
Welcome GMLPN Members Meeting Wifi Network: BGC-Secure Password: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome GMLPN Members Meeting Wifi Network: BGC-Secure Password: bgc180609 www.gmlpn.co.uk Welcome Mark Currie Chair - GMLPN Welcome & Introduction www.gmlpn.co.uk Ad Adult ult Ed Educ ucatio tion n Bu Budg dget et

  1. C hanges for providers judged to require improvement: what people said Overall percentage of respondents Strongly  Overall, more than half of 14 agree respondents supported the introduction of the proposed Agree 40 new timescale. Neither  There was strong support 17 agree… from the sector. Disagree 16  Some concern was raised that an improving provider Strongly 10 could be left too long before disagree re-inspection and face Don't 3 impact on business. know Education inspection framework: the consultation outcomes Slide 38

  2. What are we doing in response  We are introducing the extended inspection window of 12 to 30 months .  We have added clarification in the handbook about the importance of the monitoring visit . Education inspection framework: the consultation outcomes Slide 39

  3. Recurring themes in responses Education inspection framework: the consultation outcomes Slide 40

  4. Reference to specific learners Leaders must have a clear and ambitious vision for providing high-quality, inclusive education and training to all .

  5. Mental health The education inspection framework is built around the factors that have the greatest protective effect for all children:  a good education  high-quality pastoral care  a culture that promotes a strong connection between children and learners and their community (in this case, their school or provider). Education inspection framework 2019: the consultation outcomes Slide

  6. Documents the consultation has informed Education inspection framework: the consultation outcomes Slide 43

  7. Documents the consultation has informed Responses to the consultation have informed the final drafts of the following documents, which have been published alongside the consultation report:  Education inspection framework  Early years inspection handbook  Maintained schools and academies section 5 inspection handbook  Maintained schools and academies section 8 inspection handbook  Non-association independent schools inspection handbook  Further education and skills inspection handbook  Equality, diversity and inclusion statement. Education inspection framework: the consultation outcomes Slide 44

  8. Thank you Education inspection framework: the consultation outcomes Slide 45

  9. Ofsted on the web and on social media www.gov.uk/ofsted https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk www.linkedin.com/company/ofsted www.youtube.com/ofstednews www.slideshare.net/ofstednews www.twitter.com/ofstednews Education inspection framework: the consultation outcomes Slide 46

  10. David Kitchen The Leadership team Helping you grow and sell your training business www.gmlpn.co.uk

  11. Helping you grow and sell your tr training business David Kitchen Managing Director

  12. The Leadership Team David Hellier (M&A) Elsa Neary (Client support) David Golden (Employer support) Glenise Burrell (Quality Improvement)

  13. Who are we and what do we do? • Growth Specialists within the training/FE sector • Formed 5 years ago • 30 highly specialist consultants • From ROTO/ROATP to SELL YOUR BUSINESS and everything in- between • For ITP’s we operate a PLAN -GROW-SELL model

  14. Consultancy Bid writing services LT Core Business Senior M & A’s Recruitment Other Services

  15. Example les of f work performed • Conducted projects with 400+ training providers/colleges/universities/employers • 250+ companies put onto ROTO/ROATP • £Multi-million Bids won • Helped dozens of providers achieve Grade 2 OFSTED+ • Helped avoid significant clawbacks through audit and compliance support • Sold 34 training businesses since early 2018

  16. Example les of f GMLPN members worked wit ith on M&A’s: * North West Skills Academy * LTE/Manchester College Group * Acacia Training

  17. Sam Ril iley, MD – North West Skil ills Academy: “The Leadership Team provide an excellent service when it comes to sourcing and purchasing training related businesses. David and the team supported us to purchase a provider that will allow us to complement our existing offer and support our growth plans.”

  18. Leadership Team’s involvement in finding Total People le for Manchester Coll llege 2015 • Independent broker • “Training and skills “credentials and commercial due diligence • Seller interest – real or not ? • Part of a due diligence team looking at legals, finances , commercial , market position, reputation and credibility • David built rapport with potential owners and brokered initial expressions of interest • David very conscious of cultural fit and building a legacy ..the owners of Total People wanted to ensure the business moved in safe hands. • Ian Holborn – former CFO , LTE Group

  19. Vic ictoria ia Sylv lvester, MD – Acacia Trainin ing: “The Leadership Team has given us the support and confidence to develop into a quality learner and employer focused, profitable and well positioned education provider. The support and challenge model they operate is very effective and they have high levels of expertise within their diverse team.”

