1/16/2019 P RESENTED B Y : R ANDY K OEPPEN Affiliations C HRYSALIS Been in existence for 37 years The first non-profit domestic violence agency to become a trauma informed care organization In 2017, Chrysalis served about 1,400 individuals and about 86% of client’s safety was improved 1
1/16/2019 W HAT DO WE DO ? Our services include: Emergency Shelter Mobile Victim Advocacy Outpatient Counseling Community Education Offender Treatment Transitional Housing E MERGENCY S HELTER Emergency Housing Transportation Services Counseling Services for Adults and Case Management Children Safety Planning On-site Child Care Basic Needs Education and Assistance Support Groups 2
1/16/2019 C OUNSELING Counseling for Safety-planning Children 3-17 years old Counseling for adults On-site child care using trauma- while adults receive informed approach counseling Basic needs assistance O FFENDER T REATMENT Treatment provide through psycho-educational groups Offender treatment groups range from 26 to 52 weeks for court-ordered or self-referred domestic violence offenders 3
1/16/2019 C OMMUNITY E DUCATION Educational presentations about domestic violence Presentations for civic groups, schools, clubs, small businesses, and corporations Provides representatives for health and resource fairs Training for salon professionals using the Cut It Out curriculum Training for teens on dating violence using Their Shoes curriculum T RANSITIONAL H OUSING Locations throughout the valley Housing up to 2 years Economic Advocacy Case Management Basic Needs Assistance Safety Planning 4
1/16/2019 M OBILE V ICTIM A DVOCACY Free services for Services delivered victims of domestic throughout Maricopa abuse County In existence for 14 Highly trained and years trauma sensitive advocates M OBILE V ICTIM A DVOCACY S ERVICES Lay Legal Services Ongoing Case Management Information about criminal and family Advocacy and planning court procedures Basic needs assistance Assistance with and resources compiling documentation Application assistance Orders of Protection for the Arizona Address Court Accompaniment Confidentiality Program Information on Victim Referrals for additional Rights help Safety Planning Validation and Support 5
1/16/2019 C ONTACT US Visit us at https://noabuse.org/ Referrals for victim advocate services contact us at: (602)-955-9059 or by email at: advcoatereferral@noabuse.org For counseling, offender treatment, volunteer opportunities, transitional housing information, and community outreach call (602)-955-9059 For emergency shelter call: (480)-890-3039 6
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