Welcome and Introduction Suzannah Power Lay Member for Public and Patient Involvement
Agenda Welcome and Introduction 10 mins Pharmaceutical Services 50 mins Tea Break 10 mins Primary Care: Preparing for the Future 20 mins Comments from the Floor 30mins
You said, we did…. • Park & Ride • Community Services Examples • Urgent Care Centre • Whitchurch
Pharmaceutical Services in B&NES: the 2015 Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) Joe Prince - Senior Public Health Research & Intelligence Officer, Public Health, B&NES Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit
Purpose of the PNA to guide “market - entry” for new contractors and; to guide commissioning of services from pharmacies to make sure we are delivering the services that local people need Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit
Who Uses a PNA? Potential contractors – to apply to open new premises Existing contractors – to identify new services which they could provide NHS England Area Teams – to make decisions on applications for new contractor premises or services, make decisions on applications to relocate existing premises and commissioning of enhanced services Health and Wellbeing Boards – to guide commissioning of pharmacy-led Public Health services to address health inequalities and improve the health of their population. Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit
Pharmaceutical Services provided in B&NES Dispensing of medicines Repeat dispensing Safe disposal of unwanted medicines Signposting Support for self-care Medicines Use Reviews (MURs) New Medicines Service (NMS) Appliance Use Reviews (AURs) Stoma Appliance Customisation (SAC) Specialist Drugs (Palliative Care) Enhanced Service Sexual Health Services (chlamydia testing and treatment, EHC and C- Card) Smoking Cessation Services (stop smoking and NRT) Substance Misuse Services (Needle and Syringe programmes and supervised consumption) Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit
Location map Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit
Key findings 1. Necessary pharmaceutical services in B&NES have been defined as: dispensing of medicines; repeat dispensing; safe disposal of unwanted medicines; promotion of healthy lifestyles; signposting; support for self-care; and clinical governance. 2. Current pharmacy provision in B&NES, including out-of-hours provision, appears to be sufficient to meet the needs of the population from the three Bath GP clusters of Bath West, Bath East and Bath Central, and the Norton Radstock GP cluster. 3. There remains a gap in local community pharmacy provision in the Chew Valley area of B&NES. Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit
Key findings 4. There is a gap in the provision of local community pharmaceutical services in B&NES that serve the Chew / Keynsham GP cluster in the evenings after 18:30, and on Sundays. 5. Around a quarter of community pharmacies that currently have consultation rooms/areas do not currently have wheelchair access. Furthermore, not all community pharmacies in B&NES currently have a consultation room or area. 6. If the planned housing development is delivered in the Keynsham area, then the current supply of local pharmaceutical services in Keynsham may not be sufficient to meet the subsequent increase in demand (and need) for local pharmaceutical services. Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit
Key findings 7. There are various locally commissioned pharmaceutical services that could potentially be expanded or improved, these include: an expanded role in testing for a greater range of common STIs; improved signposting for people with substance misuse problems for BBV testing; pharmacies working with a greater range of partners; and individual pharmacies providing a greater range of commissioned services in order to provide a holistic package of care. 8. There are various other locally commissioned pharmaceutical services that could potentially be commissioned, for example, an NHS Health Checks Service. 9. There are no known planned other health services that could significantly alter the need for pharmaceutical services in B&NES. Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit
http://www.bathnes.gov.uk/consultations/bnes-pharmaceutical-needs- assessment-2015 Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit
Next steps… Consultation closes 15 th February PNA approved by Health and Wellbeing Board 25 th March 2015 PNA used to judge future requests to expand existing or add new pharmaceutical services Thank you for your time today Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit
Primary Care Preparing for the Future 12th February 2015 Amanda Simpson – Project Director 15
What is BEMS+? • Non-profit organisation providing clinical services in community • Our members are all 27 GP practices (200 GPs) in Bath and North East Somerset • Innovative projects to improve GP access and services • Evidence based ways of working • Supports national vision for better local, community- based care 16
Why are we here today? Supporting vulnerable patients at the weekend Giving patients Improving access to the patient best advice services with and treatment technology GP practices working better together 17
1. Making it easier to book a GP appointment What are we doing? • 24/7 telephone appointment booking service • Piloting at 4 practices - 4 month roll-out • IT designed specifically for GP surgeries What does this mean for patients? • No need to visit the surgery or wait in phone queue to book an appointment • Quick and easy way to book, change or cancel an appointment • Reduces errors such as double bookings • Frees up receptionist to help patients 18
Common questions… ? Will it be easy for everyone to use? How about elderly patients? ? Could someone book an appointment on my behalf using this system? ? How secure is the system? Could any patient details be shared? 19
Can you tell us…. How does your GP currently communicate with you about service changes? How could we most effectively let you know about the new telephone software? Please take a moment to answer the questions on the sheet provided 20
2. Supporting vulnerable patients What are we doing? • ‘Focused Weekend Working’ - vulnerable and high-risk patients can see a GP at the weekend • Primarily for elderly and frail patients • Not a self-referral service • GPs will be using handheld and tablet computers for their patient visits What does this mean for patients? • High-risk patients can access care at home and when they need it • Patients don’t need to go to A&E • Help patients leave hospital at the weekend, freeing beds for others 21
Common questions… ? How will it be decided who is referred for this service? ? Will other health providers be able to refer patients to this service? ? How will you let patients know if they have been referred for the service? 22
Can you tell us…. How do we best measure patient satisfaction of the Focused Weekend Working service? What format would be most appropriate given the vulnerability of this group of patients? Please take a moment to answer the questions on the sheet provided 23
3. GPs working better together What are we doing? • Looking at new ways for GP practices to share services and work with community health • See where practices can share specific clinical expertise (such as a diabetic nurse) • Practices working together to provide new services What does this mean for patients? • More flexibility for patients to see the right person to meet their needs • Access to more services and support • More effective working and communication between practices 24
4. Give patients access to the best expertise What are we doing? • Attracting new talent to our GP practices • Identify skills gaps in line with what our patients need • Look to the future to see where we may need new types of skills, i.e. for obesity related illness What does this mean for patients? • Our patients always get the best advice and treatment • We can offer highly specialist services to patients that need them • Patients can access most services they need directly from their GP 25
Your feedback/questions? 26
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