wales fruit and vegetable deficit

Wales fruit and vegetable deficit and what to do about it Amber - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Wales fruit and vegetable deficit and what to do about it Amber Wheeler University of South Wales 5 a Day Public Health Campaign Average purchase in 2003 39% Wales is 3.5 portions (Defra 2016).

  1. Wales’ fruit and vegetable deficit and what to do about it Amber Wheeler University of South Wales

  2. 5 a Day Public Health Campaign Average purchase in 2003 39% Wales is 3.5 portions (Defra 2016). Consumption likely to be lower than this due to waste. 2015 32% 2017 National survey % people eating 5 a day for Wales estimates Welsh Health Survey (Welsh Gov 2016) only 24% of people in Wales eating 5+ a day (Welsh Government 2017)

  3. Food System Farm Inputs Nutrient Production Management Public Health message Consumer Processing Demand Retail Wholesale Distribution Distribution (Wheeler, 2016)

  4. Food System Farm Inputs Nutrient Production Management Public Health Consumer Processing Demand Retail Wholesale Distribution Distribution (Wheeler, 2016)

  5. Planning for public health nutrition Wales fruit and vegetable production Only 0.1% of land in Wales is growing fruit and vegetables, 1,599 ha out of 1,842,878 ha of agricultural land (Welsh Government, 2015) Enough to supply an Estimated 5 % of requirement (5 a day). (Wheeler, 2016)

  6. 2% of land to grow 5 a day in Wales or 10% of Grade 1-3 land (Wheeler, 2016)

  7. Our objective Peas Please brings together farmers, retailers, fast food and restaurant chains, caterers, processors, civil society organisations and government departments with a common goal of making it easier for everyone to eat veg. An initiative led by

  8. Food System Change Farm Inputs Nutrient Production Management Public Health & Sustainability agenda driven by CSOs, Academia, Government & Consumer Processing Businesses Demand Retail Wholesale Distribution Distribution

  9. The story so far..1. Veg Retreat BUILDING A COMMON VISION & KEY COLLABORATORS

  10. The story so far..2,3,4 4. Workshops across Britain 3. Launches 2. Production of Veg Facts Jan/Feb 2017 London, Cardiff and Glasgow 7 th November 2016 140 people from 92 organisations & businesses and more online 1. Veg in Everything 2. Veg on Show 3. Veg on the Go 4. Urban Veg 5. Veg in Everything 6. Outlook for Veg 7. Clever with Veg 8. Veg Direct BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPING POLICY BUILDING BUY IN ENGAGEMENT BRIEFINGS AND & COMMITMENTS EVIDENCE BASE FRAMEWORK

  11. #PeasPleasePledge We pledge to play our part to help everyone in Britain eat an extra portion of veg a day

  12. 5. COMMITMENTS FRAMEWORK PRODUCTION EATING OUT TOWNS AND CITIES CHILDREN SHOPPING AND EATING AT HOME The commitments framework provides the details of what will be achieved.

  13. Retailer Toolkit launched last week 1. Retailers commit to re-evaluate the way they sell vegetables, adopting new measures to drive increased consumption while maintaining their existing commitments to reduce waste 2. Retailers and manufacturers commit to increase the volume of veg in ready meals (whole-meal replacements) and in on- pack and online recipes for meal ingredients (e.g. cook-in sauces etc.)

  14. TRACKING Peas Please and partners monitor commitments made at summits and produce annual reports. Monitor sales of veg as a proportion of food sales by weight.

  15. Veg Swingometer 0% 7.2% Sales of veg as a proportion of food sales by weight 20%

  16. How are Welsh producers going to ensure they benefit from increases in consumption? With the current import/ home production ratio, 1.5 million tonnes more veg needs to be grown in Britain for the population to reach dietary guidance (Food Foundation 2016)

  17. October 24 th 2017 Vegetable Summits London, Edinburgh and Cardiff (Senedd) 12-3pm Veg Trailblazers pledging across the nations

  18. #PeasPleasePledge Make a pledge for October 24 th - become a Veg Trailblazer! We pledge to play our part to help everyone in Britain eat an extra portion of veg a day

  19. References DEFRA (2016) Family Food Pocketbook. DEFRA Food Foundation 2016. Veg Facts: A briefing by the Food Foundation. London: The Food Foundation. Welsh Government (2015) Welsh Agricultural Statistics 2014. Statistical Publications Unit. Cardiff: Welsh Government Welsh Government (2016) The Welsh Health Survey 2015. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Welsh Government. (2017) National Survey for Wales . Available at: survey/?slideId=2&topic=population_health&tab=el_home&lang=en. Wheeler, A. (2016) Beyond 5 a day . Available at:


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