All course assignments are posted on the class website. How will class While I do work ahead, be sure to work? check in with me before working ahead. assignments It is your responsibility to log into the site each week, check and complete assignments
Will you email us For the most part no. I will email reminders? when something out of the ordinary comes up. Otherwise , everything is posted on the course site.
1. You can always ask for help What if we need during a class call 2. Post your question in the google your help? plus group 3. If it’s a personal issue that you amberkane1314@hotmail.com really want to keep private, email me.
How long will it Monday -Friday, I will check the take you to google plus group at least twice a day. Morning and evening…. Usually respond to me? more. I do usually pop in over the weekends, but I do not promise to respond on weekends.
If we have a tech issue, what Let me know asap. If needed, I will make adjustments to deadlines. should we do? - Same goes for if you’re really sick.
You will receive grades for tests, How are we quizzes, and class assignments. graded? You will earn at least one grade every week. Grades will be posted each week.
How strict are You will have 3 late passes each semester. A late pass allows you to you about submit an assignment up to 4 days late without penalty. After you’ve deadlines? used up these passes, unless there is a very good exception, you will receive a 0. There is a lot to learn in this course, and if you get too far behind, you just can’t catch up.
Some weeks you’ll see optional Optional assignments, they really are optional. They are there because assignments there are always some students that want extra work to help them to study/ learn. But I also try not to overwhelm everyone.
What if we really That happens. After I give you mess up on an feedback, you may redo and resubmit. assignment? The goal is for you to learn, sometimes that means that you have to try more than once.
Is it okay if we You bet! That’s why we have the help each other? google plus group. Ask each other questions. Unless it’s a test, I’m fine with you learning from each other.
How will I know that you’ve seen I’ll click the + once I’ve seen a post, and or I’ll leave a comment. my post? If you’ve posted something and feel that somehow I didn’t see it, just let me know.
What if we don’t Politely ask if I can further explain understand or the grade. agree with a Sometimes I make mistakes, I”m human. grade that you As long as you’re respectful, I’m fine give us? with you asking me pretty much anything.
What if I”m feeling stressed out or Let me know, we can talk about overwhelmed? study tips, or make slight adjustments.
Class critiques ● Mini lessons What will we do ● I’ll answer any questions ● on weekly calls? I usually try to keep calls to 30 ● minutes, but sometimes they go longer If you can’t stay for an entire ● call, that’s fine
Occasionally I offer extra credit, but it isn’t something that you should expect and or count on. What about extra If at any point you’re unhappy with credit? your grade, then we should talk about making corrections to past assignments. Please don’t wait until the very end of a semester to note that you aren’t happy with your grade.