Welcome lcome to North h Gwinn nnett Middle dle Scho hool A Previe iew w of Middle dle School l Life
NGMS Constructing Excellence
Mrs. Wanda Law Principal Mrs. Maggie Fehrman Mrs. Natalie Perry Mr. David Strickland Assistant Principals
North Gwinnett Middle School: Front Office You will come to the front office reception area to meet with Ms. Honea or Mrs. Bastone to check- out or check-in a student
North Gwinnett Middle School Clinic Mrs. Kerry
North Gwinnett Middle School Media Center It will have the most current collection of middle school books and resources.
NGMS Bulldogs!!!!! Cafeteria – Lunch $2.00 – Ice Cream $1.00 - $1.75 – Wonderful menu items – Students will eat with their academic teachers – Grab n’ Go Breakfast – Parents are welcome to join their children for lunch
NGMS Bulldogs!!!!! Technology – 4 computer labs – Media Center Lab – Wireless lap top carts – One lab will be open in the AM for student use Growing with technology
NGMS: Transportation Car riders Bus riders – Pick up / drop off area is – Pick up / drop off area is located off of W. Price Road in the front of the building – Students enter through the 6 th grade hall – Arrival time is well before the start of school – Complete locator card to verify car rider status – Shorter rides to NGMS than Lanier
Starting Middle School is A Big Step It’s a time of: Tremendous Growth Exploring New Opportunities Increasing Independence and Responsibilities
Mi Midd ddle le Sc School ol Edu ducato ators rs We choose to be middle school educators because we appreciate the developmental uniqueness of this age group. These years are pivotal, and abound with potential and opportunity.
We Believe Every Student: Must be engaged in learning that is relevant, challenging, integrative and exploratory. Must have access to the very best programs and practices a school can offer.
We Believe Every Student : Deserves a learning environment that is safe, and where family and community are actively involved. Deserves educators who are trained to work with this age group, and who will support them academically, socially, and emotionally .
North Gwinnett Middle School : School ool colors ors: Red and Black lack Masc scot: ot: Bulldog ldog Expe pecte cted d Enrol ollmen ment: t: 1,700
Stu tude dent nt Schedule hedule Homeroom room for 10 minute tes. s. Student nts s have four academic classes s that t are approx oximate tely 55 minute tes s each in lengt gth. h. Student nts s have two differe rent nt Conne necti tions ons Classes s each h day that t are approxi oximate ately y 55 minute tes s in lengt gth. Student nts s will have a 30 minute te Bulldog og Pride for extend nded learni ning ng activities. s.
Connections Classes Comput puter er Science nce Health lth / P PE Print nt Journa rnalism ism Art Art Techni hnica cal Educatio cation Band Family mily and Consu sume mer r Choru rus Scien ence ce Orchestra hestra Math Connec ecti tions ons Reading ng
How does my child d gets pla laced ed into classes? sses? Each child d is placed d on a team Usually consisting of two or four teachers. One teacher on the team will be your child’s homeroom teacher. Teachers create the daily academic schedule for students within their team
What t about academic c cla lasses? s? The teachers on the team will be your child’s academic teachers. Students in a homeroom do not move together as a group Your child will have academic classes primarily with other kids from their same team.
How are the teams determined? All the teams are balanced nced using a numbe ber r of criteri eria: a: Gender der Ethnici nicity ty Feeder er school ol Abilit lity level
How does my child get a certain connection class? You and your c r child ild can both th agre ree to to parti rticipa ipate te in in on one of th f the m music ic pro rogra rams. All ll th the oth other c r connecti tions cla lasses are re ra randomly ly assig igned by a a c computer. ter. Every ry stu tudent t should have a P P.E. / /Health th class once per r year. r.
Ways s to o Get et Invol olved ed: es Clubs and Activities Ty Types Beta Club Equate Club Environmental Club FCA Bulldog Outreach Fiddle Club International Club Spirit Club Pep Club Student Council Art Club Tri-M Chess Club Yearbook Continental Math League And more to come!!!
Communication - Ho Home meworkNo rkNow
NGMS Counseling Program Developmental in design Proactive Addresses the academic, social, and emotional needs of all students. We are here to support you and your child 6 th grade Mrs. Ernestine Clinkscales 7 th grade Mrs. Michelle Gossard Dr. Glenda Stephens 8 th grade Dr. Rob Skilling Graduation Coach
What t Additi tional onal Su Suppor ort Ca Can N n NGMS S Prov ovide ide? Morni rning Help Speech h Services Sessi sions ns Special cial Education tion Academ emic Reading ng Interven rventi tion on Interven rventi tion on Prog ogra ram (AIP) P) Math th Interv rvention ntion Engli lish sh as a Second nd Lang nguag age (ESOL) L) RTI RTI Gifte fted Education tion
Fine Arts Presentation Students, please join the fine arts department and your 6 th grade counselor, Mrs. Clinkscales in the gym for a special presentation!
The Vision for North Gwinnett MS Academic Rigor Gifted / Nuts and Special Ed / ESOL Bolts NGMS Student Safety and Leadership Security Parent Tips
Academic Rigor High expectations for all Variety of instructional strategies / assignments Intellectual risk-taking Real life application Engagement Acceleration - Math
Gifted / Special Ed. / ESOL Eligible students will have one gifted class Based on area of strength and scores Gifted classes are graded as an academic class Special Education Classes offered on services outlined in IEP Collaborative / Resource ESOL Language support to ensure success
Student Leadership All students at NGMS are leaders Opportunities for leadership Advisement Peer leaders Student Ambassadors Student Council Service Organizations Recognition of leadership by faculty and staff
Safety and Security Children’s safety and security is paramount All entrances are secured after drop off time All visitors are required to sign in and wear visitor’s badge All staff trained on emergency plan Drills are practiced
Safety and Security Picture ID is mandatory for check out Students can only be checked out by individuals listed on file First responders on staff Development of parent visibility team Future plan for security cameras
Parentin enting g Tips to Support ort a Smooth oth Transit sition ion Be upbeat t about t what t lies s ahead. Recogni nize their r fears. rs. Offe fer support rt. Hold your child accountabl ntable. Give ve your child the opport rtuni nity y to make some decisions… Allow for natura ral conse seque quenc nces.
Parenting Tips to Support a Smooth Transition Pick k your battles es Give e them the tools ls they need to succee eed. d. Expect t them to make mistake kes.
Support ort for Paren ents: ts: Communication Methods Agenda Books Newspaper Local School Advisory Committee PTSA Meetings E-Mail Grade Reports from Teachers School Web Site
The Nuts and Bolts Times 8:50AM – Students may enter building 9:10AM – Homeroom begins 4:00PM – Student dismissal Last check out at 3:30PM No check out during test administration
The Nuts and Bolts Payment for lunch / breakfast On-line, checks, daily cash Ice Cream may only be purchased with school lunch or sack lunch from home No fast food, soda, or energy drinks in the cafeteria Bus assignments / Car Rider information will be provided at open-house (Aug 6)
The Nuts and Bolts Dress Code Neatly dressed and well groomed at all times Appropriate school attire and shoes are required at all times Not hats, sunglasses, spaghetti straps, offensive graphics or exposure of undergarments More details will be outlined in the student agenda PE Uniforms will be available for purchase
The Nuts and Bolts School-wide Discipline Program Adheres to GCPS student code of conduct Consistent rules from class to class, and grade to grade Positive recognition Tiered consequences Parent notification for all disciplinary actions
The Nuts and Bolts Attendance Rewards for good attendance Hand written excuses or doctor notes must be submitted to HR teacher for all absences State attendance guidelines will be followed for excused absences
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