
Achievement Morning Year 6 Fun and Achieve! Aspire and believe, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Achievement Morning Year 6 Fun and Achieve! Aspire and believe, flourish and succeed within the heart of Gods family! Fun n and Achie ieve! ve! Christian Values As a Church school, you know our Christian Values are important. Your

  1. Achievement Morning Year 6 Fun and Achieve!

  2. Aspire and believe, flourish and succeed within the heart of God’s family! Fun n and Achie ieve! ve!

  3. Christian Values As a Church school, you know our Christian Values are important. Your support in encouraging the children with the school’s Christian Values is extremely valued. Fun and Achieve!

  4. Contents: • The Curriculum – English – Maths • Assessment (including SATS) • The Blog • Homework • Secondary Schools • E-Safety Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  5. RE English Maths The Curriculum Science Topic PE, MFL, Computing PSHE (History, Geography, Art, DT, Music) Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  6. Phonics SPAG/GAPS Reading Writing English Life skill – wider Handwriting Speaking and curriculum Listening/ Drama Fun and Achieve!

  7. Reading In school we… • Read on a daily basis within a range of lessons • Use guided reading – group/whole class • Have DEAR time • Use the school and Westhoughton library • Provide support for those children that need it • 50 Texts suggested for each year group • Opportunities for Reading for Pleasure Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  8. Reading Expectations There is more of an emphasis on the children’s understanding of words. A quick look at a previous SAT reading paper. Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  9. Reading Expectations Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  10. Reading Expectations Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  11. Supporting Reading To support reading at home you need to… • Listen to your child read regularly • Allow them to read independently and ask for a summary • Ask them about their author preference & to explain why • Encourage your child to read a range of texts • Support using a range of questions – summary, prediction, inference, retrieval. Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  12. D.E.A.R Drop Everything and Read • Every day after lunch, children will read independently or complete a SPAG activity. • As often as possible, I will read with the children I feel need extra support. I will also be modelling reading for pleasure in order to recommend books. • Miss Evans Yates will further support identified children with individual reading. • Every Monday, reading records will be checked, and if reading has taken place at home (signature, date & comment needed) the child will receive a stamp. • Rewards will be given after 50/100/150 stamps. Fun and Achieve!

  13. Spelling Working together, we need to… • Have high expectations of commonly misspelt words • Insist on basic skills • Teach spelling rules and patterns • Support this with homework activities and spelling investigations Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  14. Handwriting Handwriting is a skill we practise daily in school. • In Years 5 & 6, the children are developing their own handwriting style for speed which must be neat, legible and cursive. • Some pupils will need further support at home. If so, your child will receive some handwriting homework. Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  15. MJ Teaching Writing In school we… • Model the writing process • Clearly teach the expectations • Use a range of stimuli • Have a clear WALT and WILF • Use Self, Peer & Joint assessment • Ensure that the basic skills are used consistently Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  16. Writing Expectations The expected criteria Children need to meet all of the given criteria in as many pieces of writing as appropriate – this is called a ‘secure fit’. Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  17. Writing Expectations Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  18. AMc Supporting Writing To support writing at home you need to encourage your child to… • Write to friends and family members (can be by email) • Keep a diary • Apply their writing skills on the Blog • Apply their learning to their homework Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  19. Grammar All children will take a SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) test at the end of KS2. • Lots of iPad work (LBQ) comes in really useful with SPAG. This allows us to provide immediate feedback. Children get 1:1 support throughout the lesson as required. Teachers can also see how children are progressing. Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  20. Grammar Terminology and punctuation is key. Really important we keep revisiting the basics. Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  21. AMc Grammar Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  22. AMc Grammar Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  23. AMc Grammar Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  24. MJ iPads and LBQ Technology is used in school to motivate, inspire and enhance children’s learning. • B-Pods are used less frequently but iPads are still being used to inspire and motivate children through a range of creative teaching strategies. • i.e English, Maths, PE, Science • Learning by Questions is a programme we are using that is a fantastic resource that engages and challenges the children. Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  25. Mental Geometry Number Mathematics Using and applying Statistics Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  26. MJ Maths Expectations We are working on the White Rose Maths Schemes of Work. Within this scheme, there is a focus on Small Steps – not rushing children through – your support is vital with this. This is to ensure the children have a really solid and secure understanding to build on. Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  27. MJ Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  28. MJ Maths Expectations Due to us now using White Rose Maths, the targets that were given at the end of last year (in reports) may no longer be accurate. The targets will focus on the small steps the children are covering in lessons and the basic skills we feel are important to ensure a solid foundation. Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  29. Teaching Number Place value Four operations: • Addition • Subtraction • Multiplication • Division Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  30. Arithmetic Test The children will complete an Arithmetic Test as well as other Maths tests. Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  31. Number facts To support Maths at home you need to… • Help your child learn the times tables, both multiplication and division facts (up to at least 12 x 12) – use of TT Rockstars • Ensure they know the basic number facts – number bonds to 10/20/100 • Encourage mental calculations when out shopping Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  32. How well is my child doing? At the end of each year, in their written report, your child will be assessed as: • Working above the expected standard • Working at the expected standard • Working below the expected standard Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  33. How well is my child doing? Children will be classed as making: • Above expected progress • Expected progress • Below expected progress Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  34. Attitude Criteria • Attendance • Punctuality • Behaviour – classroom • Behaviour – non-classroom • Effort • Homework Red Yellow Green 0 1 2 3 4 5 • Uniform Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  35. Assessments In May, children will sit the following assessments English - Reading - SPAG x 2 (Written and Spelling) - Writing will be teacher assessed Maths - Arithmetic Test - Reasoning Test x2 Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  36. The Blog Our blog is getting even bigger and better – not only can children showcase their work to the WHOLE world, they can use it to improve their writing and English skills! • • WE WANT YOUR COMMENTS! • Why? Because they give the children an audience and helps them improve their work. Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  37. How can you help our school blogs take off? The blog is a fantastic way of celebrating children’s work with a wider audience. It is also a way of helping children improve the standard of their work as feedback can be given to support their learning. To help: Please visit the blog and leave a comment as often as you can; children’s work is being uploaded regularly Remember, you don’t just have to comment on your own child’s work you can comment on any child’s work If you are able to leave a comment, children really like to read about what you have liked in their post as well as reading about how they could make their work better You may be able to provide ideas that the children could write about, e.g. posing questions within your comment that the children could answer Your post will not appear on the site straight away; it has to be approved by a member of staff initially Spread the blog site around – we get visitors from all over the world and we would love to continue this Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!

  38. Homework Homework is given every week. • Homework booklet goes out on a Friday and is due in the following Thursday. • Children must complete all parts of the homework. • It does reiterate learning that has happened in school to help them retain terminology and methods etc. • Homework club on a Thursday. Fun and Achieve! Fun and Achieve!


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