
Welcome! IN PROCESSING APPOINTMENT Agenda: Part I 30 minutes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome! IN PROCESSING APPOINTMENT Agenda: Part I 30 minutes Completion of all required documents for your Human Resources (HR) file Part II 25 minutes Benefits Review Overview of Key policies, procedures and practices


  2. Agenda: Part I – 30 minutes Completion of all required documents for your Human  Resources (HR) file Part II – 25 minutes Benefits Review  Overview of Key policies, procedures and practices  SPIRIT camp  what to expect and to wear  Additional orientation overview  Where to park?  Part III – 5 minutes Badge photo  Hiring process Experience Survey 

  3. Part I – Paperwork completion In order to ensure we have all the required legal  documentation and required acknowledgements on file, the first part of the presentation covers the forms that need to be completed, and how to complete them. These documents are all going to be located on the left side  of the folder you received. You may require additional forms based on the position you  are going to be working in. All documentation must be completed/ received prior to your  first day of employment. (Failure to provide the required information could result in a delay of employment or offer being rescinded) Onboarding Specialist or your Human Resources Business  Partner (HRBP) will assist you with any questions you may have.

  4. Additional Documentation: Provide to HR Department today Official Transcripts - from Highest level of education completed. Official Transcripts: e.g. If you are currently enrolled in an undergraduate  Official Transcripts can be mailed directly to: program you would provide High School Transcripts. Carroll Hospital Voided Check (for Direct Deposit) Attn: Human Resources 200 Memorial Avenue Westminster, MD 21157 Or letter from bank confirming Routing and Account #’s. • If being delivered by you, must remain in sealed and official stamped envelope. Vehicle License Plate #’s Proof of Licensure* Proof of Certifications* Fleet Safety Documentation * Statement of Driving Record – Last 3 years  Proof of Vehicle Insurance  Valid Driver’s License  If you have not received your transcripts, but requested Fingerprinting Completion* them, please provide HR with any confirmation of request you have received. Details provided in a separate slide.  e.g. receipt or e-mail All Items must be received and verified NO LATER than 1 st day of employment. * Specific to Role being hired for, your HR Business Partner will provide you with additional details

  5. Part I – Before you sign… Pause and provide your HRBP or Onboarding Specialist with the required documentation. They will make copies of the documents.

  6. Forms for Signing Inside the folder on the LEFT hand side you will find the following forms. These are the forms that you will be completing during Part I of the presentation. Direct Deposit Form Offer letter   New Associate Information  Additional offer consideration  Form forms* Vehicle Registration Form Application   Confidentiality Agreement  Job Description  E-mail Usage Policy  Benefits Letter – for eligible  Associates Smoke/ Tobacco Free Campus  Acknowledgement I-9 Document  Handbook Acknowledgement  Form W-4  Position Specific Forms  MD Form MW507  Fingerprinting Letter  PA Tax Acknowledgement  Statement of Driving  Record (PA Residents only) 

  7. Forms for Signing Offer Letter Purpose: Although you have electronically signed the offer letter, it is our practice to retain a physically signed copy of your formal offer letter. To Complete: Please read the letter in its  entirety Sign and then date the  document

  8. Forms for Signing Application Purpose: It is our practice to have you verify that the application accompanying your HR file is complete and accurate. We keep the physically signed copy in your HR file. Your application is a legal document, so please make any additions or changes needed. If any changes/ updates are made please share this with the Onboarding Specialist or HRBP. To Complete: Please re-read your  application. Sign and then date the  document anywhere on the front or back.

  9. Forms for Signing Job Description Purpose: To ensure that you have been made aware of all the requirements of the position you have been offered, it is our practice to have you review and sign the Job Description for your new role. The signed copy is retained in your HR file. To Complete: Please read the Job  Description in its entirety Sign and then date the  document anywhere on the front or back.

  10. Forms for Signing Benefits Letter Purpose: Associates are considered benefits eligible if you are working: Part-time 40 – 71 hours per pay period .  Full-time 72 – 80 hours per pay period.  Please note the key dates in the letter. As a new Associate, your benefits begin the 1 st of the month following 30 days of employment. There is an open enrollment window determined in the letter. You will need to call into the Benefits Enrollment line during this timeframe in order to obtain coverage . Failure to do so will result in not having benefits , until you have the chance to enroll during our regular open enrollment. If you select to participate in the “Health Plus” medical plan you must have a wellness screening completed with Associate Health by the date noted in the letter. If you do not do so you will be placed in the “Health Saver” medical plan. You will have a copy to take home for your records. To Complete: Please read the letter in its entirety  Sign and then date the document. 

  11. I- 9’s What is Required No later than 1 st day of employment with Carroll Hospital or Carroll Health Group you must provide proof of eligibility to work in the U.S. . ONE form of ID from List A  -or- TWO forms of documentation,  one from each List B&C These documents MUST be in original format, not photo copied.

  12. I-9: How to Complete the form Complete only the first page and please write clearly In Section 1: Fill in all required sections  N/A Other names used pertains to any  other name you have legally used - e.g. your maiden name. Please note that Birth Date MUST  a be written in 8-digit format (e.g. 01/01/1980) Check off the box that applies for you  Sign and date in the space provided.  Again today’s date must be written  in 8-digit format (e.g. 03/12/2015) If an item doesn’t apply to you e.g. “Other  Name(s) Used…” mark “N/A” in the box If you have made a mistake, please draw  one neat line through the item needing correction, initial and date next to it and place the correction near by. Unless a translator is present leave the  information in this area blank.

  13. Forms for Signing W-4 This form is used to designate the level at which you wish to have federal taxes withheld, so that we can withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay. To Complete: Please read the top portion of the form.  Use the worksheet and additional directions  on back of form to determine the maximum # of allowances you are eligible for. Based on the information determined in the  “Worksheet” section complete the bottom portion of the form. If you wish to enter “Zero” in box 5 you can.  This indicates that you would like to have the maximum amount allowed will be withheld from each pay for taxes. If this form in not entirely completed i.e.  marital status or # of allowances marked, the default will be withheld, of 0 allowances and a “single” rate. This form can be changed at any point  during the year or during employment. Sign and Date  Do not complete the information in Line 8 

  14. Forms for Signing Maryland MW-507 This form is used to designate the level at which you wish to have MD taxes withheld, so that we can withhold the correct state income tax from your pay. Please read the top portion of the form.  Use the worksheet and additional directions on  back of form to determine the # of allowances you are eligible for. Based on the information determined in the  “Worksheet” section complete the bottom portion of the form. If you wish to enter “Zero” in Line 1 you can.  This just means that a maximum amount allowed will be withheld from each pay for Maryland state taxes. This form can be changed at any point  during the year or during employment. Sign and Date.  Do not complete the “Employer Name and  Address…” Failure to determine your marital status or # of  allowances will result in taxes being withheld at a “single” rate and with 0 allowances. What if I live in Pennsylvania? You will need to review the additional information in lines 4 – 7 and complete as required to remain “Exempt” from MD tax withholding.

  15. Forms for Signing PA Tax Notice You will only need to complete this form if your are a resident of Pennsylvania. This is an acknowledgement, indicating you are aware, Carroll Hospital and Carroll Health Group will only withhold PA State taxes from your paycheck at the standard rate. You will have to file for local taxes on your own. To Complete: Please read the letter in its  entirety. Sign, date and print your name  on the document.
