weekly webinar 1

Weekly Webinar #1 Navigating Federal Funding in a Time of COVID-19 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Weekly Webinar #1 Navigating Federal Funding in a Time of COVID-19 calbis@gobiz.ca.gov state.clearinghouse@opr.ca.gov GRANTS REPUBLIC 1 Welcome & ThankYou Kaina Pereira Deputy Director, GO-Biz CalBIS, International Affairs andTrade,

  1. Weekly Webinar #1 Navigating Federal Funding in a Time of COVID-19 calbis@gobiz.ca.gov state.clearinghouse@opr.ca.gov GRANTS REPUBLIC 1

  2. Welcome & ThankYou Kaina Pereira Deputy Director, GO-Biz CalBIS, International Affairs andTrade, and Office of Permit Assistance 2

  3. Daily Updates and COVID-19 Webpage • Governor is providing daily COVID-19 updates at noon, live on both Twitter and Facebook. Follow @CAGovernor. Californians for All Volunteer Service Initiative During these difficult times, Californians are coming together to help each other like never before. Today, Governor Newsom announced a new initiative to match interested volunteers with high-need opportunities to safely serve their communities . 3 You can sign up to join at Californians For All.ca.gov .

  4. Agenda • Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development  Trelynd Bradley, Senior Business Development Specialist • Governor’s Office of Planning and Research  Amy Miller, Federal Grants Administrator • U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development  Erich Yost, Management Analyst (Community Initiatives) • Grants Republic  Heather Fukunaga, Partner  Stan Saunders, Partner 4

  5. Weekly Webinars & Program Impacts • Four Weekly Webinars over four weeks  Partnership with OPR and Federal Agencies in California  Coordinating on sharing new funding opportunities and resources • Eight Program Impact Videos  Shorter, micro learning videos to be recorded and posted separately  Featuring State & Federal programs in partnership with agencies  Designed to provide deeper dive into program in 15-30 minutes • All are designed to be flexible given COVID-19  All partners are here to collaborate and provide support 5

  6. ► Recording OR'S O . - ~ ..,, • Posted on en YouTube and on Website ... ... I 8 SIGNIN I D YouTube [ Search CA GO-Biz E·i+ihHI 15 subscribers HOME VIDEOS PLAYLISTS CHANNELS ABOUT Uploads FEATURED CHANNELS PLAY ALL ..... California IBank Kaina Pereira Kaitlin Lewis SUBSCRIBE IHpuryOirttlor CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY Cal81S,ln lt1matH>NlllAjfait,&- Anistanl fhp<lty Oir«tor REINVESTMENT GRANTS PROGRAM oJr.c.• Tradt1, o/Pnmlt Au im1nco1 Comm11<1i<ollom 9A Repon1ng Updates and Tra inins Webinar California Locations To ... :m mu SUBSCRIBE California Community COVID-19 EDC Update EDC Outreach Webinar March CA Future of Work Reinvestment Grants ... Webinar - April 2020 2020 Commission's 6th ... 6 -~ Visit California 7 views • 13 hours ago 92 views • 5 days ago 32 views • 1 month ago 4 views • 2 months ago SUBSCRIBE

  7. Questions • Indicate “Webinar or Video” in Subject on ZenDesk CALIFORN IA BUS I NESS to Go-Biz Service Desk . How can we help? Submit a request PORTAL Q GO-B iz Help Center > Submit a reque st arch Submit a request Your email address • Your name • Subj ect • Descri ption * /2 Please enter the details of your reque st. A member of our suppo rt staff will respond as soon as possible. 7

  8. ~ Survey Weekly Webinar Survey Thank you for participating in our webinar. GO-Biz and OPR would like your feedback . I LEARN MORE Get the latest information from the CDC about COVID -19. Webinar Attended .. .. G See more resources on Google 0 Organization Type COVID-19 EDC Update Webinar - April 2020 .. .. •* 93 views• Apr 17, 2020 1 .,, 0 SHARE ='+ SAVE Region .. ifrHMHI CA GO-Biz .. 1 5 subscribers On this GO-Biz COVID-19 update webinar , you will hear updates from our Office of the Small Overall, how would you rate this webinar? Business Advocate , Business Investment Services, International and Sustainable Freight and .. .. Goods Movement teams on resources, guidance and state actions taken to assist businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic . Before the webinar, how familiar were you with the content? .. WEBINAR AGENDA .. • Agenda (0:50) • Office of Small Business Advocate (1:10) What did you find most useful about this webinar? • Small Business COVID-19 Resources (1:28) • Small Business Center Network (3:28) • Small Business Covid-19 Resources (4:31) • Business Investment Services Unit (12:48) • Essential Infrastructure Workers (13:15) 8

