welcome to grafton middle school

Welcome to Grafton Middle School 2020-2021 Ms. Kurposka, Principal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to Grafton Middle School 2020-2021 Ms. Kurposka, Principal Mr. Fauth, Assistant Principal We Are ONE Community! One Grafton! Hybrid In-Person/Remote & Remote Learning Academy GMS Pillars 1. Be respectful 2. Be responsible 3. Be

  1. Welcome to Grafton Middle School 2020-2021 Ms. Kurposka, Principal Mr. Fauth, Assistant Principal

  2. We Are ONE Community! One Grafton! Hybrid In-Person/Remote & Remote Learning Academy

  3. GMS Pillars 1. Be respectful 2. Be responsible 3. Be grateful 4. Be kind

  4. Morning Announcements Daily • Each morning we begin the day with morning announcements over the intercom for in-person students. • Remote students - Read “Daily Bulletin” in PowerSchool.

  5. One Grafton Orientation First 3 Days of School - Orientation to our Grafton Middle School Community Personalization - Let’s get to know each other ➢ Teach-To’s - General GMS Expectations/Protocols ➢ Community-Building Activities ➢ One Grafton Description Link

  6. Virtual Assembly Teach-To Positive Negative Arrive on time Talking while presenter is talking Be prepared to learn Using cellphone Participate with a positive attitude Leaving to use restroom Give presenter(s) your full attention with exception of emergencies Be an active listener and/or participate Talking back to teachers/staff Follow teacher/staff instructions Almost-but-not-quite Entering assembly late and chatting with a neighbor Whispering to friend sitting next to you Quiet/respectful, but looking around instead of looking at and actively listening to the presenter

  7. Developing Brains!

  8. Student Handbook Rules and Teach-To’s ● ●

  9. Sign-in/Sign Out - Leaving a Class

  10. Water Breaks ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔

  11. Masks and Mask Breaks Teach-To Positive ● Masks that cover the nose and mouth must be worn by all individuals in the school buildings, on school grounds, and on school transportation, even when social distancing is observed. ● Masks will not be required when appropriate social distancing is enforced during mask breaks, while eating or drinking, and during physical education classes ● We’ll provide “mask breaks” during the school day Negative Pulling mask off nose and/or mouth while in the school buildings, on school grounds, or on school transportation - even when social distancing is observed. Almost-but-not-quite Leaving either nose or mouth - or both - exposed. Removing your mask while on the bus, in the school building, or on school grounds.

  12. Masks can be disposable or reusable and will need to: fully cover the nose and mouth and secure under the chin; be made with at least 2 layers of breathable material; fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face, and be secured with ties or ear loops. Based on guidance from health authorities, neck gaiters, open-chin triangle bandanas and face-coverings containing valves, mesh material or holes of any kind will not be considered appropriate masks.

  13. Mask Guidelines for Discipline Masks are to be worn at all times unless otherwise directed by faculty or staff. In the event that a student removes their mask or does not wear their mask without permission, we will follow our philosophy of restorative justice and supporting positive behavior. The restorative justice process will be as follows: ● Teacher gives verbal redirection in class ● Teacher conference with student in hallway and reviews expectations and how refusing to comply causes harm to members of the community. ● Counselor conferences with student ● Principal conferences with student ● Parent called & given option to have child learn remotely in lieu of suspension

  14. Physical Distancing/No Contact Teach-To Positive ● No physical contact is made with adults or students ● Maintain six feet distance in between yourself and others when walking in the hallways. ● If you are unable to enter your next class, and you need to wait in the hall, move to the left side and wait under a smiley face sticker. Negative ● Making physical contact with an adult or another student ● Getting closer to friends or others in the halls. (Use the smiley face stickers on the walls as your guidance!) ● Entering a class before the teacher instructs you to do so, or before the previous class has left the room. Almost-but-not-quite ● Keeping a small distance in between you and another person. (Less than 3 feet in a classroom, and less than 6 feet in the hallway.) ● Passing a personal item to another person either in class, the hallway or another area in the school.

