water quality and freshwater mussel status in mining

Water Quality and Freshwater Mussel Status in Mining-Influenced - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Water Quality and Freshwater Mussel Status in Mining-Influenced Virginia-Tennessee Rivers Carl E. Zipper Collaborators and Abstract Co-authors: B. Beaty, The Nature Conservancy J.W. Jones, US Fish and Wildlife Service C. Lott and R. Stewart,

  1. Water Quality and Freshwater Mussel Status in Mining-Influenced Virginia-Tennessee Rivers Carl E. Zipper Collaborators and Abstract Co-authors: B. Beaty, The Nature Conservancy J.W. Jones, US Fish and Wildlife Service C. Lott and R. Stewart, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality American Society of Mining and Reclamation 10-13 April 2017. Morgantown WV,

  2. USA Biodiversity “Hot Spots”* * Defined using a “rarity and richness” index. Biodiversity 6 top “hot spots” High 1. Hawaii 2. San Francisco Bay 3. Southern Appalachians Source: Chaplin et 4. Death Valley al. 2000. In: 5. Southern California “Precious Low Heritage.” 6. Florida Panhandle

  3. Presentation Goals: Describe status of freshwater mussel fauna in the Clinch and Powell Rivers of Virginia and Tennessee. Review what is known about threats to the fauna in these mining-influenced rivers. Review ongoing research that is intended to identify ecosystem stressors that are causing faunal decline in some river sections.

  4. Freshwater Mussels - Basic Biology  300 species in North America (highest diversity worldwide) > 70 federally listed.  45 species, 20 federally listed, are extant in Clinch & Powell Rivers.  Free-living adults, larvae parasitic on fish gills.  Limited mobility, can move along substrate with muscular foot, stay anchored in the sediment by staying partially buried.  Filter feeders, remove food particles and bacteria from water column.  Long lived, usually 15 to 100+ years depending upon species.  Sensitive to water and sediment contaminants, esp. metals, ammonia.

  5. Major Threats (Global) to Freshwater Mussels (Williams et al. 1993, Bogan 1997, Bogan 2001) • Siltation, from erosion, runoff, unstable streambanks • Pollution: they are particularly sensitive to some substances • Dams, channelization • Decline of host fishes • Invasive species

  6. Clinch and Powell Rivers Of Southwestern Virginia and Northeastern Tennessee Appalachian coalfield Ridge & Valley VA TN

  7. Virginia coalfield surface mining, as detected by Landsat satellites (Li et al. Env. Monit. Assess.) Mined (detected 1984-2011) Mined pre-1984 (most) Other VA TN

  8. Mussel Status* Excellent Good Fair Poor * Mussel status evaluated based in density & age structure VA / reproduction. Johnson et al. 2012. Walkerana 15: 83-98 Jones et al. 2014. TN JAWRA 50: 820-836 Ahlstedt et al. J. Mollusk Biol. Cons. (in press)

  9. Questions: • Why are mussels doing so poorly in some areas, when they are doing well in others that are close by? • Are specific stressors responsible for mussels’ poor status in some areas? Following slides summarize completed and ongoing research intended to answer those questions.

  10. 1. Mussels have experienced declines in sections of both rivers over decades. Clinch, Pendleton Island Jones et al. 2014 Density (per m 2 ) Powell, four sites near VA-TN border 1975 1982 1989 1996 2003 2010 1979 1987 1994 1999 2004 2009

  11. 1. Mussels have experienced declines in sections of both rivers over decades. In contrast, mussels are doing well in other areas. 35 Clinch River 30 Swan Island TN Density (per m2) 25 Data from 20 Jones et al. 2009, 2014. 15 10 5 0 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

  12. 2. Watershed influence by mining, as evidenced by water conductivity and total dissolved solids, has been increasing in both rivers over periods of mussel decline. 3. Total Dissolved Solids concentrations – indicator of mining influence in these watersheds -- are negatively correlated, both spatially and temporally, with freshwater mussel status in both rivers.

  13. Cumulative mining, VA coalfield as detected by Landsat, 1984-2011 (Li. et al. 2015) Cumulative Area Mined (km 2 ) 2011 1984

  14. Dissolved Solids, Clinch River: Mean 6 6 5 5 values and temporal 4 4 3 3 trends: 1960s – 2010, 2 1 2 1 by river section. 0 0 220 Dissolved Solids (mg/L) . c Mean Values River sections a ab 200 ab ab designated by b b b numbers: No Trend at α = 0.05 180 Increasing Trend 0 (Tennessee) Increasing Trend Increasing Trend Increasing Trend Increasing Trend Increasing Trend 160 to 6 (furthest upstream) 140 120 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Price et al. 2014 River Section

