Recommendations • Use the NERC-led review panel as defined in Phase I Review individual entity’s requests Monitor trends Identify similarly situated entities for potential groups or candidates • Provide periodic updates to FERC, ERO, and industry with determinations and trends 7 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
Break Webinar participants: We will return at 10:30 a.m. Pacific
NERC Standards Development Update Howard Gugel, NERC Director of Standards Ryan Stewart, NERC Manager of Standards Development Elsa Prince, NERC Manager of Standards Development Sean Cavote, NERC Manager of Standards Development 2015 Standards and Compliance Fall Workshop October 21, 2015
Presentation Topics • COM-001-3 • IRO-018-1 and TOP-010-1 • FAC-003-4 • NERC Glossary Alignment of Terms • FAC-010-3, FAC-011-3, and FAC-014-2 • Phase 3 of Protection System Misoperations: SPS/RAS • PRC-027 2 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
Presentation Topics (cont.) • BAL-004-2 • BAL-005-1 • BAL-006-3 • TOP-009-1 • EOP-004-2, EOP-005-2, EOP-006-2, EOP-008-1 • Dispersed Generation Resources • TPL-001-4 3 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
COM-001-3 Project 2015-07: I nternal Communications Capabilities
FERC Order No. 808 Directives • In FERC Order No. 808, the Commission directed NERC to address the following: Address “internal communications capabilities that could involve the issuance or receipt of Operating Instructions or other communications that could have an impact on reliability.” Order No. 808, at P 1. o Address internal telecommunications or other internal communication systems “between geographically separate control centers within the same functional entity.” Order No. 808, at P 41. o Address internal telecommunications or other internal communication systems “between a control center and field personnel.” Id. o Address “[t]he adequacy of internal communications capability whenever internal communications could directly affect the reliable operation of the Bulk- Power System.” Id. 5 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
COM-001-3 • COM-001-3 is a modified version of COM-001-2 Proposed Requirement R12 addresses Reliability Coordinator, Balancing Authority and Transmission Operator responsibilities. Proposed Requirement R13 addresses Distribution Provider and Generator Operator responsibilities. Two separate requirements were necessary to address different VRFs based on the risks associated with different functional registrations. Capabilities are not limited but encompass any medium that allows two or more individuals to interact, consult, or exchange information as stated in the NERC Glossary of Terms. 6 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
COM-001-3 Requirement and Measure • Each (R12: Reliability Coordinator, Transmission Operator, and Balancing Authority) (R13: Distribution Provider and Generator Operator) shall have internal Interpersonal Communication capabilities for the exchange of operating information. [Violation Risk Factor: High] [Time Horizon: Real-time Operations] • Each (M12: Reliability Coordinator, Transmission Operator, and Balancing Authority) (M13: Distribution Provider and Generator Operator) shall have and provide upon request evidence that it has internal Interpersonal Communication capability, which could include, but is not limited to: physical assets, or dated evidence, such as, equipment specifications and installation documentation, operating procedures, test records, operator logs, voice recordings, transcripts of voice recordings, or electronic communications. Examples include, but are not limited to, between geographically separate control centers within the same functional entity, or between a control center and field personnel. 7 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
Next Steps • Draft standard package posted Initial 45-day comment period and 10-day ballot September 25, 2015. • Next standard drafting team (SDT) meeting is scheduled for the week of November 30, 2015. • If the proposed standard passes and there are no substantive revisions to the initial ballot, the standard will be posted for a 10-day final ballot and presented at the February 2016 NERC Board of Trustees Meeting. 8 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
I RO-018-1 & TOP-010-1 Project 2009-02: Real-time Reliability Monitoring and Analysis Capabilities
Project 2009-02: Real-time Monitoring and Analysis Capabilities • Project will develop requirements to address issues related to Real-time monitoring and analysis of the Bulk Electric System Formal development paused in 2011 for prioritization • SAR Drafting Team (SAR DT) appointed in April 2015 to revise previous project SAR taking into consideration: FERC Order No. 693 directives Real-time Tools Best Practices Task Force (RTBPTF) recommendations 2011 Southwest Outage Report recommendations Proposed TOP and IRO Standards (pending FERC approval) Technical conference for stakeholder input (June 2015) • SAR posted for comments July 16 – August 17, 2015 10 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
