week 10

Week 10 Oliver Kullmann Introduction Logical Complexity Theory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CS 270 Algorithms Week 10 Oliver Kullmann Introduction Logical Complexity Theory puzzles and SAT The complexity Introduction 1 classes P and NP Beyond NP Logical puzzles and SAT 2 NP- completeness The complexity classes P and NP

  1. CS 270 Algorithms Week 10 Oliver Kullmann Introduction Logical Complexity Theory puzzles and SAT The complexity Introduction 1 classes P and NP Beyond NP Logical puzzles and SAT 2 NP- completeness The complexity classes P and NP 3 Backtracking Beyond NP 4 NP-completeness 5 Backtracking 6

  2. CS 270 Complexity theory Algorithms Oliver Kullmann In this last week we consider the following fundamental Introduction question: Logical puzzles and SAT We have seen that some problems have “clever” algorithms, The complexity like the general change-making algorithm, which avoid the classes P and NP exponential running time caused by trying all combinations. Beyond NP While other problems (like graph colouring) don’t seem to NP- have such “clever” algorithms. completeness Backtracking What is the reason for this? And, as important as that — what can be done when actually we seem to need to try all possible combinations?!

  3. CS 270 P versus NP Algorithms Oliver Kullmann The background reading for this week is Introduction Chapter 34 — “NP-Completeness” Logical puzzles and SAT The from CLRS . complexity classes P and NP However we will only cover the intuitive notions. Beyond NP That is, for the fundamental notions P , NP and NP- completeness NP-completeness we will consider only the basic ideas. Backtracking Though, in one aspect we will go beyond the book: In the last 10 years a revolution in “SAT solving” took place, making problems “feasible” which were considered “infeasible”. So we will touch on this aspects.

  4. CS 270 “Separating Insolvable and Difficult” Algorithms Oliver Kullmann In the NYT (July 13, 1999, by George Johnson): Introduction Logical puzzles and Anyone trying to cast a play or plan a social event has SAT come face-to-face with what scientists call a The complexity satisfiability problem . Suppose that a theatrical classes P and NP director feels obligated to cast either his ing´ enue, Beyond NP Actress Alvarez, or his nephew, Actor Cohen, in a NP- production. But Miss Alvarez won’t be in a play with completeness Cohen (her former lover), and she demands that the Backtracking cast include her new flame, Actor Davenport. The producer, with her own favors to repay, insists that Actor Branislavsky have a part. But Branislavsky won’t be in any play with Miss Alvarez or Davenport.

  5. CS 270 A systematic solution Algorithms The actors become boolean variables (when assigned true they Oliver Kullmann play, when false they don’t): Introduction Actress Alvarez: a Logical puzzles and Actor Cohen: c SAT Actor Davenport: d The complexity Actor Branislavsky: b classes P and NP Beyond NP The conditions become logical formula: NP- 1 a ∨ c completeness Backtracking 2 a → ¬ c 3 d 4 b 5 b → ( ¬ a ∧ ¬ d ) Condition 4 implies b , condition 5 then implies ¬ a , ¬ d , contradicting condition 3. This problem instance is unsatisfiable .

  6. CS 270 Formulation corrected Algorithms Oliver Kullmann If Actress Alvarez won’t play, then she will be mad anyway, and so her demands don’t need to be satisfied. So Condition 3 Introduction Logical should be weakened, and we get: puzzles and SAT 1 a ∨ c The complexity 2 a → ¬ c classes P and NP 3 a → d Beyond NP 4 b NP- completeness 5 b → ( ¬ a ∧ ¬ d ) Backtracking Again condition 4 implies b , again condition 5 then implies ¬ a , ¬ d , now conditions 2, 3 are satisfied (recall “false implies everything”), while condition 1 implies c . So the unique solution is that Branislavsky and Cohen play, while Alvarez and Davenport don’t.

  7. CS 270 NYT continued (SAT and complexity) Algorithms Oliver Kullmann As more roles need to be filled, the problem becomes harder and harder to solve. Is it possible to satisfy the Introduction tangled web of conflicting demands? These Logical puzzles and satisfiability problems, called SAT problems for short, SAT arise in thousands of situations, from staffing The complexity companies and scheduling airline flights to planning a classes P and NP wedding dinner that won’t devolve into a food fight. Beyond NP And, reaching beyond such practical considerations, NP- completeness researchers embrace satisfiability problems as a tool for Backtracking studying a phenomenon called computational complexity: some problems are inherently easy to solve, some difficult and some impossible, but scientists are only beginning to understand why.

