voluntary ghg emissions accounting methodologies

Voluntary GHG Emissions Accounting Methodologies The Climate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Voluntary GHG Emissions Accounting Methodologies The Climate Registry November 6, 2019 The Climate Registry Provides resources that support the measurement, reporting, and verification of organizations carbon footprints

  1. Voluntary GHG Emissions Accounting Methodologies The Climate Registry November 6, 2019

  2. The Climate Registry • Provides resources that support the measurement, reporting, and verification of organizations’ carbon footprints • Operates voluntary greenhouse gas reporting programs in North America • Publishes verified carbon footprints in a public web-based database

  3. Over a Decade of Leadership • Founded in 2007 • 7 core consensus-based guidance resources • 3,000 users

  4. TCR Members

  5. Reporting Protocols

  6. GHG Emissions Intensity for Delivered Electricity Electricity delivery metrics are • expressed in metric tons CO 2 /MWh • Converted to lbs CO 2 /MWh for customer use Emissions from delivered power MWh delivered power

  7. Delivery Metric Reporting Options Option A: System mix Option B: Separate products for customer categories • Wholesale • Special Power Products (multiple categories possible) • Retail (everything else)

  8. TCR Verified Delivery Metrics

  9. Option to Adjust for RECs • RECs bundled with power are already included in emissions intensity (no adjustment) • Electricity providers may adjust metrics to incorporate unbundled RECs

  10. Membership with TCR Recognition Training, tools, and opportunities in the support to measure Climate greenhouse gas Registered TM emissions Program High ‐ quality data to Consistent approach demonstrate for measuring and leadership to your accounting stakeholders for GHGs over time

  11. Thank you! Connect with us: www.theclimateregisty.org mzilinskas@theclimateregistry.org 213-542-0283

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