we lcome building coordinator quarte rl y me e ting


WE LCOME ! BUILDING COORDINATOR QUARTE RL Y ME E TING JANUARY 27, 2017 Jacquie Vargas Building Coordinat or Program Director, UH Facilit ies Assist ant Direct or of Cust omer S ervice E-mail: j mvarga5@ Cent ral.UH.EDU CAMPAIGN

  1. WE LCOME ! BUILDING COORDINATOR QUARTE RL Y ME E TING JANUARY 27, 2017 Jacquie Vargas Building Coordinat or Program Director, UH Facilit ies Assist ant Direct or of Cust omer S ervice E-mail: j mvarga5@ Cent ral.UH.EDU

  2. CAMPAIGN STRATE GIC INITIATIVE S Connie Loyd Director of Development Graduate College of S ocial Work E-mail: clloyd2@ uh .edu

  3. Fac u l t y & St af f CAM PAI GN A Culture of Philanthropy 4

  4. Goal: $1 Billion 5

  5. What is the Faculty & Staff Campaign? Part of $1 Billion Campaign

  6. Participation is the Key! The primary goal of the Faculty & S taff Campaign is participation 7

  7. UH Faculty & Staff Support By the Numbers Faculty & Staff Participation 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Participation Rate 26.7% 23.1% 22.0% 21.2% 23.5% *As of 12/12/2016, includes full-time, part-time, and retirees that gave 9/1-8/31 8

  8. UH Faculty & Staff Support By the Numbers $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $22,653,002 $20,000,000 $15,279,627 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,267,902 $5,000,000 $1,377,555 $0 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 12/12/2016 9

  9. Faculty & Staff Campaign Committee Co-Chairs Michael A. Olivas William B. Bates Distinguished Chair UH Law Center Augustina “Tina” H. Reyes Professor ELPS College of Education 10

  10. Giving Designation Faculty & Staff giving can support: • Scholarships • Faculty Research • Professional Development • College Excellence Funds • Unrestricted Annual Funds • Programs and more Faculty and Staff are encouraged to give where it is most meaningful to them. 11

  11. Y our Participation Matters  Give Online at: https://giving.uh.edu/uhgivesback/  Give through payroll deduction (P .A.S.S.)  Support the College/School/Unit of your choice  If you are interested in a naming gift or planned gift, please contact Connie Loyd at 713-743-8116 or clloyd2@central.uh.edu  Pledges can be fulfilled over a period of up to five years 12

  12. A Small Gift E ach Month… …can make a big difference! $5 per month x 48 months= $240 $10 per month X 48 months = $480 $50 per month X 48 months = $2,400 $100 per month X 48 months = $4,800 13

  13. Campaign Launch Timeline Timeframe Activity Jan 2017 • January 19: Campus-wide Campaign Community Launch • January 27: Co-Chair and Ambassador Training Luncheon Feb - Mar 2017 • Committee Members and Ambassadors for each unit will develop the plan for their unit. • Reach out with details. April 2017 • 30-day Faculty & Staff E-Campaign (April 3 - May 3) • 5 weekly emails sent out highlighting and encouraging Faculty & Staff giving May 2017 • Recognition for participation • Faculty & Staff Donors Celebration Event 14

  14. When does the Faculty & Staff E -Campaign Start? The official E-Campaign will run April 3 - May 3, 2017. 15

  15. Preparing for the Campaign Now Unt il April…  S upport the Faculty S taff Campaign volunteers in your unit.  Consider making a gift, i.e. lead by example!  Watch for e-messages April 3 – May 3.  Encourage your colleagues to consider giving.  Celebrate the outcome. 16

  16. 17

  17. CE RT & SKYWARN INFORMATION Ginger Walker S pec, Emergency Mgt, Emergency Management E-mail: GKWalker@ Central.UH.edu

  18. INTRODUCTION OF CUSTOME R SE RVICE ASSISTANT DIRE CTOR David Oliver Associate Vice Chancellor/ Associate Vice President Facilities and Construction Management Email: doliver@ central.uh.edu