  20. How much would ld you pay for th this is busin iness? • Business A • £500k direct non levy contracts – care provider • £50k profitability • No OFSTED grade • ???????

  21. How much would ld you pay for th this is busin iness? • Business A • £500k direct non levy contracts – care provider • £50k profitability • No OFSTED grade • Owner Wants £1.5m

  22. How much for th these busin inesses: • Business B • £250k Advanced Learner Loan Contract - childcare provider • £400k Non Levy Contract • £250k per annum new AEB contract • £800k turnover • £150k Profitability • Satisfactory OFSTED • Just gone up for sale at….?

  23. How much for th these busin inesses: • Business B • £250k Advanced Learner Loan Contract - childcare provider • £400k Non Levy Contract • £250k per annum new AEB contract • £800k turnover • £150k Profitability • Satisfactory OFSTED • For Sale at £450k

  24. What are people le lo looking to buy? • Contract Values • Grade 1 or 2 OFSTED • Profitability • Client Base (e.g. Levy Employers) • Owner’s lack of involvement in day to day • Strength of management team • What you have that they need!

  25. Our tip tips for sell llin ing: • Don’t sell when you are down • Prepare properly for sale over a 12-24 month period • Get the Audit (ESFA) and Quality (OFSTED) in top notch condition • Build maximum value in your business – the things people want to buy • Share the load – get a Non Exec to help navigate the process • Build a solid management team who can run the business in your absence • Strong Financial Management • Don’t take your eye off the ball when you have agreed a deal!

  26. Our tip tips for Buyin ing: • Look at where the value really is • Don’t just look in the rear view mirror, look at what you can do with it • Do the Due Diligence – especially on the learners! • What goes if the owner goes? • What are the risks and distractions to your existing business? • Be wary of creating debt.

  27. How can we support? • SELLERS • Help you get the business in order and build value before selling • Help you develop your management team • Navigate the pathway whilst you run the business – share the load • Prepare your Information Memorandum • Put together forward facing financials • Provide legal support to avoid high bills and long delays • Find a buyer for your business

  28. How can we support? • BUYERS • Search and Find facility • Conduct due diligence on your behalf • Valuation advice and market information • Negotiate the deal • Provide legal support to avoid high legal bills and delays

  29. Th Thank you • Feel free to give us a shout: • David Kitchen (MD) • David Hellier (M&A) • Elsa Neary (Client support) • David Golden (Employer support) • Glenise Burrell (Quality Improvement)

  30. Andy | Joy Stewart GMLPN | GMCC GM Skills Summit Review www.gmlpn.co.uk

  31. Greater Manchester Skills Summit 2019 “A serious conversation about Skills” A GM Chamber of Commerce and GMLPN joint initiative

  32. Greater Manchester: OUR REGION, OUR REALITY The Objectives: Build a common understanding of the current skills and employment issues and challenges in Greater Manchester: how young people, youth leaders, trainers & educators and business leaders contribute to and invest in people, communities and the Greater Manchester economy. To identify where the current work and skills system needs reform to ensure that it is fit for purpose both now and in the future and to identify actions which can be taken in the immediate future to initiate the change process .

  33. • 100 senior representatives from across industry, education and stakeholders • Included contributions from: Industry and employer organisations Training providers, colleges and universities Community organisations MPs and GMCA - Andy Burnham • Very positive feedback and a strong commitment to joint action • Full conference report and feedback circulated widely

  34. Vital ingredients of the best technical and vocational education systems both in the UK and Europe: • Employers directly engaged in the design and delivery of the work and skills system • Coherent industrial strategies underpinned by clear skills strategies • Greater parity of esteem between academic and vocation educational routes • Well informed young people equipped to make sound career choices • An effective re-training system which sustains employability

