water committee meeting

WATER COMMITTEE MEETING August 22, 2019 Agenda AGENDA Opening - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Regional Service Through Unity Meeting our Regions Needs Today and Tomorrow WATER COMMITTEE MEETING August 22, 2019 Agenda AGENDA Opening Remarks A. Chairman/Executive Director/Committee Champion Status Report concerning

  1. Regional Service Through Unity… Meeting our Region’s Needs Today and Tomorrow WATER COMMITTEE MEETING August 22, 2019

  2. Agenda AGENDA Opening Remarks A. Chairman/Executive Director/Committee Champion Status Report concerning legislation and regulatory matters, budgets, current projects and ongoing programs of the District including the Regional Water System, Watershed Protection, and Water Conservation 2

  3. Agenda AGENDA Action Items A. Consider approval of Water Committee meeting minutes – July 25, 2019 Recommend approval of Water Committee meeting minutes 3

  4. AGENDA Action Items B. Execution of Amendment No. 10 to Construction Manager At- Risk Agreement with Austin Bridge and Road – Administrative Memorandum No. 5445 • Consider recommendation on authorizing execution of Amendment No. 10 to Construction Manager At-Risk Agreement with Austin Bridge and Road, Inc., for a final guaranteed maximum price (GMP) on Project No. 101-0436-16, Bois d’Arc Lake Boat Ramps, as follows: additional funding of $24,446,814.38, resulting in a final GMP for o Austin Bridge and Road, Inc., of $73,836,594.21; set substantial completion date to October 23, 2020, for the boat o ramps; November 6, 2020, for the Bois d’Arc Lake Operations Center building; and August 25, 2021, for the floating boat house; set final completion date to September 24, 2021; and, o set liquidated damages to $4,000 per day from substantial o completion date

  5. BDL CMAR 4 AMENDMENT NO. 10 – BOAT RAMPS Purpose: • Construct a multi-purpose facility for: • NTMWD lake management personnel • Texas Parks and Wildlife Department • Fannin County Sherriff’s office • Emergency operations center • Provide public access and recreational opportunities at designated areas for Bois d’Arc Lake Scope of Work: • Lake Operations Center Area: Building, parking, warehouse and fueling station, bunkhouse, private boat ramp, and boathouse • FM 897 Boat Ramps • North and South Shore (FM1396) Boat Ramps


  7. BDL CMAR 4 AMENDMENT NO. 10 – BOAT RAMPS Lake Operations Center Area


  9. BDL CMAR 4 AMENDMENT NO. 10 – BOAT RAMPS CMAR 4 Amendment No. 10 PRICE Final GMP Construction Cost $20,647,113.71 General Conditions (8.6% of construction cost) $1,775,651.78 Construction Services Fee (6% of cost of work) $1,345,365.93 Contingency (3% of cost of work) $672,682.96 Additional Preconstruction Services $6,000.00 Total Board Approval - Ad Memo No. 5445 $24,446,814.38

  10. BDL CMAR 4 AMENDMENT NO. 10 – BOAT RAMPS CMAR 4 Contract P rice Sum mary Descri ption Status Am ount Ori ginal Ag reement - P reconstruction Services Bo ard Appro ved $340,000.00 Amendment No . 1 - Addi tional P reconstruction Services Bo ard Appro ved $102,000.00 Amendment No . 2 - Addi tional P reconstruction Services (S. U.E. Bo ard Appro ved $25,100.00 fo r F M 89 7) Amendment No . 3 - P rocurement Services Bo ard Appro ved $160,000.00 Amendment No . 4 - TWDB Lang uage Bo ard Appro ved $0.00 Amendment No . 5 - GMP No. 1 Construction Services Bo ard Appro ved $48,441,609.59 Amendment No . 6 - Addi tional P reconstruction and Bo ard Appro ved $234,000.00 Procurement Servi ces Amendment No . 7 - Addi tional P reconstruction Services Bo ard Appro ved $18,900.00 Amendment No . 8 - Change Order No. 1 Bo ard Appro ved $47,470.38 Amendment No . 9 - Change Order No. 2 Bo ard Appro ved $20,699.86 Amendment No . 10 - Final GMP No. 2 Pending Appro val $24,446,814.38 CMAR 4 C urrent E stimated Contract P rice (thro ugh Final GMP ) $73,836,594.21


  12. RECOMMENDATION 1) Additional funding of $24,446,814.38, resulting in a Final GMP for Austin Bridge and Road, Inc., of $73,836,594.21, 2) Set substantial completion date to October 23, 2020, for the Boat Ramps, November 6, 2020, for the Bois d’Arc Lake Operations Center building, and August 25, 2021, for the floating boat house, 3) Set final completion date to September 24, 2021, and 4) Set liquidated damages to $4,000 per day from Substantial Completion date. Contractor: Austin Bridge and Road, Inc. (ABR) (also referred to as CMAR 4) Scope: Construction Services and Construction Funding Project: No. 101-0436-16 Bois d’Arc Lake, Boat Ramps 12