  15. Hallway (Changing Classes) Teach-To Positive ○ Wear your mask properly ○ Follow arrows on floor for direction in hallways ○ Maintain social distancing with students and adults, and stay to the right ○ Follow directions from staff in the hallway the first time they are said ○ Keep hands, feet, objects to yourself ○ Get to class on time with all necessary materials ○ Follow most direct route from class to class ○ Walk (with head up, paying attention) ○ Be kind - Use appropriate words ○ Keep hallways clean - If you drop something, pick it up ○ During class time, complete sign-out/Sign-In Form before leaving class ○ Report unsafe behavior Use indoor voices ○

  16. Hallway (Changing Classes) Teach-To Negative ○ Not wearing a mask ○ Not maintaining social, physical distancing ○ Disregarding adult instructions ○ Being unkind to others ○ Blocking the hallway so others are unable to pass ○ Running, Jumping, Littering, Sliding down stair rails ○ Slamming/hanging on door frames ○ Touching anything that is not your property ○ Cell phone/tech use Almost-but-not-quite ● Partially wearing mask, e.g. exposing nostrils or mouth ● Reducing amount of distance between you and others - not following social distancing. ● Taking a little longer route to class ● Speed-walking to class, increasing possibility of banging into someone else

  17. Restroom Teach-To Positive ○ Complete the online Sign-out/Sign-in Form ○ Wear your mask properly ○ Follow physical distancing guidelines - No more than 2 students in restroom at once ○ Be efficient - don’t waste time. Go back to class immediately when done ○ Use restroom properly - clean up after oneself and flush toilet ○ Wash hands - 20 seconds with soap ○ Respect others’ personal space and property ○ Be mindful of others’ right to privacy ○ Take direct route back to class ○ No cell phone/tech use ○ Report unsafe behavior, vandalism, graffiti

  18. Restroom Teach-To Negative ○ Not wearing your mask in the restroom ○ Not following social distancing rules ○ Loiter in restroom, and/or taking longer route back to class, wasting time ○ Use cell phone/tech ○ Being unkind and not respecting another’s privacy, personal space or property ○ Not washing hands ○ Not cleaning up after oneself or not flushing the toilet ○ Vandalism of facilities

  19. Restroom Teach-To Almost-but-not-quite ● Partially wearing your mask - not covering both nose and mouth ● Not maintaining full social distancing - moving a little closer to another student ● Washing hands with water, but not using soap, or quickly washing hands with soap ● Staying to chat with a friend who enters bathroom while you are leaving, instead of going immediately back to class ● Deliberately walking by a friend’s class to wave hi, but got back to class quickly ● Ask to go to the restroom, but really don’t have a physical need Remember: Because only 2 students may use the restroom at once, it is unkind to use time that another needs in the restroom!

  20. Hand Washing/Sanitizing Teach-To Positive ● Wash hands for a minimum of 20 seconds or sanitize hands after using the restroom or touching several objects such as doors or door knobs when changing classes. ● Wash hands for a minimum of 20 seconds or sanitize hands after being handed an ● object or using a piece of equipment. Negative ● Not washing hands or sanitizing hands after using the restroom ● Not washing hands or sanitizing hands after touching objects such as equipment. Almost-but-not-quite ● Washing hands for about ten seconds after using the restroom or using equipment.

  21. Respect One Another and Yourself

  22. Expectations for Students and Learning ● Students must be in attendance and visible every period ● All school rules apply ● Demonstrate understanding of each content area through completion of the variety of assignments/activities ● Actively participate in class discussions via online formats ● Collaborate with peers using online applications ● ALL students are expected to engage in the learning lessons and activities of their courses, as well as complete assignments and assessments as indicated by their teachers

  23. Expectations for Students and Learning ● Students who need academic or social emotional support are asked to let a GMS adult know so we may assist and refer to a counselor ● If students have questions at any point, they should connect with their teachers ● Communicate with teachers through Schoology ● All students are required to follow GMS/GHS ONLINE LEARNING RULES


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