Project 2009-02 SAR Conclusions • Most RTBPTF recommendations have been addressed Real-time Assessment definition Requirements to perform monitoring and Real-time Assessments Data specification requirements • Project 2009-02 scope is focused on remaining objectives Project 2009-02 Reliability Objectives Monitoring Capabilities Analysis Capabilities Quality Provide operator with indication Provide operator with indication of of data quality and procedures to analysis quality used in Real-time address issues Assessments and procedures to address issues Availability Provide operator with notification N/A when alarming system is not operating 11 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
Project 2009-02 Draft Standards • Two proposed Reliability Standards have been drafted to meet the SAR objectives: IRO-018-1 applicable to Reliability Coordinators (RCs) TOP-010-1 applicable to Transmission Operators (TOPs) and Balancing Authorities (BAs) • Proposed requirements address: Quality of data necessary to perform Real-time monitoring and analysis Quality of analysis used in Real-time Assessments System Operator notification of alarm processor failure • Posted for comment and initial ballot September 24 – November 9 12 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
FAC-003-3 Project 2010-07.1: Vegetation Management
Project 2010-07.1 FAC-003 • Minimal vegetation clearance distances (MVCD) need to be modified in FAC-003 based on Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) testing The test result findings determined the Gallet equation required changing from 1.3 to 1.0, which would increase the MVCD values compared to those specified in the existing standard. • Advisory alert (Link) issued on May 14, 2015 • Standards Committee (SC) approved the following at the August 19, 2015 meeting: Authorize Standards Authorization Request (SAR) for 30-day comment o SAR posted for comment from August 24 – September 28, 2015 (Link) Silicate standard drafting team (SDT) nominations • SC appointed the FAC-003 SDT at the September 23, 2015 meeting 14 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
Project 2010-07.1 FAC-003 (cont.) • FAC-003 SDT will meet to review and address SAR comments and revised table 2 of the standard early October 2015. • Goal to submit FAC-003 revised standard at the October SC meeting for authorization to post late October/Early November. 15 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
NERC Glossary Alignment of Terms Project 2015-04
Purpose of Project Phase 1 - Align the defined terms found in the NERC Glossary of Terms and the Rules of Procedure (ROP) Phase 2 – Provide recommendations regarding other definition- related issues in the Glossary and ROP, including enhancements to the current definition development process, to prevent misalignment in the future 17 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
Phase 1 – Complete • Final ballot closed September 14, 2015 • Revised 26 Glossary definitions • Revised 16 ROP definitions • Changes to definitions of functional entities ( i.e. , Generator Owner, Generator Operator) to be incorporated into Functional Model by Functional Model Advisory Group (FMAG) 18 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
Phase 2 – Currently underway • Drafting team meeting October 19-20, 2015 • Focus of Phase 2 • Next steps… 19 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
Contact information Jerry Rust (Chair) Office: 503-445-1074 Chris Scanlon (Vice-Chair) Office: 630-576-6926 Lacey Ourso (NERC Standards Developer) Office: 404-446-2581 20 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
FAC-010-3, FAC-011-3, FAC-014-2 Project 2015-09: Establish and Communicate System Operating Limits
Purpose of Project • Revise requirements for determining and communicating System Operating Limits (SOLs) used in the reliable planning and operation of the Bulk Electric System (BES). • Address issues identified in Project 2015-03 Periodic Review of System Operating Limit Standards, including recommendations of periodic review team to: Retire FAC-010-3 Revise FAC-011-3 Revise FAC-014-2 22 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
Project Timeline • August 19, 2015: Project 2015-03 recommendations presented to Standards Committee • September 2015: SAR posted for 30-day formal comment • September 23, 2015: Standard Drafting Team appointed by the Standards Committee • November 2015: Kickoff meeting at NERC Atlanta office 23 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
