Welcome Our plans to make Pulham St Mary ‘future - ready’ with the fastest, most dependable broadband network Presented by: James Salmon – Head of Sales & New Territories www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
Agenda ▪ What are planning ▪ Why are we planning this ▪ Scope of the plan ▪ Next steps www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
What we are planning ▪ A brand new full fibre broadband network across rural Norfolk ▪ Starting in South Norfolk ▪ This is not a broadband sales exercise ▪ Full infrastructure project www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
Investment £46 million Funds raised and waiting to be spent. We’re also supported by the Rural Development Programme for England. www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
Timeline 4 villages completed First village built 6 more by year end 45 more by Q1 2020 2003 2016 2019 2017 2021 2018 2025+ First ‘true’ Construction Colchester Established as Second phase Investment 200+ villages starts on new fibre project FTTP project a business investment received built projects built in Broughton - Diocese FTTP Investment 2013 Wireless Fibre 6 www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
Understanding the technologies… www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
Problems with copper Problems with copper ▪ Broadband doesn’t like travelling down copper wire ▪ Loses speed rapidly over even small distances on copper (attenuation) Broadband Speed ▪ Asymmetrical service ▪ Copper lines have degraded ▪ 50+ year old technology ▪ It can go “missing”! www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
Understanding the technologies Old copper phone network Copper Copper ▪ Copper from exchange to the home ▪ Max speed up to 24Mbps ▪ Gets slower with distance (attenuation) ▪ Asymmetrical service All copper – speeds start to diminish from exchange ▪ Still uses 50+ year old copper network (typically 1 – 10 Mbps) Interim fix – Superfast ‘ fibre ’ Superfast Fibre Copper ▪ Fibre to the cabinet only ▪ Max speed up to 80Mbps ▪ Gets slower with distance (attenuation) ▪ Asymmetrical service ▪ Fibre to the cabinet (FTTC) – speeds diminish by 50% in the first 700 Still uses 50+ year old copper network metres due to copper wires www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
True Fibre Ultrafast Fibre Ultrafast Fibre Fibre to the property (FTTP) – pure fibre connection direct to your property capable of offering speeds up to 600Mbps ▪ Fibre to the property ▪ Currently up to 600Mbps, unlimited future potential ▪ Symmetrical service ▪ NO COPPER! (or require a telephone line) ▪ Low maintenance, high build cost ▪ Civil works required www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
Why you need speed… www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
Internet use is increasing 4K 8K Tablets streaming super HD Streaming in 4k Streaming in 8k use up to 12Mbps uses 25Mbps uses 50Mbps Average rural download speed (bandwidthplace.com – February 2019) (Netflix – June 2019) (Cnet.com – February 2019) is 18Mbps (trustedreviews.com – June 2019) Mobile phones streaming super Games consoles and gaming Laptops used for online HD use up to 12Mbps use up to 20Mbps streaming require up (bandwidthplace.com – February 2019) (haste.net – August 2018) to 10Mbps (Cnet.com – February 2019) www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
The evolution of TV ▪ Less people watch TV in real time (opt to stream instead eg. Catch up TV) ▪ The number of TVs in houses are increasing 80% ▪ Picture quality continues to get better ▪ Standard Definition, High Definition, 4K, 8K, ……. Of people now stream their TV ▪ Sky plans to make all its channels and content available online content through the internet. ▪ (BBC January 2018) (County Broadband, market research , April 2019) 2,200 people took part in this survey All of the above requires faster speeds www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
Why you need faster speeds Ave speed of UK broadband connections Mbps 120 100 Max speed available from FTTC 80 60 40 20 - Ofcom actual - CBB Future prediction 0 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
House Prices 65% Of people said that if they were According to a recent national moving house a good broadband newspaper survey, broadband service would have a influence on speed is the second-most asked their decision to move to the area. question by new home buyers. (Savills, estate agents, March 2019) (County Broadband, market research , April 2019) 2,200 people took part in this survey By installing Fibre to the Home broadband service to your property you will be in the top 10% of all the UK for connectivity. www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
Building the network… www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
A new network for your community ▪ We plan to build a Fibre to the Home network to the whole Parish – if there is demand ▪ This is a brand new County Broadband network – not using Openreach broadband ▪ You have nothing to pay – we are paying for the infrastructure ▪ Part of a much bigger area ▪ Plan to start the build by in May/June 2020 ▪ Any Openreach connection will be unaffected ▪ Access to low cost phone services ▪ We will provide free service to community facilities such as the village hall www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
We really do plan to build to everyone A Snap-shot of our Essex Build ▪ 2200 properties in the Build Plan ▪ 14 not in the plan ▪ No pre-ordered customer not delivered to ▪ Purple dot is property in Build area, ▪ Green dot is every property in the parish www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
Our packages… 25
Our prices Fibre Residential Tariffs Initial Contract Period 24 months Hyper Ultra *£20.00 for first 6 months. 600 *£27.50 for first 6 months. £55.00 300 £40.00 thereafter, or continue thereafter. at £20 and drop down to £27.50 £20.00 50Mbps. Per month* Per month* Remember: Free standard connection as part of the pre order agreement and you only pay for the service once we have built to you We also offer a full range of business tariffs , details of these can be found in our brochure or online at www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
Phone service Residential Phone bundles Plus full range of business tariffs £6 per £13 per £17 per month month month unlimited calls to unlimited landline to add 68 landline numbers and mobile calls international countries Keep your existing number or get a new one - fee of £15 Integrated phone service ▪ Keep your existing handset ▪ No need for phone line, so no line rental ▪ So broadband and phone with no need for BT phone line! www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
Benefits of our fibre broadband A faster, more dependable service Speeds of up to 600 Mbps Symmetrical Download and Access Low cost all Future-ready stream HD films service inclusive phone service – network in seconds no line rental www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
How to make this happen… www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
Making this happen ▪ This is a new infrastructure project ▪ Can only be built if the project is viable = Commitment from residents through pre-orders ▪ Business model looks at expected revenue, expected cost to build and number of contracts required ▪ We need 30% of all the whole parish to pre-order to make this viable ▪ Pulham St Mary: 127 pre-orders needed, 93 still required ▪ Pulham Market: 155 pre orders needed, 129 still required ▪ Starston: 47 pre orders needed, 8 still required www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
Benefits of offer ▪ Pulham St Mary: 93 still required ▪ Pulham Market: 129 still required ▪ Starston: 8 still required Review Date extended ▪ Planning to cover the whole of all 3 Parishes ▪ Free standard connection to the first 30% of pre-orders in End January each village ▪ Three months free standard home phone service for the 2020 first 30% of pre-orders if you take a phone service ▪ We connect your home when the project has been built, we leave the connection live for you to use and we only charge you when you existing contract expires (up to 12 months) www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk
Act now to make your community ‘future - ready’ ▪ This is the future ▪ It is a Community Project - plan to build to the whole village ▪ We can only do it if you support it ▪ Need to hit 30% before we can start the build ▪ Inviting people to sign a pre-order agreement – online or paper contract ▪ Free standard connection for first 30% ▪ We agree to build this summer ▪ Manage your current broadband contract ▪ You have 12 months after we build the network to take up the service ▪ Your support is required to make this a reality, if everyone who has ordered encourages one other to order then we will hit the 30% target www.countybroadbandfibre.co.uk