
Watersheds () August 24, 2017 16 / 30 A Watershed decomposition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Watersheds () August 24, 2017 16 / 30 A Watershed decomposition () August 24, 2017 17 / 30 Decomposition Objective: Divide the p1 A1 domain into R1 A2 p2 A4 A5 sub-domains, each of R2 reasonable size. A3 Select suitable points

  1. Watersheds () August 24, 2017 16 / 30

  2. A Watershed decomposition () August 24, 2017 17 / 30

  3. Decomposition Objective: Divide the p1 A1 domain into R1 A2 p2 A4 A5 sub-domains, each of R2 reasonable size. A3 Select suitable points and prepare differential watersheds. Reservoirs R 1 and R 2 . Special points p 1 and p 2 . A 1 = WS ( p 1 ), A 2 , A 3 = WS ( R 1 ) − A 1 and so on. Catchment of R 1 = A 1 + A 2 + A 3 . Catchment R 2 = WS ( R 2 ) − Catchment ( R 1 ). Attributes of each A i area, crops, soil, rainfall and so on. () August 24, 2017 14 / 30

  4. The Watershed Demarcation a small volumetric unit Along ridge lines for analysis. enclosing surface water includes static data flow. such as ◮ geology ◮ wells and discharges dynamic data such as: ◮ weather data land and water use. ◮ farms, factories, wells etc. Objective Water Balance, Sustainable use, Planning Intervention design. () August 24, 2017 18 / 30

  5. Daregaon Map Showing Prioritization for Artificial Recharge Distict - Aurangabad, Taluka:- Phulambri, Village - Daregaon 75°27'0"E 75°28'0"E 75°29'0"E . 156 0 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2 162 157 160 158 162 161 32 164 159 Kilometers 31 163 155 164 166 29 30 167 172 165 170 171 168 27 34 173 165 162 177 35 173 26 153 178 175 36 20°5'0"N 179 179 24 20°5'0"N 152 174 37 22 180 23 151 181 15 16 38 150 17 Legend 21 149 19 39 141 12 18 148 183 9 5 20 144 142 146 185 184 3 Lineament 145 2 40 143 186 188 1 138 140 187 4 42 41 Drainage 137 139 43 124 136 123 Village 44 131 135 125 122 Gat No. 130 134 127 128 120 121 131 132 Daregaon 46 High Priority 129 90 117 119 126 118 Moderate Priority 115 116 49 48 47 105 52 114 109 51 106 50 112 104 Low Priority 107 53 111 103 54 Limited Scope (Good for Soil Conservation) 57 55 56 101 100 99 83 96 94 97 20°4'0"N 92 20°4'0"N 98 58 93 91 68 88 69 87 89 77 78 62 79 60 84 59 64 85 76 75 65 63 81 71 61 72 66 67 74 70 73 Groundwater Survey & Development Agency Source - GW Prospect Map RGDWM 2009-10 75°27'0"E 75°28'0"E 75°29'0"E () August 24, 2017 19 / 30

