ways to help you navigate through

ways to help you navigate through Louise Roberts, founder, Alimenti - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Facing the jargon jungle of supplier approval? 10 ways to help you navigate through Louise Roberts, founder, Alimenti Food Sciences and #UKFoodHour @alimenti_fs @e_nation @e_nation enterprisenation.com/join www.enterprisenation.co

  1. Facing the jargon jungle of supplier approval? 10 ways to help you navigate through Louise Roberts, founder, Alimenti Food Sciences and #UKFoodHour @alimenti_fs @e_nation @e_nation enterprisenation.com/join www.enterprisenation.co #FoodExchange #FJExchange m

  2. Facing the jargon jungle of supplier approval? 10 ways to help you navigate through September 2018

  3. The story behind Alimenti Food Sciences Love Food! Love Science! Alimenti Food Sciences Tel: 07904 384833

  4. 10 ways to help you navigate through Alimenti Food Sciences Tel: 07904 384833

  5. 1. Don’t Click to Agree without reading what you are agreeing to Alimenti Food Sciences Tel: 07904 384833

  6. 2. Do your research on the customer. Understand their pain points Alimenti Food Sciences Tel: 07904 384833

  7. 3. Understand Specifications and what they are telling your customer that you are selling. . Alimenti Food Sciences Tel: 07904 384833

  8. 4. Get control over your supply chain Alimenti Food Sciences Tel: 07904 384833

  9. 5. Understand the specific technical requirements of each customer Alimenti Food Sciences Tel: 07904 384833

  10. 6. Do you need accreditation? Get it if you do. Alimenti Food Sciences Tel: 07904 384833

  11. 7. Get your HACCP plan updated Alimenti Food Sciences Tel: 07904 384833

  12. 8. Microbiology – understand the jargon and what it means. Review regularly Alimenti Food Sciences Tel: 07904 384833

  13. 9. Route to market Alimenti Food Sciences Tel: 07904 384833

  14. 10. Understand the expected Volume & timescales Alimenti Food Sciences Tel: 07904 384833

  15. 11. Ask if you don’t understand! Alimenti Food Sciences Tel: 07904 384833

  16. Offer to The Food Exchange attendees Free 45 minute call. Book via https:alimenti.co.uk/food-exchange Alimenti Food Sciences Tel: 07904 384833


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