Weighted Graph Algorithms • Weighted shortest path problem – Dijkstra’s algorithm (single ‐ source, non ‐ negative edge weight) • All pairs shortest path – Warshall’s algorithm
Definition of a path • Consider a directed graph G=(V, E) with edge ‐ weight function w: E R. v 2: – Weight of edge v 1 w(v 1 ,v 2 ) v 2 … v k • The weight of a path p=v 1 is defined to be w(p)= sum w(v i , v i+1 ), i=1..k ‐ 1
Shortest path • A shortest path from u to v is a path of minimum weight from u to v – There might be multiple paths from u to v – The shortest path weight from u to v is defined as –
Single source shortest path • Problem: from a given source vertex s, find the shortest path weights from s to all vertices in V. – If all edge weights w(u,v) are non ‐ negative, all shortest path weights must exist • Idea: greedy – Maintain a set S of vertices whose shortest path weights from s are known. – At each step, add to S the vertex v, whose distance estimate from s is minimal – Update the distance estimates of all vertices adjacent to v.
Dijkstra’s algorithm
Running time analysis
Running time analysis
• Unweighted shortest path problem • Dijkstra with negative weights
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