Contact I nformation Vic Howell (Chair) Office: 970-776-5573 Hari Singh (Vice-Chair) Office: 303-571-7095 Lacey Ourso (NERC Standards Developer) Office: 404-446-2581 24 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
PRC-012 Project 2010-05.3: Phase 3 of Protection Systems: Remedial Action Schemes (RAS)
Project 2010-05.3 Phase 3 of Protection Systems: RAS (PRC-012-2) • Purpose Consolidate the existing RAS-related standards into one standard Retire the term Special Protection System from the NERC Glossary o replacing it with Remedial Action Scheme • Standard Developer Al McMeekin, 26 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
PRC-027 Project 2007-06: System Protection Coordination
Project 2007-06 System Protection Coordination: PRC-027 • Purpose Coordination aspects, Faults R3, R4 from PRC-001-1.1(ii) • Standard Developer Al McMeekin, 28 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
BAL-004-2 Project 2010-14.2.2: Phase 2 of Balancing Authority Reliability-based Controls
Project 2010-14.2.2 Phase 2 of BARC: BAL-004 • Purpose Time error correction Drafting team recommends retirement of BAL-004-0 • Senior Standard Developer Darrel Richardson, 30 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
BAL-005 & BAL-006 Project 2014.2.1: Phase 2 of Balancing Authority Reliability
Project 2010-14.2.1 Phase 2 of BARC: BAL-005 • Purpose Establish requirements for acquiring data to calculate Area Control Error (ACE) Specifies a minimum periodicity, accuracy, and availability requirement for acquisition of the data and for providing the information to the System Operator o moved one requirement from BAL-005 to FAC-001 o moved one requirement from BAL-006 to BAL-005 • Senior Standard Developer Darrel Richardson 32 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
Project 2010-14.2.1 Phase 2.1 BARC: BAL-006 • Purpose Define a process monitoring Balancing Authorities (BAs) meeting demand or Interchange obligations Standard Drafting Team (SDT) moved one requirement to BAL-005 to FAC-001 • Senior Standard Developer Darrel Richardson, 33 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
Project 2010-14.2.1 Phase 2.1 BARC: FAC-001 • Purpose Document and make Facility interconnection requirements available SDT moved one requirement to BAL-005 to FAC-001 • Senior Standard Developer Darrel Richardson, 34 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
TOP-009-1; Retirement of PRC-001 Project 2007-06.2: Phase 2 of System Protection Coordination
Project 2007-06.2 Phase 2 of System Protection Coordination: TOP-009 • Purpose Knowledge of Composite Protection Systems and Remedial Action Schemes and their effects Focus on knowledge critical to reliability R1, R2, R5, R6 from PRC-001-1.1(ii) o R1 – Addressed by TOP-009 o R2, R5, R6 – TOP/IRO standards • Standard Developer, Scott Barfield, 36 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
TOP-009-1 • Aims to retire PRC-001-1.1(ii) Paradigm shift from “familiar with the purpose and limitations” in R1 R1 was basic and fundamental and did not address the knowledge areas important to reliability concerning system protection. • Scope is to ensure a knowledge of Operational functionality and effects of Composite Protection Systems and Remedial Action Schemes on BES (BA & TOP) and generating plant output (GOP) • Focus is on Composite Protection Systems and Remedial Action Schemes Which the BA and TOP receives notification of current status or degradation Which the GOP operates (generating Facility) and plant output 37 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
TOP-009-1, Key Points • Does not include the Reliability Coordinator (RC) The team is conducting outreach to determine if there is a gap If a gap, the team will suggest options to address knowledge by RC • The team considered PER standards as an option The concept was previously vetted by the PER drafting team Reliability objective would not necessarily be addressed by training • TOP-009-1 is about a high-level knowledge of Composite Protection Systems and Remedial Actions Schemes, and Their operational functionality and effects • Implementation has been extended from 12 to 24 months • Both PRC-027-1 and TOP-009-1 must be approved by industry to achieve the full retirement of PRC-001-1.1(ii) 38 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
TOP-009-1, Going Forward • Additional 45-day formal comment and ballot Comment period, early October Ballot, before Thanksgiving holiday • Draft RSAW to be posted for feedback Two weeks after posting of the standard • Next SDT in-person meeting early December • Anticipated Final ballot December 2015 • Anticipated NERC Board of Trustees adoption, February 2016 • NERC Standards Developer Project 2007-06.2,, 404-446-9689 39 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
PRC-005-6 Order 803 Directive Project 2007-17.4
