
Water & Courtesy F. Phillips and S. Mills Salt Inputs/ Cyclic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Water & Courtesy F. Phillips and S. Mills Salt Inputs/ Cyclic salts and Riparian Weathering Outputs Transpiration Open Water Evaporation Consumptive Agricultural use Evapotranspiration Waste water Geothermal waters Saline

  1. Water & Courtesy F. Phillips and S. Mills Salt Inputs/ Cyclic salts and Riparian Weathering Outputs Transpiration Open Water Evaporation Consumptive Agricultural use Evapotranspiration Waste water Geothermal waters Saline Groundwaters

  2. Conceptual Model of Water Dynamics tr anspir ation pr e c ipitation e vapor ation Well pumping ir r igation R iver flow L F CC gain R io Gr ande dr ain L F CC Gro undwa te r Gro undwa te r t West s a re c ha rg e a nd r ec har ge and E disc ha rg e disc har ge

  3. Demands On Water R esour c es AVERAGE CONSUMPTIVE USE FROM SAN ACACIA TO SAN MARCIAL 27% 52% 8% 1% 12% Groundwater Outflow Riparian ET Crop ET Open Water Evap M&I Depletion

  4. Area of Interest for High- Resolution Modeling N Ma g da le na Mo unta ins Sa n Ac a c ia 60 So c o rro Sa n Anto nio I-25 Sa n Ma rc ia l 380 Rio Gra nde T e le sc o pic mo de l Re g io na l mo de l - I SC -sma lle r do ma in -re fine d g rid -c o nsta nt he a d fro m re g io na l mo de l

  5. Key Data Collected Geologic Data • Stratigraphy (color, grain size, hydraulic conductivity) Aquifer Data • Hydraulic conductivities (aquifer testing) • Water-elevation time series Surface-Water Data • Locations and elevations of river, canals, and drains • Surface-water stage time series

  6. Stratigraphy 400 ft Legend 20 ft No Sample Fine to Coarse Sand, Coarse Sand Clay, Sandy Clay Sand and Gravel, Gravel Silt, Silt & Fine Sand Clayey Gravel Fine Sand Santa Fe Group Bedrock Fine to Medium Sand, Medium Sand Water Surface Rio Grande East West 4560 LFCC HWY-W06 HWY-E01HWY-E02 HWY-W07 HWY-W04 HWY-E03 HWY-W02 HWY-W03 4540 Stratigraphy L ayer 1 L ayer 2 4520 Valley alluvium 4500 L ayer 3 4480 4460 Santa F e F or mation

  7. Aquifer Testing Aquifer Testing

  8. Aquifer Test Legend Well 0-20 feet Instrumentation Well 40-50 feet 0.5 mile s no rth o f Hig hwa y 380 in Sa n Anto nio Well 80-90 feet Staff gage 10 Extraction well So c o rro Rive rside Dra in 07 09 L F CC Rio Gra nde R io Gr ande C C F L Low-permeability zone

  9. Legend T ime -dra wdo wn o f ne ste d we ll W07A,B,C L F CC R io Gr ande r o f W07 = 15 fe e t Well 0-20 feet Well 40-50 feet Low-permeability zone Well 80-90 feet 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 Drawdown (ft) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Elapsed Time (min)

  10. Model Grid Do ma in is 320 ro ws x 170 c o lumns = 54400 g rid c e lls OR 6 mile s x 3 mile s = 18 mile s 2 re g io na l mo de l g rid is 1000 fe e t x 1000 fe e t T e le sc o pic mo de l g rid is 100 fe e t x 100 fe e t

  11. Three-Layer Model L a ye r 1 - sa nd L a ye r 2 - c la y/ silt L a ye r 3 - sa nd/ g ra ve l 0 fe e t 0 fe e t 35 fe e t 75 fe e t

  12. Surface Water N Rio Grande Socorro Riverside 1 Mile System Drain Luis � De sig na tio n o f g rid c e lls to Lopez Drain re pre se nt dra ins, L F CC, a nd rive r. Luis Lopez Ditch � E a c h c e ll ha s va lue s fo r: Model boundary •sta g e •c o nduc ta nc e •b o tto m e le va tio n •b e d thic kne ss Apodaca Lateral •ve rtic a l hydra ulic San c o nduc tivity Antonio Ditch Mosley Lateral Socorro Main Canal LFCC

  13. Str eam –aquifer System L a nd Wa te r Surfa c e T a b le Rive rb e d Co nduc ta nc e = Rive r Surfa c e K L W M Stre a mb e d R epr esentation of Str eam –aquifer System I mpe rme a b le He a d in Wa lls Ce ll (h) Rive r Sta g e (HRI V) MODF L OW Rive r Pa c ka g e : - Riv1 (MODF L OW 83) M RBOT W

  14. Estimation of River Stage Gage reading at San Marcial Stage height input for model 9.9 2.00 9.7 9.5 1.50 Stage (feet) 9.3 9.1 1.00 8.9 8.7 0.50 8.5 8.3 0.00 8.1 Oct Dec Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul

  15. Evapotranspiration I K ONOS – July 2000 Legend Crop and pasture Riparian Sandbars R ipar ian Other or inactive Cr ops

  16. telesc opic model Prescribed Head b o unda ry de te rmine d fo r e ve ry stre ss pe rio d fro m re g io na l mo de l Co nsta nt he a d egional model r

  17. Model Calibration 4575 Screen Depth 4570 10 - 25 ft Simulated Heads (ft amsl) Gro undwa te r 40 - 70 ft 4565 Budg e t R 2 =0.97 IN af/yr RMS = 5.22 ft 4560 River seepage 34,037 Net boundary influx 6,052 TOTAL IN 40,089 4555 OUT 4550 LFCC seepage 31,930 Evapotranspiration 8,191 TOTAL OUT 40,121 4545 -33 IN - OUT 4540 4535 4535 4545 4555 4565 4575 Observed Heads (ft amsl)

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