  13. AGENDA Action Items C. Engineering Services Agreement to develop Risk Assessments and Emergency Response Plan for Regional Water System – Administrative Memorandum No. 5446 • Consider recommendation on authorizing execution of engineering services agreement with CDM Smith, Inc., in the amount of $637,641 for risk assessment and emergency response planning, Project No. 101-0539-19, Regional Water System Risk Assessments and Emergency Response Plan

  14. AMERICA’S WATER INFRASTRUCTURE ACT OF 2018 (AWIA) Background: • Federal directive signed into law on October 23, 2018 which includes new planning, reporting and testing requirements for public water systems • Systems serving more than 100,000 must conduct risk and resiliency assessments by March 31, 2020 and prepare or revise an Emergency Response Plan by September 30, 2020 Project components: • Review and incorporate findings from previous risk assessment and emergency response planning efforts • Update and expand risk assessments for Regional Water System • Update NTMWD Emergency Management Plan to include findings from risk assessments

  15. RECOMMENDATION Contractor: CDM Smith, Inc. Scope: Risk Assessment and Emergency Response Planning Project: No. 101-0539-19, Regional Water System Risk Assessments and Emergency Response Plan Amount: $637,641 15

  16. AGENDA Action Items D. Engineering Services Agreement for improvements to Wylie Water Treatment Plant III Sludge Handling Facilities – Administrative Memorandum No. 5447 • Consider recommendation on authorizing execution of engineering services agreement with Arcadis U.S., Inc., in the amount of $832,354 for final engineering design on Project No. 101-0541-19, Wylie Water Treatment Plant III Sludge Handling and Reclaimed Water Improvements 16

  17. WYLIE WTP III SLUDGE HANDLING AND RECLAIMED WATER Purpose • Reclaimed water facilities accept and recycle filter backwash flows • Proper equalization of these flows is necessary to maintain efficient filter operations and avoid process spikes • Proper sludge management preserves overall water quality through the treatment process Project Components • Evaluate operations for potential pump and piping improvements • Update major electrical components at sludge pump station • New concrete Reclaim Equalization Basin 17

  18. RECOMMENDATION Consultant: Arcadis U.S., Inc. Scope: Final Engineering design Project: No. 101-0541-19, Wylie Water Treatment Plant III Sludge Handling and Reclaimed Water Improvements Amount: $832,354 18

  19. AGENDA Action Items E. Engineering Services Agreement on Texoma Surge Mixing and Blending Improvements – Administrative Memorandum No. 5451 • Consider recommendation on authorizing execution of engineering services agreement with Plummer and Associates, Inc., in the amount of $310,595 for final engineering design on Project No. 101-0507-18, Texoma Surge Mixing and Blending Improvements 19

  20. TEXOMA SURGE MIXING AND BLENDING Purpose • Improve blending facilities at the Wylie WTP to allow Operators to better address the raw water variability and provide higher quality treated water at the plant • Facilitate movement of Texoma Pipeline water to different Wylie plants • Provide for special handling and treatment of water that becomes captive in the Wylie WTP’s yard piping under certain conditions Project Components • Add mixers at the Howe Balancing Reservoir to keep contents stirred • Add valves and interconnections to improve operational flexibility • Provide capability to drain certain sections of yard piping for special handling 20

  21. RECOMMENDATION Consultant: Plummer Associates, Inc. Scope: Final engineering design Project: No. 101-0507-18, Texoma Surge Mixing and Blending Improvements Amount: $310,595 21

  22. AGENDA Discussion Items A. FY19 amended and FY20 preliminary budget briefing 22

  23. REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM - BUDGET REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM Allen, Farmersville, Forney, Frisco, Garland, McKinney, Mesquite, Plano, Princeton, Richardson, Rockwall, Royse City, Wylie and 34 Customers 23

  24. RWS STRATEGIC FINANCIAL PLAN NTMWD Regional Water System PRELIMINARY Member Cost Per 1,000 Gallons $5.00 $4.50 $4.00 $3.50 $3.00 $2.50 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Current $2.92 $2.99 $3.14 $3.33 $3.50 $3.64 $3.79 $3.94 $4.10 $4.26 $4.43 Curr Incr 2% 5% 6% 5% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% Prior $2.92 $3.12 $3.31 $3.48 $3.62 $3.76 $3.91 $4.07 $4.23 $4.40 $4.58 Prior Incr 7% 6% 5% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 24


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