  35. Employers and providers establishing a clear ‘ Ambition’ for the work and skills system

  36. An Ambition Statement for Greater Manchester ______________________________________________________________________ • What is it: Joint ‘Ambition Statement’ informed and influenced by the views of our Members • Evidence base: Future of Skills 2028 Campaign, British Chambers of Commerce Greater Manchester Workforce Development Survey, GMLPN Network and actions from our Skills Summit 2019 • What we want to achieve: clearly set out what Industry and Educators need in terms of skills ‘levers’ and the steps/solutions needed to achieve these, linking also to other policy areas such as transport, infrastructure and health & well being (as part of the wider GM Local Industrial Strategy) • Timescales: • July - Outline of key themes to GMCC/GMLPN Members, followed by presentation to ESAP • August – Narrative and evidence base completed • September - Launch

  37. Policy licy: Increased lobbying to secure greater devolution of both skills, funding and policy including greater control over unused apprenticeship levy and how this could be used as a skills levy for Greater Manchester.

  38. Collab llabora ratio ion: More structured facilitation needed between educators and industry, through anchor organisations acting as ‘skills brokers ’ , to identify need, grow capacity and agree solutions.

  39. Co Co-des esign gn: to meet the rapidly changing needs of industry there is a need for employers and educators to work together on curriculum co-design, co-delivery, co-assessment and co-evaluation.

  40. Employ ploymen ent: working together, industry & educators to create more effective routes into sustainable jobs, increasing social mobility, with the support of mental health and wellbeing services.

  41. Louise Karwowski CognAssist Title TBC www.gmlpn.co.uk

  42. Removing barriers to learning with Cognassist

  43. Start Louise Karwowski Neurodiversity Expert, Cognassist End

  44. What is neurodiversity? It ’ s just a different way of thinking and learning.

  45. 11 19 20 Na K Ca 10 15 = 1 quadrillion Sodium Potassiu Calcium m • Your brain is 2-3% of your mass but consumes 1/5th of your energy • There is no place for memory, memories are encoded in the same pathways used for processing the information • There are over 1 quadrillion synapses in your brain • Sodium, potassium and calcium are moved around your brain to create chemical potential differences and fire neurons to power some of these quadrillion synapses • The wiring of neural pathways is absolutely unique to you • No wonder people think differently!

  46. Does IQ affect neurodiversity? People with an additional learning need have above average IQ People with an additional learning need have below average IQ Learners of any level could identify as neurodiverse.

  47. What is an Additional Learning Need? Executive function Literacy Numeracy Verbal Visual reasoning perception Non-Verbal Verbal memory memory Visual information processing Speed

  48. What is an Additional Learning Need? Executive function

  49. Executive function Multi-tasking and Analysis prioritising Tasks – starting and Planning and finishing organising Problem solving Working memory Time management Concentration and attention

  50. What is an Additional Learning Need? Executive function Numeracy

  51. Numeracy Measuring + - / x Ranking information Patterns Time Discounts Special offers

  52. What is an Additional Learning Need? Executive function Numeracy Visual perception

  53. Visual perception Hand/eye Spelling co-ordination Visualisation – past experience or objects Reading Numeracy Maps Comprehension Copying information

  54. What is an Additional Learning Need? Executive function Numeracy Visual perception Non-verbal memory

  55. Non-verbal memory Instructions Abstract concepts Spatial perception Orientation/dire ction Visual Recall New situations Remembering Remembering words and events Body Facial pictures language expressions

  56. What is an Additional Learning Need? Executive function Numeracy Visual perception Non-verbal memory Visual information processing speed

  57. Visual information processing speed Identifying similarities or Listening and writing differences in objects skills Spatial perception Reading speed Writing speed Reading and taking notes simultaneously Letter formation

  58. What is an Additional Learning Need? Executive function Numeracy Visual perception Non-verbal Verbal memory memory Visual information processing speed

  59. Verbal memory Spoken information Reading to oneself Spoken Written

  60. What is an Additional Learning Need? Executive function Numeracy Verbal Visual reasoning perception Non-verbal Verbal memory memory Visual information processing speed

  61. Verbal reasoning Generalising ideas Identifying similarities and differences Problem solving Making predictions Evaluating/ Recalling and analysis explaining experiences and sequences Forming concepts

  62. What is an Additional Learning Need? Executive function Literacy Numeracy Verbal Visual reasoning perception Non-verbal Verbal memory memory Visual information processing speed

  63. Literacy Verbal instructions Processing power Spatial Reading perception Fluency Comprehensio Speaking Listening n Writing Spelling
