Water-savings Guidance and Model Standards for the Colorado Headwaters Region QQ QQ Fall 2019
QQ Water Saving Standards Project Policy Scan and Code Review Best Practices Research Model Codes and Guidance Your Logo or Name Here 2
The Resource Guide What Is In It? How To Use It? Recommendations Understand your current conditions • • Chapter 1: The Comprehensive Plan Lead discussions with water and land use professionals • • on greatest opportunities Chapter 2: Water Adequacy & Water Supply • To understand best practices • Chapter 3: Outdoor Water • • Inform updates to plan and/or code sections Chapter 4: Indoor Water • Chapter 5: Model Codes • Water Adequacy and Supply • Landscape Code • • Outdoor Water Conservation Code Indoor Water Conservation Code • Chapter 6: Policy and Code Scan • Appendices • Resources • Methodologies to Assess Land Use Pattern • 3
Po Policy and Re Regulations Matter. SM SMALLER LOT SI SINGL GLE FAMILY DEVELOP OPMENT 1 Studies found 10 to 60% water savings with increased density of single- family residences. 2 MU MULTI FAMI MILY DEVELOPME MENT Multifamily units consume 35 to 50% less water than single family detached homes. If a high-density development requires cooling towers, the savings may decrease or be eliminated. EF EFFICIEN ENT LAN ANDSCAP CAPIN ING AN AND IR IRRIG IGATIO ION 3 Landscape code requirements can reduce outdoor water use by 35- 50%. IN INDOOR OOR WATER USE 4 Water efficient fixtures and appliances, building and plumbing codes can have significant savings.
Land Use Regulations Are A Spectrum Voluntary Landscape Type of Standard Prescriptive Design Standards Guidelines Water Voluntary Conservation Water Use Ordinance Restrictions Suggestive Mandatory Voluntary Strength of Standard 5
RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Lo 1. Local g al governments n need t to t thin ink ab about w water s supply ly an and d deman and, e even if t if they ar are n not muni municipa pal ser ervice e pr provider ders . 2. 2. Co Collaboration is essential . 3. Lo 3. Local c al communit ity p plan lans s should ld in inclu lude a vis a visio ion f for h how t to m man anag age w water r resources. 4. 4. Co Communities should consider Water Smart development patterns during comprehensive pl planni nning ng . 5. 5. De Development approval standards for adequate water supply should follow state statute. 6. 6. De Development regulations should use zone overlay district cts for areas with limited water as . an and/or r rechar arge ar areas ons . 7. Al 7. All com ommuniti ties shou ould adop opt t or or str trength then ou outdoor oor watering g regu gulati tion 8. 8. Re Resort-ba based ed communi mmunities es sho houl uld d expl plore e oppo pportuni unities es for commer mmercial water er efficienc ency. 6
The Master Plan 7
“ The general location and extent of an adequate and suitable supply of water.” IF the master plan includes a water supply Colorado Co element, the planning commission shall consult with the entities that supply water for use Master Ma r Planning within the [jurisdiction] to ensure coordination on water supply and facility Re Requirements planning , and the water supply element shall identify water supplies and facilities sufficient to meet the needs of the public and private infrastructure reasonably anticipated or identified in the planning process.
Integrating Water into the Comprehensive Plan Plan Components Definition and Description Opportunities to Connect to Water • Vision A statement of the desired future of the Integrate principles of sustainability and resiliency into the community and the ideals the community community’s vision. aspires to achieve. Community Profile An overview of the community’s trends • Ensure the water supply projections and population projects and future demographics. are aligned, regardless of number of water providers. • Inventory and evaluate water infrastructure for conveyance, treatment and resiliency. • Assess watershed health. • Identify challenges and opportunities with managing water supply, water demand, watersheds and aquatic ecosystems. • Goals, Objectives and A statement of desired community Identify water-resource related goals and desired policy Strategies conditions, targets for achieving goals, and actions, including regulatory recommendations. courses of action or tasks to achieve each objective. Future Land-use Plan A map and/or plan which identifies the • Identify specific geographic areas where future development types of land uses that are desired for should be mitigated to protect critical water resources. • different districts in the future. Foster more efficient land-use development patterns through compact form. • Ensure future growth is designated in areas where water is available, sustainable and resilient. Implementation Plan A work plan that prioritizes future actions • Ensure implementation of priority water-related projects, and investments. policies and programs by creating a detailed action plan.
The Role of Compact Form in Water Savings What percentage of total development pattern will yield water saving benefits?
Creating a Water Efficient FLUP and FLUM 11
Master Plan Outline Current Conditions Resiliency Considerations Sustainable Water for the Future Resources A. The Water System A. Population Growth and Development A. Summary of Challenges and Expectations Opportunities Description of Water Sources and • Supplies B. Projected Water Demand B. Vision for Sustainable Management • Ownership of Water Distribution of Water Resources Systems Future Water Demand Scenarios • Water Systems Capacity • C. Goals and Objectives C. Water Supply Sustainability Water Infrastructure and Financing • • Climate Trends and Drought Planning D. Action Plan B. Current Water Demand • Transferable/Acquirable Water E. Short- and Long-term Priorities • Water Use Measurement Rights and Groundwater Management Non-revenue Water • F. Future Land Use Plan • Recharge/Recovery/Storage Water Conservation Programs • Program(s) Water Reuse • Conservation and Efficiency • C. Water Quality Programs • Water Equity D. Stormwater Management E. Watershed Health and Management 12
Water Saving Standards Integrating Water & Land Use 13
A. ADEQUATE WATER SUPPLY C.R.S. § 29-20-302(1) “sufficient for build-out of the proposed development in terms of quality, quantity, dependability, and availability to provide a supply of water for the type of development proposed and may include reasonable conservation measures and water demand management measures to account for hydrologic variability ” 14
State of Colorado Requirement for Applying Water Adequacy Review Counties Municipalities Size of Development for Adequacy Determination 2 or more lots 50 or more lots State Engineer Review Required Not Required, Optional Determination Timing Flexible within Flexible development review 15
BEST PRACTICES 1. Identify Permitted Water Source 2. Provide Proof of Water Rights 3. A Requirement/Methodology for New Development Water Demand 4. Specific Water Supply Adequacy Verification Process 5. Specific Water System, Distribution, and Connection Standards 6. Define Potable Water Standards and Verification Process 7. Link Water Supply and Zoning 8. Include Conservation & Efficiency Requirements 6. Clarify Timing for When Proof Required in Approval Process 16
Breaking Down The Water Supply Requirements You Are Answering These Questions That Match These Requirements 1. How much water is requires for the = water demand calculation new development? 2. Where is the water going to come = the water source(s) from? = adequacy verification process 3. Is the water supply adequate and sustainable? = water quality test 4. Is the water supply potable? = water system design 5. How will the water be delivered? = plan approval process 6. When will you require proof? 17
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