waterford halfmoon ufsd 2020 21 budget planning

Waterford-Halfmoon UFSD 2020-21 Budget Planning Board of Education - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Waterford-Halfmoon UFSD 2020-21 Budget Planning Board of Education Finance Committee Meeting May 21, 2020 2020-21 Budget Timeline On March 30, 2020, the Governor signed Executive Order 202.13 postponing both BOE election and budget votes

  1. Waterford-Halfmoon UFSD 2020-21 Budget Planning Board of Education Finance Committee Meeting May 21, 2020

  2. 2020-21 Budget Timeline ฀ On March 30, 2020, the Governor signed Executive Order 202.13 postponing both BOE election and budget votes until at least June 1, 2020. ฀ On May 1, 2020, the Governor signed Executive Order 202.26 requiring NYS School Districts to hold budget and BOE election votes on June 9, 2020 by absentee ballot.

  3. 2020-21 Budget Timeline ฀ May 2020: ฀ May 21, 2020: Finance Committee & Budget Adoption ฀ May 22, 2020: Property tax report card due to NYS ฀ June 2020: ฀ June 2, 2020: Budget Hearing Targeted date for residents to receive ballot packages in the mail o ฀ June 9, 2020: Budget Vote (ballots must be received by 5:00 PM) Opening and counting of votes to be publicly available for viewing via o Webex ฀ July 2020: Final assessment rolls published. ฀ August 2020: Adopt the tax levy and warrant.

  4. COVID-19 & the Budget ฀ The NYS Legislative Budget reduced foundation aid for all schools in NYS to the 2019-20 fiscal year amount. Approximately $100,000 less than the Executive Budget ฀ ฀ If NYS revenues and expenditures do not meet targets during the below measurement periods, NYS may reduce State aid to schools. 4/1/20-4/30/20, 5/1/20-6/30/20, 7/1/20-12/31/20, 1/1/21-3/31/21 ฀ We expected to receive information on the first measurement period ฀ last Friday but very little clarity was said. ฀ WHUFSD MAY face additional State aid cuts in 2020-21 but do not yet know how much will be reduced or when.

  5. COVID-19 & the Budget: Moving Forward We are faced with two significant fiscal impacts: 1. Known reduction in Foundation aid Budget reductions have been identified and implemented to ฀ accommodate this reduction. 2. Unknown potential reductions after the start of the fiscal year Minor budget modifications (in addition to those made for item 1 above) ฀ have been made to address these potential reductions. The District has developed a plan for further budget reductions which ฀ are not reflected in the budget. If necessary, these reductions will be made to the adopted budget as ฀ budget modifications to reduce State aid revenue and reduce appropriations. We must hope for the best but prepare for the worst!

  6. 2020-21 Budget at a Glance Highlights o The budget was reduced $223,196 due to known and potential reductions in State aid. o State aid revenue estimates were reduced $137,900 due to known and potential reductions in State aid. 1 This column reflects changes from the March 5 th budget draft to the May 21 st budget. 2 This includes $22,000 appropriated from the Retirement Contribution Reserve (NYSLRS).

  7. 2020-21 Budget: Appropriations

  8. 2020-21 Budget: Appropriations

  9. 2020-21 Budget: Appropriation Highlights Budget Increases from 2019-20 Benefits increased nearly 7% due to various benefit rate increases o (i.e., health insurance). Contractual obligations increased 11% primarily due to increases in o transportation costs and legal costs related to tax certiorari cases. Budget Decreases from 2019-20 Equipment costs were decreased nearly 87% and were nearly o eliminated from the budget due to State aid reductions. BOCES costs decreased due to a reduction in BOCES services o obtained and cost reductions due to potential State aid reductions. Salaries decreased minimally because certain salaries were shifted to o the federal projects fund where they are funded with grants.

