

WELCOME 2019 GRANT AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT TECHNICAL WORKSHOP Tips for a better Application Sixto Fernandez, Grants Manager Martha Ibarra, Grants Supervisor Tips for a better Application General Tips Applications Background


  2. Tips for a better Application Sixto Fernandez, Grants Manager Martha Ibarra, Grants Supervisor

  3. Tips for a better Application  General Tips  Applications  Background  LE Needs Assessment/Project Certification  Project Cost Estimate  General Evaluation Criteria- Is it needed?

  4. General Tips  Know your due dates  Project Directors – you are the primary contact!  Copy feature eliminated – What does this mean?  Equipment – plan ahead  Legislative districts – applies only to the Project Area  Preliminary comments – read and respond  Review your Application – no do-overs

  5. Application Requirements – Project Description/LE Needs Assessment A. Describe the project  Geographic area served  Education outreach  Circumstances unique to agency  Clear and concise – no fluff  Needs to correlate w ith the Project Cost Estimate

  6. Application Requirements – Project Description/LE Needs Assessment, continued… B.Describe the number of miles/acres patrolled  Keep it simple C. Describe the frequency of patrols D.Number of officers deployed for the project

  7. Application Requirements – Project Certifications A. Identify high priority areas  Clear and concise B. Relation of Proposed Project to OHV Recreation  What is the nexus

  8. Project Cost Estimate General Tips  Be clear on your line items  Use the notes section  Costs must relate to the Needs Assessment  Make sure costs are reasonable – be prepared to defend any item that does not seem reasonable  If the Project Cost Estimate is significantly higher than in previous years, you must justify the increased costs.

  9. Project Cost Estimate Staff  Identify appropriate job classification  Use the notes section if needed  Must use hourly rate and quantity of hours  Must be ow n staff vs a contractor

  10. Project Cost Estima te Contracts  Identify contractor’s activities  Cannot be Applicant’s staff  Contractors cannot provide match as part of the contract  Use the notes section if needed  Contracts are auditable

  11. Project Cost Estimate Materials & Supplies  Identify items needed to complete the project  Use the notes section if needed Equipment Use Expenses  Major changes

  12. Project Cost Estimate Equipment  Remember the new definition  Plan ahead  Use the notes section if needed  The need for equipment must be addressed in the Project Description

  13. Project Cost Estimate Others  Identify costs not included in previous categories Indirect Costs  Costs for any activity that does not directly result in the completion of the project  Must not exceed 15% of the total direct grant expenses  Indirect Costs can vary from one project to another

  14. General Evaluation Criteria  Is it needed?

  15. LAW ENFORCEMENT Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program 2018/2019 Workshops Law Enforcement Overview

  16. OHV-Law Enforcement Projects LAW ENFORCEMENT  Law Enforcement is BREAKDOWN non-competitive.  All compliant Law USFS- Enforcement Patrol applicants w ill receive Districts Local 30% base funding in the 40% amount of $10,000 per application.  Remaining funds in each entity category BLM w ill be distributed on 30% a proportional basis.

  17. • 2 nd Monday in January (1/7/2019) New Grant Year • Grantee Workshop • Applications due 1 st Monday in March Preliminary Applications • (3/4/2019 by 5pm) • 1 st Tuesday in March to 1 st Monday in May Public Review and Comment Period • (3/5 – 5/6/2019) • 1 st Monday in June Application final File Date • (6/3/2019) • June and July 2019 OHMVR Final Review • Intent to Aw ard Application Results 1 st Monday in August (8/5/2019) • 30 Calendar days from Intent to Aw ard Appeal Period • (8/6-9/4/2019) • Upon Resolution of any appeals Grant Execution • Final Aw ard 9/5/2019

  18. PRELIMINARY Application Process  Preliminary Applications are Due the first Monday in March, no later than 5:00 pm Pacific time.  Will be review ed by the OHMVR Division.  The OHMVR Division w ill provide comments.  Comments w ill be sent out via email follow ing the 1st Monday in May.  In the month of March/April the OHMVR Division’s priority is preliminary grant application review.

