welcome me to t the s senior enrollme ment process f for

Welcome me to t the S Senior Enrollme ment Process f for BV - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome me to t the S Senior Enrollme ment Process f for BV W WEST BV WEST COUNSELORS Mr. Stone Last Names A C Mrs. Freestone Last Names D H Mrs. Urenda Last Names I Mc Ms. Coronado Last Names Me - R Mrs. Lebar Last

  1. Welcome me to t the S Senior Enrollme ment Process f for BV W WEST

  2. BV WEST COUNSELORS Mr. Stone Last Names A – C Mrs. Freestone Last Names D – H Mrs. Urenda Last Names I – Mc Ms. Coronado Last Names Me - R Mrs. Lebar Last Names S – Z

  3. PLANNING YOUR COURSES ¡ What courses do you need to graduate? ¡ What courses do you need for college admission? ¡ Are there courses or special programs that will help you prepare for a specific program of study?

  4. BLUE VALLEY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS ¡ Social Studies ¡ English § 3 credits § 4 credits World Hist/AP Euro 1 credit US History/APUSH 1 credit AM Gov- .5 credit ¡ Math Social Stud elective- .5 credit § 3 credits ¡ Science ¡ Physical Education § 3 credits § 1 credit § 1 Biological Sci. § 1 Physical Sci. § 1 Additional Sci. ¡ Fine Art § 1 credit ¡ Health & Wellness § .5 credits ¡ Comp. Technology § 1 credit ¡ Electives § 7.5 credits

  5. COLLEGE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Kansas Public Universities

  6. KANSAS REGENTS UNIVERSITIES November 1, 2018 BIG application deadline for scholarships!

  7. KANSAS REGENTS REQUIREMENTS Students graduating from an accredited Kansas hi St high h sc scho hool, , und nder the the age of of 21, MU MUST ¡ Complete the precollege or Kansas Scholars Curriculum with at least a 2.0 GPA; AND AND Achieve ON ONE of the following: ¡ ACT score of 21 or higher*; OR ¡ SAT score of 980 or higher*; OR ¡ Graduate in the top one-third of their class; *KU requires a 3.25 GPA & 21 ACT or 3.0 GPA & 24 ACT

  8. Ka Kansas Qualified ed Ad Admissions Pr Pre-Colleg ege e Cur urricul ulum um PLEASE Check YOUR MATH & NATURAL SCIENCE

  9. MATH REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE PRECOLLEGE CURRICULUM 3 appr 3 pproved d units from om 4 4 appr pproved d units, with the followi th wing: one on e unit taken en in th the gradu gr duating g ye year. Three ¡ Algebra I units sel un elec ected ed fr from th the ¡ Geometry fo following: ¡ Algebra II ¡ Algebra I ¡ Any course with Algebra II as a prerequisite ¡ Geometry AND AND ¡ Algebra II ¡ Any course with Algebra II students must meet the ACT as a prerequisite college readiness math ¡ The fourth unit may be benchmark (22). This is the prescribed by the school score from the Math Subtest. and must be designed to prepare students for college.



  12. § Takes up 3 blocks of your schedule for a minimum of one semester. Ex: Blocks 1-3 or Blocks 5-7 § § Must have your own transportation to get to and from BVW & CAPS Students wear Business Casual attire to § class everyday to interact professionally with community business partners. § Interested? Sign up for the strand/courses you want on your schedule in the specific times and semester you wish to have it.

  13. CAPS – COURSES Bi Biosc scienc nce Me Media & Technol olog ogy Molecular Medicine & Bioengineering Tech. Solutions & Software Engineering Environmental Science & Animal Health Multi-Media Journalism Bioscience Research Filmmaking Veterinary Medicine Digital Design & Photography Gl Global Business CA CAPS Ac Accelerator Global Marketing Innovation & Entrepreneurship *World Lang. & Business Leadership Future of Food Me Medical & Healthcare Te Teacher Education *Exploring Health Professions Teacher Ed Foundations Sports Medicine Education Technology & Gaming Foundations of Medicine Education Innovation Engine Eng ineering ing La Law *Engineering (3 or 2 period option) American Justice for All *2 p period c course


  15. ENROLLMENT PACKET ¡ Senior Course Request Form ¡ Elective Courses ¡ Online Enrollment Directions ¡ KS Qualified Admissions ¡ AP & College Now Info ¡ Naviance 4-Year Plan/Resume Info ¡ Transcript

  16. ENROLLMENT STEPS 1. Figure out what classes you want to take next year 2. Fill in your Enrollment Card & get signatures Write hard so your choices will show up on both copies 3. Enter your course choices online in StudentVue 4. Turn the copy of your enrollment card into the counseling center in room #315 Enrollment should be completed and forms turned in by: Friday Jan. 19, 2018