  15. 400 Dissolved Solids, Clinch River: (1960s-2010)  Rising trends throughout, but few Dissolved Solids (mg/L) 300 differences among overall mean values. 200 100 220 Dissolved Solids (mg/L) . c Section 2 Mean Values a 0 ab 200 ab ab Apr-68 Jun-89 Aug-10 b b b 400 No Trend at α = 0.05 180 Increasing Trend Increasing Trend Increasing Trend Increasing Trend Increasing Trend Increasing Trend 160 Dissolved Solids (mg/L) 300 140 200 120 100 100 Section 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 Apr-68 Jun-89 Aug-10 River Section Price et al. 2014

  16. Mussel Status Dissolved Solids, Good 6 6 5 Clinch River: Mean Mediocre 5 4 4 Poor 3 values and 3 2 2 temporal trends: 1 1 1960s – 2010. 0 0 220 Dissolved Solids (mg/L) . c Mean Values a Johnson et al. (2014) ab 200 ab ab b measured b b No Trend at α = 0.05 continuous SC in 180 Increasing Trend Increasing Trend Increasing Trend Increasing Trend Increasing Trend Sections 0 and 2; Increasing Trend 160 found SC in Sec. 2 > SC in Sec. 0 (p<0.05). 140 **************** 120 Later, Sec. 2 is described as 100 “impacted reach” 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Price et al. 2014 River Section

  17. KENTUCKY VIRGINIA km Big Stone Gap TENNESSEE water monitoring station (Virginia DEQ) Mined areas, as defined by Li et al. 2015

  18. 18 Land disturbance by mining, Powell River Watershed 16 New Mined Lands (km^2) above Big Stone Gap, by year of detection (Landsat). 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 Estimate annual surface coal production, Powell River watershed -- assuming (a) equivalent proportions of Wise Co. totals for both mined land disturbance and coal production; (b) estimates for missing years. 6 Zipper et 10^6 Tonnes Coal / Year al. 2016 5 4 3 2 1 - 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014

  19. Total Dissolved Solids DEQ monitoring data, 1967 – 2014: Highly significant increasing trend at Big Stone Gap (through 6/10). Increasing trends also present further downstream. 1000 Big Stone Gap – RKM 288.4 Dissolved Solids (mg/L) 800 600 400 200 0 Jun-67 Mar-79 Dec-90 Oct-02 Jul-14

  20. Spatial correlations of river km with mussel metrics in Powell River River km is proxy for mining influence / TDS, since major mining influence is in the headwaters. Mussel data from Johnson et al. (2012) based on 2008-2009 sampling . (chart from Zipper et al. 2016)

  21. -0.81 Temporal 0.97 0.98 0.92 0.75 0.83 Year **** **** **** * **** **** Correlations: Environmental RKM 0.87 -0.71 0.99 0.86 0.97 288 Indicators vs. † **** **** **** **** Coa l Mussel Status RKM 224 0.97 -0.75 0.87 0.83 Decay-wt. RKM 288 = Big **** † **** **** Disturb. Stone Gap RKM 288 -0.72 0.92 0.72 RKM 223-231 = TDS † **** **** Jonesville mean RKM RKM105-194 = -0.68 0.87 223-231 Lower Virginia TDS 5-yr **** † to Tennessee mean RKM Mussel density 105-194 -0.65 near VA-TN TDS 5-yr mean state line (4 locations; data Mussel from Alstedt et density al. 2017). † = 0.05<p<0.10 (chart from Zipper et al. 2016)

  22. 4. Bioassays to test influence of environmentally relevant concentrations of major ions (TDS) on juvenile mussel survival and growth have revealed no significant toxicity or growth impairments. Ciparis et al. 2015

  23. Hypothesis: Major ions / TDS / Specific Conductance are exerting toxic influence in the Clinch and/or Powell Rivers? Investigate Hypothesis: 56 day exposure of juvenile Villosa Iris , a native mussel, to major ion mixtures equivalent to “worst case” measured conditions both rivers. K+, 3 Ca2+, Powell: 942 mg/L 50 Mg+, Big Stone Gap 21 Na+, Ca2+, 86 K+, 6 HCO3-, 33 Mg+, 49 184 SO42-, HCO3-, 229 118 Na+, 114 Cl-, 19 Cl-, 15 SO42-, Clinch: 424 mg/L 452 Ciparis et al. 2015 Below Guest R.

  24. Methods (con’d): Experiment was fully replicated (6 groups for each of 4 treatments: Clinch, Powell, full pond control, ½ control); 1200 mussels total. Results: No statistically significant difference between either Powell or Clinch treatment with control ( α = 0.05). Powell growth was nominally depressed, relative to Clinch and control. Conclusion: Results do not support the “major ion toxicity” hypothesis – at least for V. iris at that life stage. Ciparis et al. 2015

  25. 5. Mussels are known to be sensitive to metals. Both water-column and tissue concentrations of potentially toxic metals are elevated in mining- influenced sections of the Clinch River where mussel declines have been noted.


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