ex plore achieve succeed

ex plore. achieve. succeed. APPL Y FOR THE 2019-2020 SCHOOL YEAR - PDF document

9/12/18 ex plore. achieve. succeed. APPL Y FOR THE 2019-2020 SCHOOL YEAR IN ONE OF OUR CAREER ACADEMIES Biotechnology High School - Freehold Communications High School - Wall High T echnology High School - Lincroft Marine Academy of Science

  1. 9/12/18 ex plore. achieve. succeed. APPL Y FOR THE 2019-2020 SCHOOL YEAR IN ONE OF OUR CAREER ACADEMIES Biotechnology High School - Freehold Communications High School - Wall High T echnology High School - Lincroft Marine Academy of Science & Technology - Sandy Hook Monmouth County Academy of Allied Health & Science - Neptune MCVSD Career Academy ¨ Curriculum and instruction related to the theme ¨ Small learning community ¨ Combines academic and career & technical curricula ¨ Many staff come from industry ¨ Partnerships with employers, community, and higher education ¨ Advisory boards help guide the curriculum ¨ Clubs are offered. Athletics at local district ¨ Tuition and Transportation provided by resident district Career Academy Facts and Figures ¨ Approximately 70% of students pursue a major related to the theme of the school (Class of 2018) ¨ 99% of students attend 4 year College/University (Class of 2018) ¨ All students are required to participate in an Internship/ Mentorship ¨ 160 credits to graduate (State Minimum-120 credits) ¨ Approximately 1,500 total students enrolled in the Five Career Academies 1

  2. 9/12/18 Academy of Allied Health and Science ¨ The Academy of Allied Health and Science prepares and motivates students to pursue further education towards a career in the Medical Sciences through a rigorous specialized curriculum and community-based partnerships, inspiring students to serve society with compassion, skill and vision. ¨ Located in Neptune Biotechnology High School ¨ Biotechnology High School is a 21st Century Career and Technical high school where 100% of the students engage in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. The school's mission is to inspire students toward open-minded participation in the global community and to prepare students for higher education and leadership in an increasingly demanding workplace, through academic research, original investigations, and interactive partnerships. Students concentrate their studies in the areas of health science, engineering, agriculture, and the environment . ¨ Located in Freehold Communications High School ¨ CHS provides a college preparatory program in Communications that serves the community by providing exemplary learning experiences in areas such as New Media, Journalism and Publishing, Commercial Art, and TV/Radio Broadcasting . Throughout the past decade, the CHS community has dedicated itself to foster a collaborative work environment with students, parents, faculty members, and administrators. ¨ Located in Wall 2

  3. 9/12/18 High Technology High School ¨ High Technology High School, a Pre-Engineering career academy that emphasizes the interconnections among mathematics, science, technology and the humanities, prepares students to become creative problem solvers through a rigorous specialized curriculum and community-based partnerships. ¨ Located on the campus of Brookdale Community College in Lincroft Marine Academy of Science & Technology ¨ The Marine Academy of Science and Technology strives to develop literate, ethical and productive members of society empowered to meet the challenges of a global community by providing a rigorous academic environment with a core specialization in Marine Science and Technology . ¨ Located at Gateway National Park- Sandy Hook Admission Procedures ¨ Student must attend information session with parent/ guardian at the school they are applying to ¨ Eighth grade students may only apply to ONE school ¨ Complete the online application. Information to access the application will only be given at the end of the mandatory information session 3

  4. 9/12/18 Admission Procedures ¨ Application Deadline is Friday, December 7, 2018. Late applications will not be accepted ¨ MCVSD must receive documents from your school by December 21, 2018 ** Adhere to your school’s procedures and deadlines ¨ Take the admissions exam on Saturday, January 26, 2019 at the school you applied to. Picture ID is required. ¨ Exam: English/ELA and Mathematics ¤ Multiple Choice ¤ NJ Student Learning Standards Acceptance Criteria Applicants will be ranked according to the following scoring: Criteria Maximum Rating Grade Point Average 7th Grade (Final Avg.) 15 8th Grade (1st Quarter Avg.) 15 District Admission Exam Math 35 Language Arts 35 Total Possible 100 Minimum Score to Qualify for Admission 75 The exam is aligned with NJ Student Learning Standards Scale used to determine GPA Classes used on the scale are : English /Language Arts; Math; Social Studies; Science Rating Number Grade Letter Grade 100-98 A+ 15 97-94 A 14 93-92 A- 13 91-90 B+ 12 89-86 B 11 85-84 B- 10 83-82 C+ 9 81-78 C 8 77-76 C- 7 75-74 D+ 6 73-72 D 5 71-70 D- 4 4

  5. 9/12/18 Official Transcript MUST accompany this form SUBJECT GRADE 7 GRADE 8 (FINAL GRADES) (FIRST MARKING PERIOD) English/Language Arts 92 (13) 88 (11) Mathematics 96 (14) 95 (14) Social Studies 89 (11) 92 (13) Science 94 (14) 89 (11) AVERAGE 13 12.3 Applicant must also write an essay describing why he/she wants to attend the Academy they are applying to. This is not scored. First Round Offers of Admission ¨ The highest scoring qualified applicant from each district pool will be offered admission. ¨ The maximum score is 100, and the minimum score to qualify is 75. • District pool is the resident public school (excluding regional high school districts) that an applicant resides in at the time of application. Subsequent Rounds ¨ The entire applicant pool will be reconsidered if space permits. ¨ Total rank will be given priority over a student’s resident district. ¨ In most years we over enroll in anticipation of some attrition. ¨ If an opening occurs, the entire applicant list will be reviewed for a replacement. 5

  6. 9/12/18 Registration Form Information Session THE TOP OF THIS FORM WILL SERVE AS DOCUMENTATION OF YOUR ATTENDANCE AT THE MANDATORY INFORMATION SESSION. IT IS THE APPLICANT’S RESPONSIBILTY TO SUBMIT THE TOP OF THIS FORM AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE INFORMATION SESSION THEY ATTENDED. APPLICATIONS WILL BE VOIDED IF THERE IS NO RECORD OF YOUR ATTENDANCE. Your application will be voided if you submit applications to more than one school or you did not attend one of the mandatory information sessions at the school you are applying to. The key codes are not transferrable and if the registration key code used does not belong to the applicant who received it, the applications of all parties involved will be rejected. Print Applicant’s Last Name/First Name: _______________________________________ Current Grade: ___________ Town of Residence:________________________________ Name of Current School Attending____________________________________________ Parent Name: _______________________________________ Parent Signature: ____________________________________ Date:_________________ REGISTRATION KEY CODE: ABCDEFGHIJKLMN MCVSD COPY MCVSD Application Register 6

  7. 9/12/18 Application Submitting Application Confirmation 7


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