  8. CS 270 A new field of applications: verification Algorithms Oliver Kullmann Introduction After that article has been written, in the last decade, SAT Logical solving developed strong industrial tools: puzzles and SAT The Large parts of hardware verification nowadays depend on complexity classes P SAT solving. and NP This shouldn’t be a surprise: Recall from your hardware Beyond NP lecture, that inside a computer we have (just) boolean logic! NP- completeness Backtracking Remark: Unfortunately, this is basically invisible, since in the existing societies the labour process is hidden — programming and (really) applied sciences only show up (sort of) in a James Bond movie, when we have a glimpse at the laboratory of the villain.

  9. CS 270 NYT continued (brute force) Algorithms Oliver Kullmann Introduction Logical In computer science, problems can be rated in puzzles and SAT difficulty by how much time it takes to search for The solutions. If there are just a few actors to cast in a complexity classes P play, the answer can be found simply by trial and error. and NP Beyond NP For five actors, there are only 2 to the 5th possibilities, NP- a mere 32 combinations: A is in, B is out, C is out, D completeness is in, E is out. Backtracking The director can try every combination and see if any are consistent with everyone’s demands.

  10. CS 270 The simplest brute-force method Algorithms Oliver In general, if we have a SAT problems consisting of Kullmann m boolean formulas C 1 , . . . , C m Introduction Logical with n boolean variables v 1 , . . . , v n , puzzles and SAT we can list all 2 n assignments of true , false to the variables, The complexity and check whether they fulfil all conditions C 1 , . . . , C m : classes P and NP if we find a solution, the problem (instance) is satisfiable , Beyond NP NP- otherwise it is unsatisfiable . completeness Backtracking Even for a large organisation, n = 60 would be very difficult, and definitely n = 80 is out of reach (within the next 10 years, say). However, interesting problem instances typically have at least 1000 variables, sometimes even going into the millions, and 2 1000 ≈ 10 301 will forever stay outside the reach of such a method.

  11. CS 270 Exploiting special structure Algorithms Oliver Kullmann Introduction Logical puzzles and In practice, it is usually not necessary to “exhaustively SAT search the problem space,” as mathematicians say. It The complexity is quickly evident that there is no way to cast Miss classes P and NP Alvarez, but that the play can go forward with Cohen. Beyond NP For enormous problems involving many variables, NP- pursuing such shortcuts can often save valuable completeness computer time. Backtracking Is this just because the problem is so small?

  12. CS 270 2-SAT and P Algorithms Oliver Kullmann Introduction Viewed more abstractly, the casting example belongs Logical to a class called 2-SAT problems. If parsed into a puzzles and SAT logical formula (a kind of mathematical syntax called The “conjunctive normal form”), they contain so-called complexity classes P clauses like “Alvarez or Cohen,” which each involve no and NP more than two of the potential actors. If one tries to Beyond NP cast a play with 10 or 100 actors, the problem becomes NP- completeness harder. But as long as there are no more than two Backtracking variables, or actors, in each of the many clauses, the solution time increases relatively slowly, in what is called polynomial time . Thus 2-SAT problems are said belong to a class of “solvable problems” called P .

  13. CS 270 The example re-examined Algorithms The five boolean conditions were Oliver Kullmann 1 a ∨ c Introduction 2 a → ¬ c Logical puzzles and 3 a → d SAT 4 b The complexity classes P 5 b → ( ¬ a ∧ ¬ d ) and NP Beyond NP Conjunctive normal form ( CNF ) means that each condition is NP- a disjunction of “literals” (variables or negated variables). Using completeness x → y ⇐ ⇒ ¬ x ∨ y Backtracking indeed we get six disjunctions using each at most two variables: 1 a ∨ c 2 a → ¬ c ⇐ ⇒ ¬ a ∨ ¬ c 3 a → d ⇐ ⇒ ¬ a ∨ d 4 b 5 b → ( ¬ a ∧¬ d ) ⇐ ⇒ ¬ b ∨ ( ¬ a ∧¬ d ) ⇐ ⇒ ( ¬ b ∨¬ a ) ∧ ( ¬ b ∨¬ d )


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