  6. Daregaon ACTIONPLAN MAP (Watershed No:- GP-8/4/14) Village-Daregaon ,Taluka -Fulambari, District -Aurangabad 75°26'0"E 75°26'30"E 75°27'0"E 75°27'30"E 75°28'0"E 75°28'30"E 75°29'0"E . JALYUKT SHIVAR ABHIYAN (2017-18) 20°5'30"N 20°5'30"N 156 162 0 0.225 0.45 0.9 157 158 160 Kilometers 162 158 33 161 159 32 164 650 31 163 SCALE - 1:20,000 155 164 30 166 167 165 29 29 28 169 170 172 168 171 27 34 173 165 162 In Map Show Existing Activities 177 655 26 35 173 with Red Colour 153 178 0 6 179 175 6 36 and Proposed Activities 179 24 152 174 37 with Green Colour 22 173 20°5'0"N 23 151 181 180 15 16 17 38 20°5'0"N 150 21 182 7 19 18 39 149 148 141 183 13 12 5 20 0 147 9 146 142 1 185 3 675 7 145 184 143 2 40 144 186 188 138 140 187 1 4 42 41 725 137 139 715 124 43 136 123 D a r e g a o n 44 D a r e g a o n 131 135 130 133 134 127 125 122 128 6 131 132 6 5 121 715 20°4'30"N GP-8/ 04/14 120 126 46 20°4'30"N 0 90 119 9 129 117 6 118 49 48 47 115 116 105 GP-8/ 04/12 0 52 114 113 109 8 51 106 6 50 112 104 108 107 53 111 735 103 54 55 56 101 100 57 99 83 5 96 94 3 Legend 97 7 92 685 98 695 730 93 720 Linaments/Dyke 20°4'0"N Contour 5 Meter 20°4'0"N 91 68 58 88 69 87 Watershed Boundary 725 89 Survey/Gat No. Boundary 77 Village Boundary 78 62 79 Drainage Line Treatment 60 84 59 64 Gully Plug or LBS 85 81 76 75 63 745 71 65 Earthen Nalla Bund/ Gabian Bandhara 66 61 67 72 Nala Desilting/C.N.B./K.T. 74 70 Area Treatment Dry land Agriculture/Contour Bunding/ Farmpond 73 Afforestation/ Dry Land Horticulture/Plantation 20°3'30"N 20°3'30"N CCT/Deep CCT/WAT/Forest Pond Compartment Bunding/Graded Bunding/Fram Pond/Well Recharge River/ Waterbody Village Area (For Official Use Only) Page Size:A1 Location Map 75°26'0"E 75°26'30"E 75°27'0"E 75°27'30"E 75°28'0"E 75°28'30"E 75°29'0"E Soegaon Nandurbar Bhandara DATA SOURCES:: PREPARED FOR:: PREPARED BY:: Soegaon Amravati Nagpur Gondiya Dhule Jalgaon Sillod Kannad Nashik Buldana Yavatmal Chandrapur Village Map:Directorate of Land Records Vasundhara Watershed Development Agency, Maharashtra Remote Sensing Part of Vaijapur Fulambari Thane Jalna Gadchiroli Linaments/Dyke:Derived from SatelliteData MRSAC, Khuldabad Nanded Maharashtra, Pune-1 Applications Centre, Bid Vaijapur Part of Jalna District Raigarh Pune Latur Actionplan: MRSAC GangapurAurangabad And Dept. of Planning,Nagpur, Satara Solapur Osmanabad Contour 5mt:Derived from SRTM data MRSAC, Ratnagiri Sangli Watershed -AISLUS & GSDA, Director of Soil and Water Conservation Govt. of Maharashtra. Paithan Kolhapur Maharashtra, Pune-1 And GSDA,Pune Sindhudurg Drainage:GSDA,Pune () August 24, 2017 20 / 30

  7. The mathematics, data, entities and quantities 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 Z 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 20 18 16 14 12 10 X 8 6 0 2 4 4 6 8 2 10 12 14 Y 16 0 18 20 The DTM or DEM: terrain model/elevation model is a representation of the terrain in a particular area. Grids are where the base division in 2D is a grid of squares/triangles with a certain resolutions. () August 24, 2017 21 / 30

  8. The Digital Terrain/Elevation model zi (xi,yi) XY−Domain Basic grid in the 2D-plane as an index set, with adjacency association of z -values for each point, to define 3D points, edges, triangles and adjacency. () August 24, 2017 22 / 30

  9. The Attributes and Computation The DTM or DEM: terrain model/elevation model is a representation of the terrain in a particular area. Attributes of the DTM-soil, geology, land-use, land-cover. Regions-subsets of the DTM, to represent watersheds, flows, etc. Functions and Computations: to simulate various physical quantities and their dynamics. ◮ Infiltration : the process of rainwater moving down to groundwater. ◮ Drainage lines : The development of streams due to rainfall. ◮ Surface flow : a composite model of surface flow of water and infiltration which may include time to flow, movement of solids etc. () August 24, 2017 23 / 30

  10. Lets Compute Drainage Here is an example: 1 . 1 1 . 5 1 . 6 If a drop falls at point ( i , j ) 1 . 3 1 . 4 1 . 7 then how does it move? 1 . 3 1 . 3 1 . 5 We consider the 8-neighbours of the point. Hypothesis: Only lower, and in proportion to the height differences. 3 / 6 0 0 1 / 6 0 0 1 / 6 1 / 6 0 8−way adjacency And this continues recursively The flow gets distributed downwards. relative to the height differences. () August 24, 2017 24 / 30

  11. and Infiltration The slope values ( × 10 − 3 ). 2 . 1 2 . 5 2 . 6 7 . 3 9 . 1 8 . 0 1 . 3 1 . 3 1 . 5 Hypothesis: Infiltration depends on slope. 0 . 1 0 . 09 0 . 09 0 0 0 0 . 2 0 . 2 0 . 15 More complicated models: moisture, daily rainfall, soil-thickness. () August 24, 2017 25 / 30

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  13. Ikharicha pada () August 24, 2017 27 / 30

  14. Coming back- mywatershed Suppose that we have installed appropriate rain-gauges and V−weirs V-notch weirs. Rain−gauges Suppose that we have good geological and GW data. Can we achieve stating a water-budget for mywatershed ? Likely not. Most natural phenomena too complicated to model. A good model will always have predictive value. Short-term: floods, crops. Long term: health of watershed. () August 24, 2017 28 / 30

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