water flow uniformity test system

Water Flow Uniformity Test System Final Design Presentation Team - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Water Flow Uniformity Test System Final Design Presentation Team Members Jonathan Cook Perla Garcia Andrew Benson MECH MECH MECH Jason Haldane Mike Rasmussen MECH MECA Project Support FAFCO (Sponsor) Mike Rubio (Technical

  1. Water Flow Uniformity Test System Final Design Presentation

  2. Team Members Jonathan Cook Perla Garcia Andrew Benson MECH MECH MECH Jason Haldane Mike Rasmussen MECH MECA

  3. Project Support � FAFCO (Sponsor) � Mike Rubio (Technical Contact) � Greg Kallio (Advisor)

  4. Problem/ Need Problem � Joining header and tube array leads to obstructed tubes. � Leads to a non uniform water flow in panel � Reduces efficiency of panel � Quality control is destructive and inefficient testing process Need � Nondestructive, fast quality check procedure Function of device � Accurately measure the flow rate inside each individual tube. � To determine the number and severity of obstructed tubes.

  5. Specifications Requirement Engineering Units Target Should do/ Must Quantitative Specification du/ Would be nice Accurate Flow rate GPM ±.0008 Must do Quantitative measurement GPM/tube Resolution Area Sq Meters 9 sq mm Must do Quantitative Complete Time Minutes < 10 Should do Quantitative testing quickly minutes Repeatability Precision Unit less ±5% Must do Quantitative Requirement Qualitative Must do/ Should do/ Would be nice Test opaque tubes Qualitative Must do non-intrusively Accommodate two Qualitative Must do standard panel sizes Automated Qualitative Would be nice measurement

  6. Design Solution

  7. Engineering Analysis Tsn = Surface temperature T∞ = Ambient temperature T s n − T ∞ [ ] − α ( x n − x n + 1 ) Xn= Distance between IR sensors ) = e ( T s n+1 − T ∞ Tmn = inside temperature Rtotal = Total resistance ] + T ∞ ( ) e [ − α ( x n ) T m n = T m i − T ∞ Cp= Specific Heat ρ = Density of water α = Cooling decay coefficient • 1 = V V= Volumetric flow rate total C p αρ R ′ Tmi Ts1 Ts2 Ts3 Tm1 Tm2 Tm3 X2 X3

  8. Fabrication Purchased parts: Fabricated parts Temperature sensors Frame structure • • Linear bearings All mounting brackets • • Automation components Carriage • • Design Changes � Frame material change from extruded aluminum to steel � Switch to steel linear bearings

  9. Testing � Calibrate the Heat Transfer Cooling Coefficient of the system Correlation between inside temperature • and outside temperature (R ab ) � Accuracy of the System Comparison between the manually • measured flow rate and the output flow rate of the machine � Repeatability Data was collected from several timed • runs and statistical analysis was performed

  10. Calibration T mi T1 T2 T3 WEIGHT Run (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (oz) m* 1 55.9 40.3 39.7 37.7 3.4 0.053125 2 55.3 40.6 40.2 38 2.9 0.045313 3 49.7 38.9 37.9 36.2 4 0.0625 4 49.9 39.1 37.8 36.4 2.8 0.04375 5 51 39.2 39.8 36.6 2.8 0.04375 6 51.3 39.4 38.5 37 2.2 0.034375 7 51.4 39.9 38.2 36.9 2.2 0.034375 Alpha T mn R total R ab /R total R ab 0.081746 54.77179 3.23242 0.455492 1.451269 0.175722 52.50114 0.43392 0.257699 50.09709 0.457506

  11. Accuracy Tube Time Mass V* V* Run # (min) (oz) (Measured) (Calculated) 1 1 1 6.7 0.052 0.017 2 1 2 9.3 0.036 0.014 3 2 2 8.2 0.032 0.019 4 2 2 6.7 0.026 0.005

  12. Repeatability � 6.56% Repeatability Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 0.03 0.025 Flow Rate (GPM) 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Tube Number

  13. Did it meet the specs? Requirement Target Should do/ Must du/ Spec Met? Value Tested Would be nice Accurate ±.0008 Must do No Inconclusive measurement GPM/tube Resolution 9 sq mm Must do Yes 5 sq mm Complete testing < 10 minutes Should do Yes 4 Minutes quickly Repeatability ±5% Must do No ±6.56% Requirement Must do/ Should do/ Would be Spec met? nice Test opaque tubes non-intrusively Must do Yes Accommodate two standard panel Must do Yes sizes Automated measurement Would be nice Yes

  14. Final Budget Part Estimated cost Hall effect sensor $21.70 Stepper drive $199.00 Power supply $136.00 I/O device $182.04 Automation direct $86.56 � Sources of funding- Tubing position sensors $87.28 IR sensors $1,451.35 � Industrial Sponsor Frame (Steel) $120.00 Fans $80.00 Bearings $175.00 � Donated labor electronic housing $62.00 hardware $15.00 Sensor opics $150.00 thermocouples $43.28 Carrage $155.11 Total Material cost $2,964 Total Estimated budget for the project Total MECH hours= 2251 Total MECA hours= 481 Estimated total hours for labor 2732 Estimated budget for labor $105,478 Estimated budget for material $2,964 Total Project cost=$108,210

  15. Reflection � Problems encountered: � Frame took a little longer than expected � Positioning of sensing tubes � Water heater � Change of frame material

  16. Suggestions for the future � Further Calibration Required � Recommended Design Changes � Add an additional lead screw � Add a position home sensor � Revised specification � Relax tolerance for accuracy of flow rate

  17. Acknowledgements � FAFCO � Dr. Kallio (advisor) � Tech shop � Members of the team

  18. Questions?


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