waterfall way route review

Waterfall Way Route Review Casualty Crash Data Analysis June 2014 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Waterfall Way Route Review Casualty Crash Data Analysis June 2014 Centre for Road Safety, TfNSW Overview of Crash Analysis From Tyringham St, Dorrigo to 10m west of Pacific Highway, Raleigh was examined. This section of Waterfall

  1. Waterfall Way Route Review Casualty Crash Data Analysis June 2014 Centre for Road Safety, TfNSW

  2. Overview of Crash Analysis • From Tyringham St, Dorrigo to 10m west of Pacific Highway, Raleigh was examined. • This section of Waterfall Way is approximately 40km in length. • Casualty crashes for the period 2009 to 2013p (as at 27 May 2013) were analysed. 2

  3. Casualty Trends 2009 – 2013p • Over the five years 2009 to 2013p there have been 114 casualties reported from the 81 casualty crashes on Waterfall Way. • Of the 114 casualties, one person was killed and 113 people were injured. Waterfall Way (btw Tyringham St Dorrigo to 10 m west of Pacific Hwy, Raleigh), Casualties, 2009 ‐ 2013p 30 25 25 24 23 Number of Casualties 20 21 20 Killed 15 Injured 10 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013p Reporting Year 3

  4. Location of Casualty Crashes 4

  5. Casualty Characteristics: Who • Of the 114 casualties, 80% were motor vehicle occupants and 16 per cent were motorcyclists. • More than half the casualties were males (59%). Casualties, Waterfall Way (btw Tyringham St Dorrigo to 10 m west of Pacific Hwy, Raleigh), 2008 to 2013p, Class of Road User Motorcyclists Pedestrians 16% 2% Pedal Cyclists 3% Passengers 25% Drivers 54% 5

  6. Age Groups Casualties, Waterfall Way (btw Tyringham St Dorrigo to 10 m west of Pacific Hwy, Raleigh), 2009 to 2013p, Age Group 60+ 18% Unknown 5% 0 ‐ 16 5% 40 ‐ 59 30% 17 ‐ 25 19% 26 ‐ 39 23%

  7. Gender Casualties, Waterfall Way (btw Tyringham St Dorrigo to 10 m west of Pacific Hwy, Raleigh), 2009 to 2013p, Gender Female 39% Unknown 2% Male 59%

  8. Casualty Characteristics: Who Residence of Motor Vehicle Controller Involved • A majority of drivers and Residence of Motor Vehicle Controller riders involved in crashes on Waterfall Bellingen Way were residents of 59% Bellingen Shire Council Unknown 3% (59%) or from the Interstate/Overs eas neighbouring LGAs of 4% Metropolitan Coffs Harbour and 1% Other Country Nambucca(18%). 15% Neighbouring LGAs 18% 8

  9. Casualty Crashes: When • 72% of casualty crashes occurred between 8am to 8pm. • Summer and Spring months accounted for the highest number of casualty crashes. Casualty Crashes, Waterfall Way Casualty Crashes, Waterfall Way (btw Tyringham St Dorrigo to 10 m west of Pacific Hwy, (btw Tyringham St Dorrigo to 10 m west of Pacific Raleigh), 2009 to 2013p, Day of Week Hwy, Raleigh), 2009 to 2013p, Season Spring Friday Saturday 32% 9% 14% Thursday Sunday 14% 7% Summer Winter 26% 19% Wednesday 14% Monday 25% Autumn 23% Tuesday 17% 9

  10. Casualty Crash Characteristics: Where • Over half of the crashes occurred in speed zones signposted at 100km/h or more (58%). • The majority occurred away from intersections (81%). • Over half occurred on curved lengths of Waterfall Way (62%). • Around two in every five crashes occurred on a wet road surface (43%), considerably higher than other country roads (21%). Casualty Crashes, Waterfall Way (btw Tyringham St Dorrigo to 10 m west of Pacific Hwy, Raleigh), 2009 to 2013p, Location Features 66 70 60 Number of Casualty Crashes 50 47 46 50 40 35 31 30 20 15 12 11 8 10 3 0 40 km/h 50 km/h 60 km/h 80 km/h 100 km/h Dry Straight Curved Wet Intersection Intersection Non ‐ Location Feature 10

  11. Casualty Crash Characteristics: What 90km/h or above Casualty Crashes, Waterfall Way (btw Tyringham St Dorrigo to 10 m west of Pacific Hwy, Raleigh), 2009 to 2013p, Speed Limit 90 km/h or More, Crash Type 25 22 Number of Casualty Crashes 20 15 10 7 5 4 4 5 3 1 1 0 Off Path Off Path Head On (not On Path Adjacent Straight Overtaking Rear End Vehicles Miscellaneous Curve overtaking) Location Feature 11

  12. Casualty Crash Characteristics: What 80km/h or less Casualty Crashes, Waterfall Way (btw Tyringham St Dorrigo to 10 m west of Pacific Hwy, Raleigh), 2009 to 2013p, Speed Limit 80 km/h or Less, Crash Type 15 Number of Casualty Crashes 12 10 9 6 5 5 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 Off Path Rear End Off Path Opposing Head On (not Adjacent Manoeuvring On Path Straight Overtaking Pedestrian Miscellaneous Vehicles Curve Vehicles overtaking) Location Feature 12

  13. Behavioural Factors • Waterfall Way has a higher rate of inappropriate speed involved casualty crashes (41% v 30%), a slightly lower rate of alcohol involved casualty crashes (5% v 7%) and a slightly lower rate of fatigue involved casualty crashes (7% v 12%) • Of the drivers and riders involved in casualty crashes travelling at inappropriate speeds, 61% reside in Bellingen Shire Council • Of the fatigued drivers and riders involved in casualty crashes, 83% reside in Bellingen Shire Council. 13

  14. Behavioural Factors Casualty Crashes/Casualties, Waterfall Way (btw Tyringham St Dorrigo to 10 m west of Pacific Hwy, Raleigh), 2009 to 2013p, Contributing Behaviour Factors 50% 41% 40% Percentage of Casualty Crashes/Casualties 30% 20% 7% 10% 5% 1% 0% Speed Fatigue Illegal Alcohol Restraint Non usage Contributing Behaviour Factor

  15. Involvement of Heavy Trucks • Of the 81 crashes on Waterfall Way, five crashes involved heavy trucks, (no heavy truck fatal crashes). • Waterfall Way has a slightly lower incidence of heavy truck casualty crashes compared to Country NSW (6% -vs- 7%). • Heavy Vehicles account for 14% of traffic, NSW average approximately 7% • Speeding contributed to one heavy truck crash while fatigue was not considered to have contributed to any of the five heavy truck crashes. 15

  16. Involvement of Motorcycles • 19% of casualty crashes on Waterfall Way involved a motorcycle • 60% of all motorcycle casualty crashes on this section of Waterfall Way were single vehicle crashes. • Compared with all NSW country roads (14%), Waterfall Way has a higher incidence of motorcycle casualty crashes (19%). 16

  17. Summary • Over the five year period analysed there have been 81 casualty crashes resulting in 1 fatality and 113 injuries. • The majority of drivers and riders involved in the casualty crashes live in Bellingen Shire Council. • Crashes on curves and on wet roads were common. • Just over half of all crashes occurred on sections signposted at 90km/h or more. Of these, the majority were single vehicle crashes into fixed objects or vehicle rollover crashes. • Compared with casualty crashes on all country roads, there was a high proportion of speed related crashes and a high proportion of motorcycle crashes. 17


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