Project 2007-17.4 PRC-005 Order 803 Directive • Initial ballot ended on September 16, 2015 with 96% approval • Drafting team has responded to comments and made conforming (nonsubstantive) revisions to: PRC-005-6 standard Supplementary Reference and FAQ document Consideration of Directive document Implementation Plan • Posting for final ballot the week of October 12 • NERC Board consideration November 2015 Implementation Plan will request consolidation of versions 2(ii), 3, 3(i), 3(ii), 4, and 5 into version 6 Contact Senior Standards Developer 41 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
EOP-004-2, EOP-005-2, EOP-006-2, EOP-008-1 Project 2015-08: Emergency Operations
Project 2015-08 Emergency Operations • Project 2015-08 Emergency Operations The Emergency Operations Standards Drafting Team (EOP SDT) will implement the recommendations from the Project 2015-02 Emergency Operations Periodic Review of the following standards: o EOP-004-2 o EOP-005-2 o EOP-006-2 o EOP-008-1 43 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
Project 2015-08 Emergency Operations • Periodic Review Objectives Determine whether the Reliability Standards should be: o reaffirmed o revised o withdrawn • The EOP PRT developed the following recommendations and submitted a Standard Authorization Request (SAR): EOP-004-2 – (1) Revise the standard and attachment, and (2) retire Requirement R3 EOP-005-2 – Revise the standard EOP-006-2 – (1) Revise the standard, and (2) retire Requirements Parts R1.2, R1.3, and R1.4 EOP-008-1 – Revise the standard 44 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
EOP-004-2 Attachment 1 • Reportable Events The EOP PRT recommended revisions to Attachment 1. The posted recommendations and SAR posting resulted in comments and considerations from industry for attachment revisions, such as: o Provide clarity to the obligations of the Responsible Entities o Eliminating duplicative reporting by the GOP and BA o Address potential efficiencies to be gained between ERO and EA o Generation loss criteria specific to Quebec Interconnection. 45 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
Dispersed Generation Resource s Project 2014-01
Project 2014-01 DGR • On May 29, 2015, FERC issued a letter order approving: PRC-001-1.1(ii) – System Protection Coordination PRC-004-2.1(i)a – Analysis and Mitigation of Transmission and Generation Protection System Misoperations PRC-004-4 – Protection System Misoperation Identification and Correction PRC-005-2(i) – Protection System Maintenance PRC-005-3(i) – Protection System and Automatic Reclosing Maintenance PRC-019-2 – Coordination of Generating Unit or Plant Capabilities, Voltage Regulating Controls, and Protection PRC-024-2 – Generator Frequency and Voltage Protective Relay Settings VAR-002-4 – Generator Operation for Maintaining Network Voltage Schedules 47 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
Project 2014-01 DGR • Updated version of the White Paper posted for comment through July 13, 2015. The Dispersed Generation Resources (DGR) standard drafting team is in the process of considering the industry comments received during this comment period . • Drafting team met October 12-14, 2015 to discuss further work • Contact Standards Developer 48 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
TPL-001 Project 2015-10: Protection System Single Points of Failure
Project 2015-10 TPL-001 • The System Protection and Control Subcommittee (SPCS) and the System Modeling and Analysis Subcommittee (SAMS) conducted a comprehensive assessment of the study of protection system single points of failure in response to FERC Order No. 754 • Assessment confirms the existence of a reliability risk associated with single points of failure in protection systems that warrants further action • Request for authorization to post SAR planned for presentation to SC October 2015 • Contact Standards Developer 50 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
Project Management Oversight Subcommittee (PMOS) Brenda Hampton, PMOS Vice Chair 2015 Standards and Compliance Fall Workshop October 21, 2015
PMOS Purpose • Works with NERC staff to support industry subject matter experts (SMEs) in all aspects of standard development. Includes advising and supporting: o Standard Authorization Request (SAR) drafting teams o Standard Drafting Teams (SDTs) and o periodic review teams, as well as Completing special projects to achieve standard goals specified in the Reliability Standards Development Plan. 2 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