  9. ~ ~ GO-Biz COVID-19 Resource Page • business.ca.gov/coronavirus-2019/ ao v -0 Se ttin gs f D in Select Language Co nt ac t Us Advantages Industries Newsroom About Apps Search Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) The Governor's Office of Business and Econom ic Development (GO -Biz) has comp iled helpful information for emp loyers, emp loyees, and all Cal ifornians as it relates to the Coronav iru s (COVID -79) pandemic. For a complete list of resources, p lease visit the C::9 lif9r r1ic1C::9r9r1c1y ir \,1$JC::QY IP :l ':3L8~$P9 0$~11\/~Q$ iJ~ . Subscribe to the GO-Biz .newsletter to receive updates and announcements as they happen, including information shared by the ~c1lif<>rr1ic:1 p~pc1r~m~r:it<>fj:>lJl:>lic: tt~c1IJt:, . ,(() Important Updates from the Governor ' On Apri l 2, Governor Newsom announced support for California 's sma ll businesses, the backbone of the state eco nomy and the heart of commun iti es and main streets ac ross Ca liforn ia. Clic_ k __ here to read more. A new portal to connect hard work in g Cal iforni ans to j ob opportunit ies was also an nou need , cal led Onwa .rdCA.o rg . Financial and Technical Assistance for Small Business Resources are ava ilab le throughout Ca lifornia for sma ll businesses impacted by COVID- 79. 9

  10. ~ *NEW* COVID-19 EDC Update Webinar • https://business.ca.gov/about/publications/ Search 0. Advantages Industries Newsroom About Apps Search Publications Here yo u can fi nd the GO-B IZ related publications suc h as meeting agendas, meeting minutes, legal and legis lative pub lications, etc. Select the appropriate program to view the content. California Competes Tax Credit 0 International Affairs and Trade 0 Permit Assistance 0 Get the latest information from the CDC about COVID -19. G See more resources on Google 10 Small Business Assistance and Innovation 0 COVID -19 EDC Update Webinar - April 2020 93 views· Apr 17, 2020 •·1 4110 ,.. SHARE

  11. Staying Connected & Save the Date • OPR - Federal Grants in 2020 |10:00AM – 11:30AM | Wednesday April, 29 th • Weekly Webinar #2 | 10:30AM – 12:00PM | Thursday, April 30 th • Weekly Webinar #3 | 11:00AM – 12:00PM | Thursday, May 7 th • Weekly Webinar #4 | 10:30AM – 12:00PM | Thursday, May 14 th • Subscribe to GO- Biz’s YouTube Channel and OPR’s YouTube Channel. • Follow @CAGOBIZ on Twitter and @CAL_OPR on Twitter • Subscribe to GO- Biz’s Newsletter and OPR’s Federal Grants E -List 11

  12. State Clearinghouse Federal Grant Resources

  13. State Clearinghouse and Federal Assistance Executive Order 12372: Intergovernmental review of Federal programs • Single Point of Contact • “Federal agencies shall provide opportunities for consultation by elected officials of those State and local governments” • States “develop their own processes” Assembly Bill No. 1348 • Establishes federal grant administrator role • “Work with… interested parties on applying for and managing federal grants.” • Summary of federal grant funding

  14. Federal Assistance /1 Governor's Office of Planning and Research Clearinghouses CEQA Facts and Metrics Planning and Land Use Meetings and Events Search Z. 0 Adaptation Clearinghouse 8' C;J · State Clearinghouse CEQAnet r? CEQA Document Submission Review of environmental documents prepared for Resources to plan for and implement climate CEQA, and resrouces to find, apply and manage adaptation projects. federal grants. & Federal Assistance

  15. ~<,,~ .,, I:) Federal Assistance J'): ~-- ~ . . omoe G o-. emor'S or Clearinghouses CEQA Facts and Metri cs Planning and Land Use Meeti ngs and E vents Search Plann ing and Research • Rev iew of Fede ral Programs The State Clearinghouse {SCH) serves as the state's Single Point of Contact for the review of federa l assistance applicati ons pursuant to Presidentia l Executive Order No. 12372. Notification of all federal assistance applications must be provided to the SCH pursuant to Assembly Bill No. 1348 13' , which in turn publishes thi s information for review and Section 0912 !fl requires that departments submit new federal funds through the SCH and then through Finance through a comment by State and local elected officials . SAM DF-24 notificat ion prior to applying for funds. The SCH does not adm inister grant programs or offe r any grant funding . Please visit grants .gov 13' fo r fundi ng opportunities. Jill Applying for Federal Grants 13' Federal Grants E-List 13' Federal Grant Resources


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