Washington Union School District Strategic Plan January 23, 2019
Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Goal 1 : All students will reach high standards. Goal 2 : All students will be taught by highly qualified staff and will learn in welcoming, well-maintained facilities that are functional and dynamic. Goal 3 : All Students will enjoy a friendly, respectful and safe learning environment that encourages responsibility. Goal 4 : The district will promote and develop positive relations with all segments of the school community.
Staff We will recruit and retain exceptional staff who hold high expectations, who participate in professional growth opportunities and who are valued and recognized for their efforts.
S1. Over the next three years (2017-2020), teachers will participate in information and practicum workshops to enhance instructional strategies aligned with 21st century skills and NGSS Standards. LCAP Goal 2 District wide mini-conference in August -Social Emotional Learning & Tech ● Equity in Education - Edwin Javius ● Curriculum Instructional Leadership Team - Social Studies & District Write ● District Advisory Council - LCAP, Technology, Induction, & Strategic Plan ● Professional Development - Next Gen Science Standards & Math ● Social Studies Pilot & Training - January 28th ● Social Studies Framework - January 29th ●
S2. Over the next three years (2018-21), all staff will receive ongoing technology training based on identified needs in alignment with the objectives in the district’s (2018-21) Technology Plan. LCAP Goal 2 2017-2018 : ● Coding Training ○ Bee-Bot Implementation & Training ○ Easy Scopes Implementation ○ 2018-2019 : ● Teacher Centered Technology ○ Google Classroom ■ Seesaw ■ iPads ■ Student Centered Technology ○ Quizziz ■ Quizlet ■ Kahoot ■
S3. The district values life-long learning and encourages staff members to seek out and participate in professional growth opportunities. LCAP Goal 2 Teachers have Participated in… Administrators have participated in… Next Generation Science Lozano-Smith Legal Consortium ○ ○ Implementation Lozano-Smith SPED Update ○ Transitional Kindergarten Network Comprehensive Safety Planning ○ ○ SELPA Behavior Series Active Shooter Training ○ ○ Teacher Induction Program Sexual Harassment Prevention Training ○ ○ NGSS in the Garden Superintendents’ Symposium ○ ○ Positive Behavior Intervention Administrator Induction Program ○ ○ Systems MCOE Equity Conference ○ Universal Design for Learning LCAP Annual Update Training ○ ○ Technology in the Classroom ○ Aquarium Teacher Institute ○
S4. Over the next three years (2017-20), staff development will be provided to support teachers and instructional aides with instruction of English Language Learners and students of special populations in the general education setting. LCAP Goal 2 Special Education ● SELPA Workshops - Autism Series & Behavior Series ○ SELPA Program Specialists assisting with Special Education ○ Autism Specialist contracted to assist case carriers, teachers, and support staff with ○ students on the Autism Spectrum Universal Design for Learning Training ○ Trauma Informed Teaching Seminar ○ Monterey County Behavioral Health ○ English Language Learners ● Training is scheduled for teachers on how to administer the ELPAC ○ Bilingual Coordinators Network at MCOE ○
Climate Students, staff and parents will enjoy a friendly, respectful and safe learning environment that encourages responsible, productive and innovative learning opportunities.