PMOS Duties • PMOS Duties: Support all SAR drafting teams and SDTs by providing any specialized resources as may be needed to resolve issues and increase productivity and quality to reach consensus and/or meet its milestones and deadlines. Work with NERC staff to develop preliminary project timelines to set the expectation prior to the solicitation of an SDT so that prospective members of an SDT can understand and commit to meeting the project timeline, including milestones, at the time of their nomination and appointment. Work closely with NERC staff and the SDTs to establish milestones and deadlines for all Standards Committee (SC) work activities relating to standard development, up to and including NERC Board of Trustees approval. 3 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
PMOS Membership • Membership: PMOS membership and participation is open to SC members and interested parties. The need to add or replace members will be evaluated at least annually and nominations for new members may be solicited as necessary. The PMOS officers will select the new PMOS members. The size of PMOS will be determined by the workload needs of the subcommittee. Members will serve two-year staggered terms with no term limits. The SC Chair and Vice Chair may participate in and support the PMOS as non-members. A NERC staff member will be assigned as the non-voting PMOS Coordinator. 4 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
Annual Calendar Annual Calendar Link: %20Oversight%20Subcommittee%20DL/2015_Projects_Annual_Ca lendar_PMOS_external.pdf 5 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
PMOS Project Tracking Spreadsheet Annual Project Tracking Spreadsheet: 6 RELI ABI LI TY | ACCOUNTABI LI TY
Lunch Webinar participants: We will return at 1 p.m. Pacific
Brenda Hampton Director, NERC & TRE Affairs Energy Future Holdings 2015 NERC Standards and Compliance Fall Workshop San Diego, CA October 20-22
Agenda NAGF Overview NAGF Activities and Issues Getting Involved 2
The NAGF mission is to promote the safe, reliable operation of the generator segment of the bulk electric system through generator owner and operator collaboration with others who have a vested interest in the reliable operation of the bulk electric system. 3
NAGF – Strategic Goals Grow the NAGF to be the premier organization dedicated to generator reliability issues Foster relationships with regulators and advocacy groups to provide avenues to educate and collaborate on the needs of NAGF members Promote effective information exchange and learning opportunities for and between members 4
NAGF – Current Status Completed incorporation as North American Generator Forum, Inc., a tax-exempt 501(c) (6) corporation Have a fully populated Board of Directors Refined our Goals, Strategic Plan and Bylaws Members include small (≤500 MW), medium (500 -5000 MW) and large (>5000 MW) generating entities. New collaboration website: Information on Board, Officers, Advisory Committee, Organization, and Strategic Plan can be found at: 5
Agenda NAGF Overview NAGF Activities and Issues Getting Involved 6
NAGF Activities NAGF Annual Meeting (September 23-24) – Focused on information transfer and training – Synchro-phasor Initiative, Essential Reliability Services including governor response improvements; Implementation of PRC-005, MOD, CIP; analysis of GADS data; – Keynote: Michael Bardee, FERC Director of the Office of Electric Reliability. Lunch Speaker: Mark Lauby, SVP/CRO NERC NAGF attends quarterly trade association meetings with NERC, provides policy input to the NERC Board of Directors, and reports on NAGF activities and concerns at the quarterly NERC Board meeting. 7
NAGF Activities NAGF is a member of the: − Resources Subcommittee of the Operating Committee − Risk-Based Registration Advisory Group (RBRAG) − Reliability Assurance Initiative Advisory Group (RAIAG) NAGF submitted input to NERC to assist in development of NERC Reports and Advisories on topics including: − Polar Vortex − EPA Clean Power Plan − Governor Frequency Response NAGF Standards Review Team − Discussed generator concerns and provided feedback directly to NERC Standard Drafting Team members ( PRC-027, TOP-009, PRC- 002, PRC-026...) – Shared suggestions on development and implementation of standards including CIP V5/V6. 8
NAGF Activities Provided representation at the 2015 Reliability Leadership Summit Participated in the Eastern Interconnection Frequency Response Initiative. Developed Lessons Learned and distributed to members Provided generator feedback to the NPCC RSC Presented at the MISO Governor Frequency Response Webinar 9
GO / GOP issues Cold Weather Preparations / Mitigation Continually Changing Landscape • Capacity retirements • Availability of natural gas • Increasing penetration of Variable and Distributed Generation Essential Reliability Services • Ramping, Reserve and Frequency Support • Voltage Support EPA’s Environmental Regulations • Clean Power Plan under Section 111(d) Continued Evolution of Cyber and Physical Security Standards • Implementation of CIP V5/6...? • Supply Chain Potential for Expanded Regulation / New Standards 10
Agenda NAGF Overview NAGF Activities and Issues Getting Involved 12
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