  19. Preliminary Law Enforcement Applications Applicants for law enforcement Projects must submit the follow ing preliminary Application items:  General Information  Project Cost Estimate  Law Enforcement Needs Assessment  Law Enforcement Project Certification

  20. Public Review and Comment Period All preliminary Applications are available on the OLGA Website  Posted the day follow ing the Application deadline for public review and comment. The Applicants must notify the public of the opportunity to review and comment on their Preliminary Application.  Notification no later than the first Tuesday follow ing the first Monday in March.

  21. Public Review and Comment Period (Cont.) Public notification efforts must include at least one of the follow ing:  (A) Notice mailed and/or emailed to those persons the Applicant determines most likely to have an interest in or be affected by the Application, and to those w ho have requested notice,  (B) Publication on Applicant’s w ebsite,  (C) Publication in local new spaper,  (D) New s release,  (E) Public meeting or hearing conducted by the Applicant.

  22. OHV.GRANTS@ PARKS.CA.GOV OHMVR-Division review s all public comments/concerns and, as necessary, w ill corroborate comments from the general public via unannounced site visits and/or other methods.

  23. Division Comments OHMVR-Division independently conducts a preliminary application review and provides feedback to applicants.  OHMVR-Division and Public Comments are posted to: http://ohv.parks.ca.gov/ OHMVR-Division comments not addressed by the applicant in the final application, may result in a reduced final aw ard amount or elimination of any cost item.  Prior to the Final Application submittal, Applicants may only modify the specific sections of their Application w hich received a OHMVR-Division and/or Public Comment(s).


  25. ELIGIBLE COSTS Eligible Project costs include, but are not limited to:  Law enforcement patrol, including aircraft support.  Material and Supplies.  Equipment Use. (NEW REGULATIONS)  Purchase of Equipment for OHV law enforcement.  OHV specific training for personnel assigned to an OHV detail.

  26. INELEGIBLE COSTS Examples of ineligible Project costs include but are not limited to:  Costs not associated w ith the Project Description.  Expenditures outside the Project Performance Period.  Work or services performed outside of the Project Description.  Use fee for Equipment purchased w ith moneys from the OHV Trust Fund.

  27. EQUIPMENT  Used for OHV related purposes.  Equipment shall display "OHV Trust Funds at Work" insignia.  Vehicles should not be registered w ith DMV.  Ow nership and title belongs to the Grantee.  Disposed of via the agency’s standard equipment disposition procedures. New equipment needs division approval.  May be used as a trade-in for replacement at the end of it’s useful life cycle.  May be transferred or traded w ithin the agency.

  28. MATCH  All Applicants shall provide matching funds.  In an amount not less than tw enty-five percent (25%) of the total Project cost.  Any item of expense that would be eligible as a Project cost is also eligible as a match.  Must directly further the activities and deliverables.  Documented the same as any other item of expense.  Shall not be duplicated for multiple Projects.

  29. MATCH Calc. EXPLAINED Grantee OHV Grant Dollars Match + = Total Project Cost 75% 25% “Doing the Math” to figure match Grant Ask / .75 = 100% Project Cost (PC) 100% PC – Grant ask = Required Match Amount Example: $90,000 (Grant Ask) / .75 = $120,000 $120,000 - $90,000= $30,000 Required Match

  30. INDIRECT COSTS  All expenses that do not directly relate to the scope of the Project are considered an Indirect Cost.  The Applicant may receive reimbursement up to fifteen percent (15%) of the requested amount.

  31. Final Application Process  Due the first Monday in June (6/3/19), no later than 5:00 pm Pacific time.  OHMVR Division final Application review is in the months of June and July 2019.  In the months of June and July the OHMVR Division suspends normal operations to assess final grant applications  Application results/Intent to Aw ard w ill be posted on the Division Website the first Monday in August (8/5/19).

  32. APPEAL PERIOD Within thirty (30) calendar days from the posting of the Intent to Aw ard on the OHMVR-Division w ebsite, Applicants have the right to appeal the Intent to Aw ard. The grounds for appeal are limited to the follow ing:  The OHMVR-Division failed to follow regulations, and/or  The OHMVR-Division lacked sufficient evidence to support or deny the aw ard of a Grant(s). The receipt of an appeal by the OHMVR-Division may delay the execution of Project Agreements w ithin all project categories until the appeal is resolved.


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