CL1. Over the next three years (2017-20), the district will expect healthy, respectful and responsible attitudes in students, staff and parents. LCAP Goal 3 Assemblies ● The Character! Show ○ Districtwide Service ● OmegaMan ○ Activities Mr. Eco ○ Help-a-Thon ○ Eye to Eye ○ Choir Carolers & ASB Elves ○ Unity Day ○ Unity Day ○ The NED Show ○ Character Education ● 8th Grade Speaker Series ○ Programs Out and Around ○ Community Service Kelso’s Choices ● ○ Great Kindness Challenge ○ Projects ○ Character Counts! ○ Bucket Filler Fridays ○ Kindness Corner at SBMS ○ Food Drives Character Tree at TPS ○ ○ Angel Tag Gift Drive ○ Pennies for Patients ○
CL2. Over the next three years (2017-20), our schools will serve as a model for a safe and positive learning environment, which expects appropriate behavior and appearance by all students and staff. LCAP Goal 3 Toro Park School 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 1 st Trimester: 1 st Trimester: 1 st Trimester: Office Referral Total = 35 Office Referral Total = 25 Office Referral Total = 52 Principal = 26 Principal = 18 Principal = 11 Warnings Slips = 9 Warnings Slips = 7 Warnings Slips = 41 Suspensions = 0 Suspensions = 0 Suspensions = 0 Bully Incident Reports = 0 Bully Incident Reports = 2 Bully Incident Reports = 0 Total students = 28 Total students = 15 Total students = 23
CL2. Over the next three years (2017-20), our schools will serve as a model for a safe and positive learning environment, which expects appropriate behavior and appearance by all students and staff. LCAP Goal 3
CL2. Over the next three years (2017-20), our schools will serve as a model for a safe and positive learning environment, which expects appropriate behavior and appearance by all students and staff. LCAP Goal 3 San Benancio
CL3. Over the next three years (2017-20), the district will monitor the effectiveness of district-wide character development and bullying prevention programs. LCAP Goal 3 Parent Survey Response Students show respect for each other 2015 2016 2017 2018 89% 89% 91% 90% Discipline is fair and consistent 2015 2016 2017 2018 90% 91% 87% 89% Campus/playground supervisors are helpful and effective 2015 2016 2017 2018 92% 95% 83% 94%
CL3. Over the next three years (2017-20), the district will monitor the effectiveness of district-wide character development and bullying prevention programs. LCAP Goal 3 Staff Survey Response I work with people who treat me with respect. 2015 2016 2017 2018 91% 99% 95% 92% The environment at my school is orderly and supports learning. 2015 2016 2017 2018 90% 97% DSC 93%
CL3. Over the next three years (2017-20), the district will monitor the effectiveness of district-wide character development and bullying prevention programs. LCAP Goal 3 Student Survey Response I am safe 2015 2016 2017 2018 91% 91% 96% 98% My teacher treats me with respect 2015 2016 2017 2018 85% 81% 92% 94% I know what I am supposed to be learning in class 2015 2016 2017 2018 92% 91% 95% 95% I know what I am supposed to be learning in class.
CL3. Over the next three years (2017-20), the district will monitor the effectiveness of district-wide character development and bullying prevention programs. LCAP Goal 3 Student Survey Response Students are treated fairly by the teacher. 2015 2016 2017 2018 74% 72% 86% 85% Students are treated fairly by the principal. 2015 2016 2017 2018 81% 86% 94% 96%
CL4. Over the next three years (2017-20), the district will provide opportunities for staff and students to participate in activities which develop an appreciation for the importance of community service and environmental conservation. LCAP Goal 3 Partnership with Bureau of Land Management ● Ranger Tammy Conservation Lessons ○ Native plant restoration ○ Science Assemblies ● Trash to Treasures Murals ● Garden Club ●
CL5. The district will seek out and provide opportunities to educate students, parents and staff about digital citizenship and cyberbullying. LCAP Goal 3 “Think Before You Click” assembly ● “Digital Compass” - Digital Citizenship Curriculum ● Parent education around “Online Safety” ●
Community Relations We will promote and develop positive relations with all segments of the school community in order to foster open communications, accessibility to school facilities and pride in the schools.
CR1. Annually, the district will continue to update and expand its website, using current technology and its interactive features. LCAP Goal 4 Website Upgrade ● Keenan online staff development library ● Sexual Harassment Prevention ○ Playground Supervision ○ Mandated Reporter Training ○ Coaching Education Courses ○ Self-populating, online registration packets ●
CR2. Annually, the district will provide multiple opportunities for parent education and communication such as, website use, digital citizenship, character education, school policies, LCAP and current curriculum practices and standards. LCAP Goal 4 New Parent Orientation TPS and WUS ● Back to School Nights ● Coffee and Conversation ● SBMS Science Night ● 5th Grade Parent Orientation @ SBMS ● Bullying Prevention and Conflict Resolution ● Internet Safety ● High School Options Night ● LCAP presentations ● Parents are invited to School Site Council, Strategic Plan, District Advisory Council ●
CR3. Parent participation in the Annual Survey will be no less than 70% of district families. LCAP Goal 4 Survey Year Number of Families Percentage of Participation Spring 2015 322 50% Spring 2016 416 64% Spring 2017 495 79% Spring 2018 568 90%
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