Waterfall Way Route Review Casualty Crash Data Analysis June 2014 Centre for Road Safety, TfNSW
Overview of Crash Analysis • From Tyringham St, Dorrigo to 10m west of Pacific Highway, Raleigh was examined. • This section of Waterfall Way is approximately 40km in length. • Casualty crashes for the period 2009 to 2013p (as at 27 May 2013) were analysed. 2
Casualty Trends 2009 – 2013p • Over the five years 2009 to 2013p there have been 114 casualties reported from the 81 casualty crashes on Waterfall Way. • Of the 114 casualties, one person was killed and 113 people were injured. Waterfall Way (btw Tyringham St Dorrigo to 10 m west of Pacific Hwy, Raleigh), Casualties, 2009 ‐ 2013p 30 25 25 24 23 Number of Casualties 20 21 20 Killed 15 Injured 10 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013p Reporting Year 3
Location of Casualty Crashes 4
Casualty Characteristics: Who • Of the 114 casualties, 80% were motor vehicle occupants and 16 per cent were motorcyclists. • More than half the casualties were males (59%). Casualties, Waterfall Way (btw Tyringham St Dorrigo to 10 m west of Pacific Hwy, Raleigh), 2008 to 2013p, Class of Road User Motorcyclists Pedestrians 16% 2% Pedal Cyclists 3% Passengers 25% Drivers 54% 5
Age Groups Casualties, Waterfall Way (btw Tyringham St Dorrigo to 10 m west of Pacific Hwy, Raleigh), 2009 to 2013p, Age Group 60+ 18% Unknown 5% 0 ‐ 16 5% 40 ‐ 59 30% 17 ‐ 25 19% 26 ‐ 39 23%
Gender Casualties, Waterfall Way (btw Tyringham St Dorrigo to 10 m west of Pacific Hwy, Raleigh), 2009 to 2013p, Gender Female 39% Unknown 2% Male 59%
Casualty Characteristics: Who Residence of Motor Vehicle Controller Involved • A majority of drivers and Residence of Motor Vehicle Controller riders involved in crashes on Waterfall Bellingen Way were residents of 59% Bellingen Shire Council Unknown 3% (59%) or from the Interstate/Overs eas neighbouring LGAs of 4% Metropolitan Coffs Harbour and 1% Other Country Nambucca(18%). 15% Neighbouring LGAs 18% 8
Casualty Crashes: When • 72% of casualty crashes occurred between 8am to 8pm. • Summer and Spring months accounted for the highest number of casualty crashes. Casualty Crashes, Waterfall Way Casualty Crashes, Waterfall Way (btw Tyringham St Dorrigo to 10 m west of Pacific Hwy, (btw Tyringham St Dorrigo to 10 m west of Pacific Raleigh), 2009 to 2013p, Day of Week Hwy, Raleigh), 2009 to 2013p, Season Spring Friday Saturday 32% 9% 14% Thursday Sunday 14% 7% Summer Winter 26% 19% Wednesday 14% Monday 25% Autumn 23% Tuesday 17% 9
Casualty Crash Characteristics: Where • Over half of the crashes occurred in speed zones signposted at 100km/h or more (58%). • The majority occurred away from intersections (81%). • Over half occurred on curved lengths of Waterfall Way (62%). • Around two in every five crashes occurred on a wet road surface (43%), considerably higher than other country roads (21%). Casualty Crashes, Waterfall Way (btw Tyringham St Dorrigo to 10 m west of Pacific Hwy, Raleigh), 2009 to 2013p, Location Features 66 70 60 Number of Casualty Crashes 50 47 46 50 40 35 31 30 20 15 12 11 8 10 3 0 40 km/h 50 km/h 60 km/h 80 km/h 100 km/h Dry Straight Curved Wet Intersection Intersection Non ‐ Location Feature 10
Casualty Crash Characteristics: What 90km/h or above Casualty Crashes, Waterfall Way (btw Tyringham St Dorrigo to 10 m west of Pacific Hwy, Raleigh), 2009 to 2013p, Speed Limit 90 km/h or More, Crash Type 25 22 Number of Casualty Crashes 20 15 10 7 5 4 4 5 3 1 1 0 Off Path Off Path Head On (not On Path Adjacent Straight Overtaking Rear End Vehicles Miscellaneous Curve overtaking) Location Feature 11
Casualty Crash Characteristics: What 80km/h or less Casualty Crashes, Waterfall Way (btw Tyringham St Dorrigo to 10 m west of Pacific Hwy, Raleigh), 2009 to 2013p, Speed Limit 80 km/h or Less, Crash Type 15 Number of Casualty Crashes 12 10 9 6 5 5 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 Off Path Rear End Off Path Opposing Head On (not Adjacent Manoeuvring On Path Straight Overtaking Pedestrian Miscellaneous Vehicles Curve Vehicles overtaking) Location Feature 12
Behavioural Factors • Waterfall Way has a higher rate of inappropriate speed involved casualty crashes (41% v 30%), a slightly lower rate of alcohol involved casualty crashes (5% v 7%) and a slightly lower rate of fatigue involved casualty crashes (7% v 12%) • Of the drivers and riders involved in casualty crashes travelling at inappropriate speeds, 61% reside in Bellingen Shire Council • Of the fatigued drivers and riders involved in casualty crashes, 83% reside in Bellingen Shire Council. 13
Behavioural Factors Casualty Crashes/Casualties, Waterfall Way (btw Tyringham St Dorrigo to 10 m west of Pacific Hwy, Raleigh), 2009 to 2013p, Contributing Behaviour Factors 50% 41% 40% Percentage of Casualty Crashes/Casualties 30% 20% 7% 10% 5% 1% 0% Speed Fatigue Illegal Alcohol Restraint Non usage Contributing Behaviour Factor
Involvement of Heavy Trucks • Of the 81 crashes on Waterfall Way, five crashes involved heavy trucks, (no heavy truck fatal crashes). • Waterfall Way has a slightly lower incidence of heavy truck casualty crashes compared to Country NSW (6% -vs- 7%). • Heavy Vehicles account for 14% of traffic, NSW average approximately 7% • Speeding contributed to one heavy truck crash while fatigue was not considered to have contributed to any of the five heavy truck crashes. 15
Involvement of Motorcycles • 19% of casualty crashes on Waterfall Way involved a motorcycle • 60% of all motorcycle casualty crashes on this section of Waterfall Way were single vehicle crashes. • Compared with all NSW country roads (14%), Waterfall Way has a higher incidence of motorcycle casualty crashes (19%). 16
Summary • Over the five year period analysed there have been 81 casualty crashes resulting in 1 fatality and 113 injuries. • The majority of drivers and riders involved in the casualty crashes live in Bellingen Shire Council. • Crashes on curves and on wet roads were common. • Just over half of all crashes occurred on sections signposted at 90km/h or more. Of these, the majority were single vehicle crashes into fixed objects or vehicle rollover crashes. • Compared with casualty crashes on all country roads, there was a high proportion of speed related crashes and a high proportion of motorcycle crashes. 17
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