wednesday poster presentations

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Poster Presentation Day Assignments A B C D E F WEDNESDAY POSTER PRESENTATIONS 1 Abstract Pres'n Presenter Last Presenter First Abstract Title Category 2 ID # Date Al Lawati Hanan 989 Pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of

  1. Poster Presentation Day Assignments A B C D E F WEDNESDAY POSTER PRESENTATIONS 1 Abstract Pres'n Presenter Last Presenter First Abstract Title Category 2 ID # Date Al Lawati Hanan 989 Pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of traceable Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology WED poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(ester) based micellar formulations of diclofenac: the effect of poly(ester) 3 structure Al Nebaihi Hamdah Mohammed 1103 The impact of diet induced obesity on the microsomal Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics WED 4 glucuronidation of propofol in rats Alam Camille 1009 Upregulation of reduced folate carrier (RFC) by Biomedical Sciences WED vitamin D enhances folate uptake at the blood-brain 5 barrier (BBB) Alharbi Abdulsalam 1079 Development of Novel Polymeric Micellar DACHPt for Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology WED Enhanced Platinum Based Chemotherapy in 6 Colorectal Cancer Alqahtani Zuhair 936 Aspirin and Other Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Clinical Sciences & Pharmacy Practice WED 7 Drugs Interactions: A Systematic Review Baldwin Emily 1085 Protein-triggered sustained release of FITC-dextran Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology WED from microspheres modified with aptamer-containing 8 DNA oligomers Bhatti Masood 1064 The quantitative analysis of Titanium Dioxide in Pharmaceutical & Analytical Chemistry WED commonly used sunscreen cosmetics by ultraviolet- 9 visible spectroscopy 10 Callender Shannon 1045 Microemulsions: A Cure for All Ills? Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology WED Chelle Pierre 1038 Comparison of population PK and non- Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics WED compartmental analyses for tailoring PK in 11 hemophilia A with limited sampling Cho Tiffany 1122 Using PD-1 knockout mice to test the potential of Biomedical Sciences WED green tea extract and (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) to cause idiosyncratic drug-induced liver 12 injury Cuddihy Grace 939 Cytotoxicity Profiles of Lanthanide Compounds within Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology WED Human Kidney (HEK-293), Liver (HEPG2), and Osteoblast (HOb) Cells in addition to Murine Pre- 13 osteoclast (RAW 264.7) Cells De Jong Stephanie 1237 Effect of Female Sex Hormones and Their Derivatives Biomedical Sciences WED 14 on Amyloid Beta Aggregation Gilabert-Oriol Roger 1032 Fluorescence de-quenching and albumin-induced Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology WED fluorescence enhancement assays to measure liposomal drug release of camptothecins and protein 15 kinase inhibitors Hamza Amel 1239 Bisphosphonate Drug Alveola Bone Burden in Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology WED 16 Osteoporosis Karimian Pour Navaz 1040 Impact of Inflammation on the Expression of Renal Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics WED 17 Drug Transporters in Pregnancy Khalid Mohamed Nabil 1036 Pilot scale-up and evaluation of starch-based spray Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology WED dried microcapsules as controlled drug delivery and 18 taste masking device Kitselman Kayla 1005 Alpha-2C Adrenergic Receptor Expression in Rat Biomedical Sciences WED 19 Caudal Tail Arteries Lefebvre Francis 1035 Investigating the Role of the IKKβ Protein Kinase in Biomedical Sciences WED 20 Vascular Remodeling Events Loebenberg Raimar 960 Preparation and solidification of esculetin Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology WED nanocrystal: towards an innovative approach for 21 hyperuricemia Majcher Michael 1119 Injectable, Covalently In Situ-Gelling Block Biomedical Sciences WED Copolymers for the Improved Loading and Prolonged 22 Release of Hydrophilic Drugs Mann Kelsey 1083 Nocturnal Hypoglycemia Associated with Bedtime Clinical Sciences & Pharmacy Practice WED Insulin Mixture Administration in Hospitalized 23 Patients Mirbagheri Marziye 981 Wrinkled microparticles as new microcarriers for cell Biomedical Sciences WED 24 culture applications in vaccine production Page 1 of 5