  17. SENIOR ENGLISH, MATH, SCIENCE & SOCIAL STUDIES MATH: MA SCIENCE: SC ¡ Algebra 2 (Honors) ¡ Chemistry ¡ Advanced Algebra ¡ Physics or AP Physics I ¡ Pre-Calculus/Trig (Honors) ¡ Science Electives: ¡ AP Calculus AB AP Biology Astronomy ¡ AP Calculus BC AP Chemistry Earth Space Sci. ¡ AP Statistics AP Environ. Sci. Field Biology ¡ Multivariable Calculus AP Physics 2 Meterology Anatomy & Phys. Zoology SOCIAL STU SO STUDIES: S: ¡ American Gov. (.5 credit) ENG ENGLIS LISH: ¡ AP U.S. Gov. & Politics (.5) ¡ ELA 12 Some might want to complete their ¡ AP English Literature social studies elective (.5)from ¡ Contemporary Communications § Psychology/AP Psych § Sociology § Economics § AP Micro/AP Macroeconomics

  18. CREDIT RECOVERY Students can enroll in the online credit recovery if they did not pass a core class. The cost is $250.00 and you must enroll with your school counselor. Courses offered include: ¡ Bi Biology ¡ ELA ELA 9 ¡ ELA ELA 10 ¡ ELA ELA 11 ¡ Con Contempor orar ary Com Communicati cation ons ¡ Al Algebra I ¡ Ge Geom ometr try ¡ Al Algebra II ¡ Mo Modern World History ¡ U. U.S. H History

  19. SUMMER SCHOOL JUNE - JULY 2018 Summer S School In Info ONLINE SUMMER SCHOOL OPTIONS • $250.00 per course ENROLLMENT O OPENS early M March • All courses are contingent on the minimum American Government enrollment and availability of staffing. • Student may only enroll in .5 credit (1 class) Business Essentials • Transportation is not provided . Computer Applications • See the BV Website for additional Emerging Technologies Summer School information: Health & Wellness (around Feb. 1) Personal Finance http://www5.bluevalleyk12.org/summe rprograms/ General Physical Education US History Or Contact: Summer School: 913-239-4082 Design Fundamentals (face-to-face, not online) Virtual Education 913-239-4221

  20. CHOOSE YOUR COURSES CAREFULLY! ¡ Do Don’t t choose classes based up upon wh what t your ur fri friends are tak ar taking or th the teac acher you th think you wi will get! t! ¡ We We build the master schedule on your requests. Example: If Ex f we have 75 people requ quest Health, we would create 3 se sections. s. I If i in A Augu gust, 2 25 p people w who w were re p planning o g on t taking g health he h online in the he summer cha hanged the heir mind and now needed to fi fit health into their schedule, we would NOT have the room to accommodat ac ate th them. ¡ Sc Sched edul ule e changes es on only dur uring the e first 5 days! Re Remember how crazy it is to make a schedule change? Students who wh o con onsid ider carefully lly make le less schedule le changes at the begin innin ing of the semester! of ¡ Co Consi sider your honors s course ses. s. Ad Admi ministration will need to ap approve an any level chan ange (m (moving from honors to regul ular ar clas asses) ) on once school ool starts.

  21. SHORTENED DAY? My friend shortened their senior schedule! How do I do that? ¡ Senior students will need to enroll in a FULL schedule BOTH semesters. § Study hall is not a course option! ¡ In January 2019, students can shorten their schedules with a special permission form.

  22. ONLINE ENROLLMENT The online enrollment window is open th - Fr Fr Friday, Jan. 5 th Friday, Jan. 19 th th . You will need to enter your requests using the Synergy directions. § We will be checking your enrollment requests, transcripts, and what you turn into us and enter online. § Counselors will meet with you individually during your English classes in late January to answer questions and verify your enrollment choices.

  23. COLLEGE CREDIT OPTIONS IN HIGH SCHOOL AP & Concurrent Credit Courses

  24. AP (ADVANCED PLACEMENT) COURSES § Students who take these courses may choose to take the National AP Exam in May to earn college credit. They are scored by the Educational Testing Services with a 5 being the highest score. § Colleges/Universities will usually award some type of credit for AP examination grades of 4 or 5 with some schools issuing credit for scores of 3 or better. § Consult each college’s AP policies to know how a particular AP test score will be accepted.

  25. CONCURRENT CREDIT (JCCC & BAKER) Students may earn college credit wh St when taking the these se BV West st cou courses*. A A student MUST complete a JCCC or or Baker U ap applicat cation, , as assessments if re require red, d, a and pr d provide de pa payment f for r tu tuiti tion on in n the the first st few weeks s of of cl class. ss. Honors Spanish 4 AP Computer Science A AP Spanish Language AP US History Honors French 4 AP US Gov. & Politics Advanced Algebra AP Psychology Honors Pre-Calculus & Trig AP Macroeconomics AP Calculus AB AP English Literature AP Calculus BC AP Biology AP Statistics AP Chemistry Hon. JAVA Programming AP Physics 1 *Future school years may bring some changes to our college credit offerings. We will let you know of any changes as we receive updated information.


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