost 4 school weeks missed. Attendance of 85% for the year equals 29 days that your child has been absent per, that is almost 6 school weeks missed. Attendance of 80% for the year equals 38 days absent per year that is over 7 school weeks missed.

  6. School Uniform Our school colours are navy blue and yellow. We believe our uniform provides the children with a sense of identity, and a feeling of pride and belonging. Winter ter Uniform orm Summer mmer Uniform orm Yellow polo shirt Yellow polo shirt, Navy blue jumper or Grey shorts cardigan Grey skirt Grey trousers Yellow and white or Grey skirt or pinafore blue and white gingham dress. Grey or navy tights Black sensible shoes

  7. School Uniform PE Kit Fores est t School ools s Kit White polo shirt, Wellies Black shorts or leggings Suitable waterproof wear Trainers for outdoors If possible these kits should be left in school and we will send them home every half term. Sweatshirt jumpers , cardigans and polo shirts and book bags are available to order from • Total Solutions at the top of town. • Allwear solutions in Bedwas , by Peters Pies

  8. Uniform Grant Get £125 to buy school uniform, equipment, sports kit and kit for activities outside of school for your child. Learners eligible for free school meals and LAC can apply for this grant for the 2020 to 2021 academic year if they are: • entering reception class or year 3 in primary school • entering year 7 or year 10 in secondary school • aged 4, 7, 11 or 14 in special schools, special needs resource bases or pupil referral units Due to the current circumstances a new on-line application process has been developed for 2020. It is anticipated that the on-line application will be available for families to access from Monday 27th July 2020. Please note: If you have already purchased the items you can still apply and receive the funds retrospectively. https://gov.wales/pupil-development-grant-access

  9. Snack and Lunch We are a Healthy School. The children will need a healthy snack everyday. This must be fruit or vegetables please. Children will be given clear water bottles in September. These are for water only. In September your child will need a packed lunch As a healthy school we encourage healthy lunch boxes. This must be balanced. This may include • A sandwich or a wrap with a healthy filling • Fruits or vegetables • Squash, water, milk, or diluted juice • A dairy snack like cheese or yogurt • One treat – crisps or a chocolate bar

  10. The New Curriculum Children leaving Hendre Infants will be …… . Areas of Learning and Experience

  11. How can you help at home ? Phonics Writing Mark Making Reading Numbers Tricky words

  12. Please Send In Tricky word Tub Steffan Davies Tricky words Family Picture

  13. Communication Pare rents nts Team www.he hend ndreinf einfantsc antschool. hool.co.uk co.uk Text 2 Parents ents @hendre drein infan fants ts “ Pare arents nts of Hendre re ” Reque uest st to join in hdri ria@ a@caer caerphi hilly lly.g .gov ov.u .uk

  14. Consent Forms • We have emailed or sent a dojo message to tell you which class your child will be in, in September. • Over the next couple of days we will send you consent forms that will need to be completed please. These will include: • Image consent • Hwb • Personal Detail and emergency contact • Home School Agreement • Nurture Dog

  15. Thank you for listening …

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