  2. Poster Presentation Day Assignments A B C D E F Mohammed Munawar 1027 Development of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology WED immunosuppressant as sustained release oral 25 nanoparticles Neuman Manuela 1029 Vascular endothelial growth factor a diagnostic test Biomedical Sciences WED 26 for POEMS Syndrome Nguyen Anne 1206 Modulating Physiochemical Properties of a Small Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology WED 27 Peptide Drug by Chemical Conjugation Omeragic Amila 1024 Role of Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor- Biomedical Sciences WED gamma (PPAR-gamma) in regulating inflammatory signalling in acute and chronic rodent models of HIV- 1 associated brain inflammation 28 Orlowski Tatiana 1043 Determination of the effect of patient posture and Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology WED fasting state on digital pulse wave features using a novel computational technique, Non Invasive Vascular Risk Prediction System (NIVAR), and potential application for assessment of Raynaud 29 Phenomenon Poudel Asmita 965 Lipid based liposomal formulation of phytosterols and Pharmaceutical & Analytical Chemistry WED 30 tocopherols into functional food Rahmouni Miloud 1234 Application of design of experiments for optimizing Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology WED critical quality attributes of scored controlled released 31 tablet Rong Yan 988 Effects of Tacrolimus on Mycophenolic Acid Exposure Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics WED in de novo, Steroid-Free Adult Kidney Transplant 32 Patients Said Somiraa 966 Repetitive On-demand Drug Delivery by External Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology WED Triggering of Injectable Magnetic Hydrogels Incorporated with Glass Transition (Tg) Switchable 33 Nanoparticles Shoieb Sherif 984 S-Enantiomer of 19-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid Biomedical Sciences WED Preferentially Protects Against Angiotensin II-Induced 34 Cardiac Hypertrophy Shortall Samantha 1124 Striking a Balance: Interactions of Pluronics and Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology WED Gemini Surfactants for Gene Therapy Nanoparticles 35 Siu Wendy 1010 Examining the Cholesterol Synthetic Pathway in the Biomedical Sciences WED Search for New Druggable Targets for Glioblastoma 36 Soleymani Abyaneh Hoda 967 Dynamic PEGylation Reduces the Viscosity of Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology WED 37 Concentrated Protein Solutions Tabatabaei Dakhili Seyed Amirhossein 1120 Effect of Synthesis Conditions on the Properties of Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology WED Bone-Targeting Bisphosphonate- Conjugated Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (BP- 38 SPIONs) Tabatabaei Dakhili Seyed Amirhossein 1102 FOXM1 inhibitors: A structural activity relationship Pharmaceutical & Analytical Chemistry WED 39 study Tanha Shima 976 In vivo wound healing Effect of G-CSF loaded Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology WED 40 nanofiber/nanoparticle composite Thompson Michael 962 Core-Shell Spray Dried Dry Powder Vaccines for Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology WED 41 Controlled Enteric Delivery Thomson Jonathon 1059 Needs Assessment and Online Program for Clinical Sciences & Pharmacy Practice WED Physiotherapists in Alberta Regarding Physical 42 Function and Drugs Traore Yannick 979 Segmented Intravaginal Ring for dual delivery of Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology WED siRNA-encapsulated Nanoparticles and Hydroxychloroquine as a prevention strategy for HIV 43 infection Vassileva Vessela 1128 Combining statins with radioimmunotherapy as a Biomedical Sciences WED 44 novel therapeutic strategy for colorectal cancer Ward Rachel 1002 Potential neuroprotective effects of wild blueberries: Biomedical Sciences WED 45 a pilot study Wasan Kishor 973 A mucoadhesive lipidic delivery system of the Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology WED 46 adjuvant innate defense regulator (IDR)-1002 Page 2 of 5

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