  20. FPC CONSTRUCTION PROJE CT UPDATE S James D. Wofford Executive Director Facilities Planning & Construction E-mail: j dwoffor@ Central.UH.EDU

  21. MAJOR PROJE CTS 12/ 2016

  22. UNIVE RSITY OF HOUSTON MUL TIDISCIPLINARY RE SE ARCH E NGR BLDG Budget: $58.9M SF: 120KSF FLRS: 4 A/E: SHW Group CMAR: Tellepsen SC: 11/01/16 Status: Sub Comp

  23. UNIVE RSITY OF HOUSTON HE AL TH AND BIOME DICAL SCIE NCE S 2 Budget: $145.8M SF: 300KSF FLRS: 9 A/E: Shepley Bulfinch (contracted) CMAR: Tellepsen (contracted) SC: 07/01/17 Status: Const

  24. UNIVE RSITY OF HOUSTON FE RTITTA CE NTE R RE NOVATION Budget: $60M SF: 190KSF A/E: PGAL/AECOM (contracted) CMAR: Turner (contracted) SC: 12/01/18 Status: Design

  25. UNIVE RSITY OF HOUSTON QUADRANGLE RE PLACE ME NT HOUSING Budget: $80M SF: 337KSF ≈1200 Beds: A/E: EYP (awarded) CMAR: TBD SC: 06/15/19 Status: Solicitation

  26. UNIVE RSITY OF HOUSTON INDOOR FOOTBALL PRACTICE F ACILITY Budget: $20M SF: 80KSF A/E: PBK/AECOM (contracted) CMAR: Harvey (contracted) SC: 09/01/17 Status: Design

  27. UNIVE RSITY OF HOUSTON COUGAR SUBSTATION E XPANSION Budget: $24M SF: N/A A/E: Shaw/Smith (contracted) CMAR: Boyer (contracted) SC: 11/30/17 Status: Const

  28. UNIVE RSITY OF HOUSTON CORE BUILDING RE NOVATIONS Budget: $100M SF: 719KSF Buildings: • Old Science • SERC • SR1 • Agnes Arnold • McElhinney • Roy Cullen

  29. COUGAR SUBSTATION OUTAGE S Karl Keilbach Dean Ruck S upvr, Electrical S r. Mgr, Construction Facilities Operation and Maint Facilities Planning and Construction Facilities S ervices Email: DBRuck@ central.uh.edu Email: kkeilbac@ Central.UH.EDU

  30. 300 ³ 600 0 600 H A F Feet University of Houston (Main Campus) University of Houston (Energy Research Park) R Cougar Substation Expansion and Upgrade Legend University of Houston O H L 100 Year Floodplain A C EXHIBIT KLOTZ PROJ. NO.: 1158.001.000 Proposed Alignment 1 Adjusted Alignment DATE: February 2016 Completed DB / MH Aerial Date: 2014, Floodplains Effective Date: 12/11/2014

  31. E XTE RIOR KE Y E NTRY Ron Harris Dean Ruck Mgr., Electronic Access Control S r. Mgr, Construction Department Public S afety Facilities Planning and Construction E-mail: rwharris@ uh.edu Email: DBRuck@ central.uh.edu


  33. PRE SE NTATION ABOUT THE MIRACULOUS , A TE MPORARY ART PROJE CT ON CAMPUS Karen Farber Heather Bause Director, CWM Cent er for t he Artist Art s, E-mail: klfarber@ Cent ral.UH.EDU

  34. RE CYCLE TONE R COPY MACHINE S Jessica Wheeler Coordinator, Program 2, Health and Human Performance E-mail: j wheele6@ Central.UH.EDU

  35. E ME RGE NCY F ACILITY E MAILS Jacquie Vargas Building Coordinat or Program Director, UH Facilit ies Assist ant Direct or of Cust omer S ervice E-mail: j mvarga5@ Cent ral.UH.EDU




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