w hat do we do

W HAT DO WE DO ? Our services include: Emergency Shelter Mobile - PDF document

1/16/2019 P RESENTED B Y : R ANDY K OEPPEN Affiliations C HRYSALIS Been in existence for 37 years The first non-profit domestic violence agency to become a trauma informed care organization In 2017, Chrysalis served about 1,400

  1. 1/16/2019 P RESENTED B Y : R ANDY K OEPPEN Affiliations C HRYSALIS  Been in existence for 37 years  The first non-profit domestic violence agency to become a trauma informed care organization  In 2017, Chrysalis served about 1,400 individuals and about 86% of client’s safety was improved 1

  2. 1/16/2019 W HAT DO WE DO ?  Our services include:  Emergency Shelter  Mobile Victim Advocacy  Outpatient Counseling  Community Education  Offender Treatment  Transitional Housing E MERGENCY S HELTER  Emergency Housing  Transportation Services  Counseling Services for Adults and  Case Management Children  Safety Planning  On-site Child Care  Basic Needs  Education and Assistance Support Groups 2

  3. 1/16/2019 C OUNSELING  Counseling for  Safety-planning Children 3-17 years old  Counseling for adults  On-site child care using trauma- while adults receive informed approach counseling  Basic needs assistance O FFENDER T REATMENT  Treatment provide through psycho-educational groups  Offender treatment groups range from 26 to 52 weeks for court-ordered or self-referred domestic violence offenders 3

  4. 1/16/2019 C OMMUNITY E DUCATION  Educational presentations about domestic violence  Presentations for civic groups, schools, clubs, small businesses, and corporations  Provides representatives for health and resource fairs  Training for salon professionals using the Cut It Out curriculum  Training for teens on dating violence using Their Shoes curriculum T RANSITIONAL H OUSING  Locations throughout the valley  Housing up to 2 years  Economic Advocacy  Case Management  Basic Needs Assistance  Safety Planning 4

  5. 1/16/2019 M OBILE V ICTIM A DVOCACY  Free services for  Services delivered victims of domestic throughout Maricopa abuse County  In existence for 14  Highly trained and years trauma sensitive advocates M OBILE V ICTIM A DVOCACY S ERVICES  Lay Legal Services  Ongoing Case Management  Information about criminal and family  Advocacy and planning court procedures  Basic needs assistance  Assistance with and resources compiling documentation  Application assistance  Orders of Protection for the Arizona Address  Court Accompaniment Confidentiality Program  Information on Victim  Referrals for additional Rights help  Safety Planning  Validation and Support 5

  6. 1/16/2019 C ONTACT US  Visit us at https://noabuse.org/  Referrals for victim advocate services contact us at: (602)-955-9059 or by email at: advcoatereferral@noabuse.org  For counseling, offender treatment, volunteer opportunities, transitional housing information, and community outreach call (602)-955-9059  For emergency shelter call: (480)-890-3039 6


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