  10. 2020-21 Budget: Revenues Highlights Other revenues decreased due to a decrease in o expected PILOT revenues. State aid decreased from the 03/05 to the o 05/21 budget due to a reduction in State aid. However it is greater than the 2019-20 budget primarily due to a building aid increase. The proposed tax levy is within the tax cap. o Appropriated fund balance and reserves o remain approximately the same as 2019-20 amounts.

  11. 2020-21 Budget: Tax Levy and Tax Rates ฀ Tentative 2020-21 Tax Levy: $11,570,000 ฀ Is within the tax levy limit ($852 less than the limit) ฀ Tentative Tax Rate: $17.64 ฀ NOTE: The above tax rate and information illustrated below are based on 2020-21 tentative assessment rolls. This information may change when final assessment rolls are released in July.

  12. Plan for Further Reductions ฀ State revenue shortfalls and/or expenditure overruns are projected result in a potential 20% reduction to aid to localities. Federal aid and/or a quicker/stronger economic recovery than ฀ anticipated could reduce the severity of these cuts. Poorer than expected economic conditions could increase the severity of ฀ these cuts. ฀ The following presents our dollar reductions in State aid for each potential percentage reduction: ฀ 15%: $ 679,763 ฀ 50%: $2,266,875 ฀ 10%: $ 453,175 ฀ 25%: $1,132,938 ฀ 5%: $ 226,588 ฀ 20%: $ 906,350

  13. Plan for Further Reductions ฀ We are currently pursuing various cost reduction measures and will amend the adopted budget to reflect reduced appropriations for these measures as well as reduced State aid revenue. ฀ We have also identified further cost saving measures to be implemented if necessary. ฀ Note: these cost savings measures will not result in a reduction to the tax levy as the need for such cost savings is driven by potential reductions in State aid.

  14. Current Cost Savings Measures I. Controlled Spending Materials & supplies across all spending areas limited to spending 75% of o respective budgets. Non-essential spending restricted (i.e., conferences, field trips, etc.) o Potential savings: $90,000 o II. Retirement Incentive The District and the Waterford Teachers’ Association (WTA) have o reached an agreement to provide a retirement incentive to eligible teachers. Potential savings (if all positions are backfilled): $180,000 - $350,000 o III. Union Negotiations The District is currently negotiating with the WTA and the CSEA for o potential additional savings. Potential combined savings: $50,000 - $450,000 o

  15. If/Then o Current cost savings measures may result in cost savings of between $320,000 and $890,000 o If current cost savings measures amount to less than the total anticipated reductions made to State aid then the District will be forced to pursue additional reductions. o Mitigating events: o Current cost savings realized are on the larger end of the potential scale of cost savings o State aid is reduced by less than 20% o Federal aid is received to mitigate the loss of State aid

  16. Potential Additional Reductions These reductions will be made only if current cost savings measures amount to less than the total anticipated reductions made to State aid. IV. Staff and Program Reductions Reduce student programs (career & technical education program, o extracurricular activities, athletics) Eliminate student programs (Connect 2 program, Young Scholars o program, elementary instrumental music program) Reduce elementary teachers (increased class sizes) o Reduce junior/senior high school class offerings o Reduce/eliminate other staff as necessary o

  17. 2020-21 Contingency Budget Highlights o The contingency budget limits the tax levy to the 2019-20 tax levy amount. o The vast majority of the appropriation reductions from the proposed to the contingency budget are those that have already been targeted for controlled spending in our plan to mitigate the impact of potential State aid reductions. o If we go to a contingency budget, tax revenue will be limited and the budget cuts made for the contingency budget will leave a “hole” in our plan to mitigate State aid cuts. o The adoption of the contingency budget would be detrimental to WHUFSD in light of the current fiscal stress the District is already facing.

  18. 2020-21 Budget Summary ● We are entering the 2020-21 budget with multiple variables with the potential to have a significant impact on the budget. ● This budget provides the District with a strong foundation for the 2020-21 fiscal year. ● Because we have planned for potential additional budget reductions, the District is poised to act on State aid reductions if/when they come to fruition. ● We have planned for the worst but we are certainly still hoping for the best!

  19. Questions?


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