welcome to crm online marketing for ngo nfp

Welcome to CRM & Online Marketing for NGO / NFP Grow an - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to CRM & Online Marketing for NGO / NFP Grow an audience online, and better manage relationships with your contacts Alex Cumberland Operations Manager, Synergy 8 What's a CRM? "Improve your team's ability to e ff ectively

  1. Welcome to CRM & Online Marketing for NGO / NFP Grow an audience online, and better manage relationships with your contacts Alex Cumberland Operations Manager, Synergy 8

  2. What's a CRM? "Improve your team's ability to e ff ectively manage a relationship between your brand, and its contacts" Online Marketing We'll also have a brief look at how these pieces fi t together: CRM. Website. E-mail Marketing. SMS Marketing. Events RSVP. Online Payment.

  3. CRM Systems “ Improve your team's ability to e ff ectively manage a relationship between your brand, and its contacts How should they help? Consider those really amazing supporters and advocates. CRM's should help you better understand, and re-produce them.

  4. Discuss: 1. What information do you need in order to improve conversations and produce advocates? 2. Where does this information come from?

  5. API Integrations vs. Import / Export API Integration: - Is it two-way? How often? - How are duplicates and con fl icts managed - Software pricing changes - API endpoints Import / Export: - Cost analysis (costs of api vs. import / export) - How are duplicates and con fl icts managed - What is a contact record to you? - Unsubscribe & opt. out

  6. CRM Challenges Getting Accurate Data: - Start with accounting software / billing - Website platform might store users & contacts - Marketing lists - Events rsvp lists People & Training: - Assign one or two "system champions" within your organization - Be upfront and responsive about resistance

  7. CRM Challenges Finding the right system: - One system is the goal, but not always realistic - Marketing / Website / Billing / Events - Review your stack & solution

  8. Online Marketing Website. E-mail Marketing. SMS Marketing. CRM. Events RSVP. Online Payment. Your Website - Converts visitors into leads via form, purchase or sign-up - Ideally form submissions push into the CRM Online Payment - Use a payment gateway (eWay, SecurePay, Stripe) - Take recurring payment online, make it easy! - Integration with accounting / billing

  9. Online Marketing E-mail Marketing - Easy ROI through monthly campaigns and targeting - Investigate integration with events - Campaigns based on sales, CRM activity and content marketing - Be careful of unsubscribe / opt out! - Integrated with accounting for sales based campaigns SMS Marketing - Be EXTRA careful of unsubscribe / opt out! - Guaranteed impressions - Integration required for success (targeted campaigns) - Very e ff ective when used with events

  10. Key Take-aways 1. Reduce friction - purchases, donations, sign-up, RSVP. 2. CRM systems aren't e ff ective until they're adopted properly. Try a champion. 3. Integration is ideal, but not always realistic. Review your stack.

  11. Thank You Don't be a stranger! A big thanks to Robert King - Integration Kings Follow me on LinkedIn - Alex Cumberland

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